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Sofrin/Peax headlamps

I bought one of the sofrin after reading this thread. The thing is 10x better than any of my old black diamonds from 10 years ago. I bought a handful of them and give them out as gifts all the time. Nothing better than a simple headlamp that's bright, cheap, rechargeable and works well. Everyone I've given one has been impressed with it.
How's the battery life?
Back to the Peax vs Sofrin - I did the research. Peax claims their white light alone gives 1,000 lumens while the Sofrin that comes with red light says it is only 500 lumen. Realize you wouln't use 1,000 lumen that often but would be nice if needed. Peax battery is also slightly larger at 3,400mAH while the Sofrin is 3,000. Whether that is worth 3-4x the price - you have to make the call. For the guy who compared the two, is the Peax white light 2x as bright as the Sofrin at max output? I would love to know that. Thanks.
I purchased and used a sofrin headlamp (white light only) for an elk hunt in grizzly two hunting partners did as well. Worked great for all of us.

Much brighter than my old black diamond headlamp.
Which sofrin are people going with? I lost the link I had saved for one I was looking at
I have 3 of them I use regularly. One lives in the door of the truck, 2 come on hunting trips.

I ordered something on amazon on Sunday evening and saw they were 20% off for black Friday. I might order 3 more and gift them. I've had 0 issues with all of mine so far. Usually borrowing one out to someone with an inferior headlamp that wants to see better. Also love that they dim down nicely for in and around camp.
I went with the one that included the red light for use in close and also on horses (they don't like bright headlamps). $50 for 3 lights. They are slightly heavier than the plastic ones but from what I can tell, they are easy to use - big on off switch, easy to toggle between modes, can be locked while in your pack and very durable. They can also be removed and used for a light in tent. I look forward to not buying AAA batteries any more!
This guy's review was going around quite a bit when the comparison between Peax/Sofrin was initially being discussed. He just updated his review.

So what I took from that is buy the cheaper headlamp and four extra batteries. I’ll still save money and have battery life to spare.
Dang I just bought a peax headlamp about a month ago before seeing this today. I don’t care for the red light it seems to bother my eyes so I did like the green light so maybe it was worth it for me.
Dang I just bought a peax headlamp about a month ago before seeing this today. I don’t care for the red light it seems to bother my eyes so I did like the green light so maybe it was worth it for me.
I bought a bunch of the sofirn ones for gifts this year. People love them. I think i am up to 4 myself. Truck, side by side, hunting packs.

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