Yeti GOBOX Collection

Californians build house in GNP. FCD demands halt and removal.

Ill-founded insults only exceeded by disdain for Montana's treasured pristine waters.
Ill-founded logic on your part, well documented no less, that you lack proper insight along with a penchant for lack of respect for property rights.

Makes me think, judging by what you have typed, that you're the type that's whinier than a Californian.

You should strongly consider looking in the mirror after this defeat, consider what type of person thinks their (yours) feelings are more important than someone's property and you have rights to demolish it.

Based on your feelings. You're wittle, bitty, tiny weeny heart. That's why, that's the foundation of your (and many who posted) argument.

You have provided 0 insight, logically. Youve done nothing but whine about why their stuff should be destroyed. Whine because your feelings are hurt. That's your argument, your whole basis. Feelings.

And, on the insult side, you are ridiculously obtuse. You think with your heart, and not even that intelligently to boot.

But, apgar, the broads who owned the 'famous' corner c-store, fcd, couple others, they have more to come.

You could personally reach out to them individuals and let them know, given you're the doer of good, that their indiscretions will be coming due on payment. That would provide enough entertainment.

Let me reiterate. You should examine what type of person you are, based on what you wanted done to these people, who attempted to do the 'right' thing as is, on their dream home/land. Take a real, good, long look.

Damn though, gloating never gets old when you're right. Now, stop whining, start learning why you were entirely wrong, correct what mislead you to that point, and, probably in 5, 7 maybe 10 years for ya, you can gloat when you're so (unsurprisingly) right amongst a group of clowns.
Ill-founded logic on your part, well documented no less, that you lack proper insight along with a penchant for lack of respect for property rights.

Makes me think, judging by what you have typed, that you're the type that's whinier than a Californian.

You should strongly consider looking in the mirror after this defeat, consider what type of person thinks their (yours) feelings are more important than someone's property and you have rights to demolish it.

Based on your feelings. You're wittle, bitty, tiny weeny heart. That's why, that's the foundation of your (and many who posted) argument.

You have provided 0 insight, logically. Youve done nothing but whine about why their stuff should be destroyed. Whine because your feelings are hurt. That's your argument, your whole basis. Feelings.

And, on the insult side, you are ridiculously obtuse. You think with your heart, and not even that intelligently to boot.

But, apgar, the broads who owned the 'famous' corner c-store, fcd, couple others, they have more to come.

You could personally reach out to them individuals and let them know, given you're the doer of good, that their indiscretions will be coming due on payment. That would provide enough entertainment.

Let me reiterate. You should examine what type of person you are, based on what you wanted done to these people, who attempted to do the 'right' thing as is, on their dream home/land. Take a real, good, long look.

Damn though, gloating never gets old when you're right. Now, stop whining, start learning why you were entirely wrong, correct what mislead you to that point, and, probably in 5, 7 maybe 10 years for ya, you can gloat when you're so (unsurprisingly) right amongst a group of clowns.
Only thing this thread proves to me is that a broken clock is right twice a day and even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while….so go chew on those orange nuts azz hole and stfu
Ill-founded logic on your part, well documented no less, that you lack proper insight along with a penchant for lack of respect for property rights.

Makes me think, judging by what you have typed, that you're the type that's whinier than a Californian.

You should strongly consider looking in the mirror after this defeat, consider what type of person thinks their (yours) feelings are more important than someone's property and you have rights to demolish it.

Based on your feelings. You're wittle, bitty, tiny weeny heart. That's why, that's the foundation of your (and many who posted) argument.

You have provided 0 insight, logically. Youve done nothing but whine about why their stuff should be destroyed. Whine because your feelings are hurt. That's your argument, your whole basis. Feelings.

And, on the insult side, you are ridiculously obtuse. You think with your heart, and not even that intelligently to boot.

But, apgar, the broads who owned the 'famous' corner c-store, fcd, couple others, they have more to come.

You could personally reach out to them individuals and let them know, given you're the doer of good, that their indiscretions will be coming due on payment. That would provide enough entertainment.

Let me reiterate. You should examine what type of person you are, based on what you wanted done to these people, who attempted to do the 'right' thing as is, on their dream home/land. Take a real, good, long look.

Damn though, gloating never gets old when you're right. Now, stop whining, start learning why you were entirely wrong, correct what mislead you to that point, and, probably in 5, 7 maybe 10 years for ya, you can gloat when you're so (unsurprisingly) right amongst a group of clowns.
Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Law (310 permit law) is not a "feeling".

Again, I so wish there were a middle finger emoji.
(Harley, that's your cue.) :D
If you ever floated McDonald Creek from Lake McDonald to Middle Fork of the Flathead and downriver, you would understand the importance of preventing development and construction in the adjacent riparian areas and hence the need for the "310 law". In this Ambler case the "loophole" is a fluke which may very well bring the issue to the forefront and affect future development on private property within federal lands such as the national parks and others.
It is a shame that the construction progressed so far and cost Amblers' so much, but it seems there was a lack of due diligence on the part of all parties.
Hmmmm. The LA Times ran an investigative piece recently titled "Mysterious land purchases within Joshua Tree National Park worry locals, environmentalists." Wonder if the shadowy investor group snatching up parcels inside that park will be free to build what they wish now?
Would it sting less if the people involved were from say, Massachusetts? The California thing has been played out here in Montana. mtmuley
This stands out:


- and the sting relates to "out of state" people. Massachusetts, New York, California, etc... Regardless their residence, out of state is the key in the title of the news article from the opening post that defines as "Californian couple".

I don't see a difference which out of State the people reside. Equally, I detested Nevada mogul attempting to take Montana's "Last Best Place" for his "Paws Up" ranch.
They'll prolly triple their investment flipping it to a Texan.
Hope not, I'd vocally "Boooo!" the heck out of them if/when we float that area! Now, if I knew Texan's bought it, I'd be a bit more concerned a super Texan crafted suppressor .17 would deflate my float tube...

Years ago. Never went anywhere. mtmuley
Yes, Nevada mogul trying to steal Montana's "Last Best Place" was years ago, as was - Huey Lewis from your neck of the woods was from years ago - that still leaves a bile flavor as well. Thus, "Out of state" doesn't sit well. Your question was related specifically towards the focus on, "California", right? My content shared other States and an example of the Nevada lard ass.
Reality? Is it fair towards the out of State people to be stereotyped? Maybe, maybe not... Fair? Yes? No? To each his / her own.
Hope not, I'd vocally "Boooo!" the heck out of them if/when we float that area! Now, if I knew Texan's bought it, I'd be a bit more concerned a super Texan crafted suppressor .17 would deflate my float tube...

Yes, Nevada mogul trying to steal Montana's "Last Best Place" was years ago, as was - Huey Lewis from your neck of the woods was from years ago - that still leaves a bile flavor as well. Thus, "Out of state" doesn't sit well. Your question was related specifically towards the focus on, "California", right? My content shared other States and an example of the Nevada lard ass.
Reality? Is it fair towards the out of State people to be stereotyped? Maybe, maybe not... Fair? Yes? No? To each his / her own.
I took Huey Lewis duck hunting on Siebel's ranch in 1984. Many other high profile guys. That is how it started. mtmuley
I took Huey Lewis duck hunting on Siebel's ranch in 1984. Many other high profile guys. That is how it started. mtmuley
Yes, I knew a few as well during my time in the MO county, including Charles Schwab who had my x wife and I over for a celebration as well.

Same token, I was clearly opposed when they thought their non-resident $$$ would push to screw with Montana's Stream Access law. I was not a fan one bit. Though, as mentioned, to each his / her own. You're okay with their attempt to re-define our State laws, that is your prerogative, years ago or not.
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