Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Sofrin/Peax headlamps

@rjthehunter my better half got these for my kids for Christmas this year. I haven’t tried them out or asked how they like them yet but appreciate the hot tip. I was asked if they had their own headlamps and i suggested these based on your input here and the price was right.
Your new username... lol

ht is better with you, stop getting banned
@rjthehunter my better half got these for my kids for Christmas this year. I haven’t tried them out or asked how they like them yet but appreciate the hot tip. I was asked if they had their own headlamps and i suggested these based on your input here and the price was right.
They perform just like the expensive ones I've had!

I think there's a lot of expensive gear we all own that's basically rebranded stuff. This thread was kind of a spinoff from the "things that punch above their pricepoint" thread.
Anyone try the Coast brand version?

Waterproof instead of water resistant. Price point is in between. I’ve been very happy with my Coast FL75, but the red light is lacking sometimes.
The HS21 (2200 with red) has been sitting on my WishList for a week, please keep us posted how you guys like them.
So, obviously lots of folks like the sofirn headlamps (and I know this is a headlamps thread)....but curious if anyone has feedback on sofirn flashlights?

Seems like picking up one or two flashlights for the house or truck might be a good idea....
So, obviously lots of folks like the sofirn headlamps (and I know this is a headlamps thread)....but curious if anyone has feedback on sofirn flashlights?

Seems like picking up one or two flashlights for the house or truck might be a good idea....
Same reasoning as the headlamps… what’s the worst that could happen - you wasted $20 on a crap flashlight? I’ve wasted $20 on dumber stuff.
Got a h35r, duration is issue with this one and it's going back. Max white lasted 2 hours, low white lasted 4.5 hours. Red was worse low lasted 2:15, max 45 mins. Not enough shine for way I use lights and rely on them in bear country. Might be battery, might be design either way no bueno