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You want to see hate.

I used my grandpa's Ruger 30-06 for several years. It shot well enough with partitions and I harvested a few animals with it. Two years ago I decided to switch to all-copper and I tried several different brands & bullet weights but couldn't get it to shoot a decent group at all. So I saved up and bought a 7 mag last fall. I figured the extra horsepower would be nice :)
Bad move, if you don't have at least a .30 cal for elk, it will bounce off when it hits the rib cage....
In many areas of the south, the .30-06 was aspirational growing up. A lot of us hunting with a pre-64 Winchester 30-30 really dreamed of a .30-06 bolt gun. We didn't know anything about magnums except the guys shooting .30-06s said, "who would ever need that?" I still have the first one I bought, never comes out of the safe but holds many fond memories.
Did you forget that there's some sort of contest on here to see who can shoot the biggest animal with the smallest rifle? :p
Watched a buddy of mine kill two bulls with my .243 and Cor-Lokts. Course I was backup with my RUM. Stunt shooting for sure. mtmuley
Bullets bouncing off Elks ribs with a .306 what are you shooting Marshmallos?:cool:
I was in a gunshop friday talking to the guy there about my friend wanting his first big game rifle. I mentioned he was settled on a 270 which set him on a rant about how it's a dead calibre, heavy recoil for performance, poor ballistics, ammo availability isssues etc.

I made some joke about the 6.5 creedmoor being the hip new calibre (not legal for deer in my state) and he proceeded to tell me how that's old news and fast becoming a relic. Now it's all about 6mm creedmoor and stressed the importance of staying up to date with the new calibres.

I just nodded and smiled thinking of my 275 that's been killing things since the 1800's.
First rifle I owned was a 30-06. Savage model 110 with a Nikon buckmaster 4-12. Purchased/scope mounted at turners outdoorsman in Riverside CA in 1999-2000 ish. Didn’t own camo, no rangefinder, no pack, no optics, no fancy boots, but I knew damn sure if I dropped a 150 gr corelockt in that thing and pointed it at something and pulled the trigger it would die. 19 years later and I have never taken the scope off, never checked the torque on the bases, probably only cleaned it once a year. Old reliable... #30-06LIVESMATTER