You just never know about these guys!.....

DS, Since I know you I won't Be offended by your Post... ;)

But for me to Ask to hunt with you and you type :

"but you'd be sworn to secrecy. The only people I have shown this spot to I know would take it to the grave. The deal is they don't even go back on years when I don't go. "

You know I'm the Only one on this Board that knows (EXACTLY) were Greeny shoots his Bulls and 'lopes and bears and I think those are on a different calliber.... Not to meansion a few others hunting spots on this board as well....Questioning me ? (As I stand up and Pound my Chest and say "HA HA !!!!!" in my deep barbarian voice)

"That camp has run 100% on bulls thus far and it would be on you not to phuck up my stats!"

I know this was Toung in cheek Because I'm guessing My stats fair well against others.

"The hunt is in rugged terrain on foot,"

WHAT ?!??!!? I am in better shape then 95% of the people that post here and would go toe to toe with the Rest... You with your Pussie Horses.... I'll make 3 tougher hunts prior to this one without horses, And I'll throw a Rock or two in my BAckpack for fun !!! You questioning my Athletic ability.. ?!?! I stand up with my Barbarian Voice again and say HA !!! ;)

It goes without saying I trust you enough to give you the invite......just RSVP asap so I can plan accordingly.

AHHHHH.. "It goes without saying..." Uhhhhh Ignor my Above babbleing then ;) Consider this my RSRVPG or whatever. If I decide not to go you know my Moeny is good if ya send me a bill. HELL, I sent you $100 in the mail before I even Knew ya remember ?!?! COUGH*coalition*Cough ;)

seriously though, PM me your new Phone #, lets talk bud.
OK Dickhead.........let's get something straight........Greeny may trust you with his honeyholes for 400 class bulls......but my pissy little Colorado over the counter honeyhole is just as dear to me even though it only produces 100 class bulls and gagger Muleys! :mad:

And as far as your shooting and hunting prowess, your a legend in your own mind :rolleyes:

Your reference to the "hunting in tough terrain"?????.........well, lets just say I remember the comment you made about Greenhorn having to wait on your ass crawling up the hills behind him with your tougue hanging out while he laughed

As far as you being in better shape than 95% of the people on here.......and where do you get your accounting stats from? Fat Folks Are Us .com?
This ain't no Texas pen hunt friend. I know you can hang, but you may want to control your modesty until you get there and pack an elk up the steep on your a place the horse can even get to...........and as far as they go and them being pussies...........they laugh at you as we speak
I may be an old man of 42, but I did pack all 4 elk killed in camp last year out on my back because the folks with me weren't in quite as good of shape as they thought and it was all they could do to get their own asses up and out.

As far as your money being good.............we only take cash in lieu of the latest experience I posted on where where one of your buddies screwed me and my kindness......the next time I get screwed that hard.........I at least want a kiss ;)

As far as PMS'ing you my number, it is 318-617-0442...........just ask for killer............. far back as far back as I can remember I have gone out of my way helping folks with hunting......going as far as footing most of the bill many times. There are more than a few on here who have hunted with me and to a man they will tell you I rarely tag before they do. I am usually concerned more with helping my compadres than in filling my own tag. It is the comradery that makes it all special........hunting means more when it is shared with friends..........
What, you thought this was Pug you were dealing with? :rolleyes: ........the fire is there friend...............and it burns deep and hot. Sometimes the coals need kicking around a little to get 'er stoked.......but the flame is a sure one that can be depended on.......

...........I'll be expecting that call.......
DS- Your right about the hard core turkey hunters...this fella's goal is to bag one in every state (that allows it) in the U.S. and for a youngster (I think he is 30ish) he is well on his way. It was neat to help him coordinate a couple of western birds.

I hit the spring season pretty hard for t-birds each year but...the fall is for fur
Marv.......I am passionate about turkey hunting myself. Do you have good populations where you are? Are yours Meriams? The good think about hunting longbeards is the spring season breaks up the long wait between deer and elk seasons.

........Ray, bring the marshmellows and a few of them tall tales you have stored up and we should be set ;)
DS- We have predominately Rio's down low, you start getting into the Merriams at around the
4,000+ft level here. The Merriams were being transplanted down from Oregon stock by DFG and then the bunny huggers jumped in and got an injuction saying that they were "non-native" species. Thats been cleared up and they've begun planting a few again.

The local population of birds has really taken off
the last few years to where we are now allowed three toms in the spring :cool: (either sex) in the fall, but the few fall birds I've taken have been while deer or duck hunting.
Well DS... I'm going to do everything in my power to make this hunt. If you need me too, I'll fly into Denver and you can blindfold me till we get to camp! Let's not forget the .45 LC's just in case a band of Afghannys tries to break into camp!

Better start jogging tonight to get into some kind of shape... I can't rely on Austin forever! I'll never forget the look he shot you when he realized you were letting me get on his back.... "God damn... don't let that fat f%$&er get on me!" need for the blindfold know I would trust you with my life......

....... and good news on the rebel front as well.......I think the small band of resistance has been extinguished by Fish and Game. Last report I got, any found to be deemed incompetent may find themselves sawing logs! True enough, the local economy has suffered.....harder to find a notary and the trash seems to pile up more frequently,........but all in all, a harmonic balance has been restored and justice served.....

......and so it goes with bums and ho's.............or was that supposed to be "strings and bows"? :eek:
:rolleyes: :eek:
yeah right!...sound judgement! We were fresh out of the woods in our camp garb, surrounded by some 50 hells angels, and you go hitting on some fat chick!....who knew she was the gang leaders girl, right?!?!?!

...who says Encampment is a dull place to live?!?!?!
Ah yes..and watching DEM TIGERS on the big screen in the bar dismantling then #1 Florida like a sandlot team!...ah, the good ol' days!