Grand poopa
DS, Since I know you I won't Be offended by your Post...
But for me to Ask to hunt with you and you type :
"but you'd be sworn to secrecy. The only people I have shown this spot to I know would take it to the grave. The deal is they don't even go back on years when I don't go. "
You know I'm the Only one on this Board that knows (EXACTLY) were Greeny shoots his Bulls and 'lopes and bears and I think those are on a different calliber.... Not to meansion a few others hunting spots on this board as well....Questioning me ? (As I stand up and Pound my Chest and say "HA HA !!!!!" in my deep barbarian voice)
"That camp has run 100% on bulls thus far and it would be on you not to phuck up my stats!"
I know this was Toung in cheek Because I'm guessing My stats fair well against others.
"The hunt is in rugged terrain on foot,"
WHAT ?!??!!? I am in better shape then 95% of the people that post here and would go toe to toe with the Rest... You with your Pussie Horses.... I'll make 3 tougher hunts prior to this one without horses, And I'll throw a Rock or two in my BAckpack for fun !!! You questioning my Athletic ability.. ?!?! I stand up with my Barbarian Voice again and say HA !!!
It goes without saying I trust you enough to give you the invite......just RSVP asap so I can plan accordingly.
AHHHHH.. "It goes without saying..." Uhhhhh Ignor my Above babbleing then
Consider this my RSRVPG or whatever. If I decide not to go you know my Moeny is good if ya send me a bill. HELL, I sent you $100 in the mail before I even Knew ya remember ?!?! COUGH*coalition*Cough
seriously though, PM me your new Phone #, lets talk bud.
But for me to Ask to hunt with you and you type :
"but you'd be sworn to secrecy. The only people I have shown this spot to I know would take it to the grave. The deal is they don't even go back on years when I don't go. "
You know I'm the Only one on this Board that knows (EXACTLY) were Greeny shoots his Bulls and 'lopes and bears and I think those are on a different calliber.... Not to meansion a few others hunting spots on this board as well....Questioning me ? (As I stand up and Pound my Chest and say "HA HA !!!!!" in my deep barbarian voice)
"That camp has run 100% on bulls thus far and it would be on you not to phuck up my stats!"
I know this was Toung in cheek Because I'm guessing My stats fair well against others.
"The hunt is in rugged terrain on foot,"
WHAT ?!??!!? I am in better shape then 95% of the people that post here and would go toe to toe with the Rest... You with your Pussie Horses.... I'll make 3 tougher hunts prior to this one without horses, And I'll throw a Rock or two in my BAckpack for fun !!! You questioning my Athletic ability.. ?!?! I stand up with my Barbarian Voice again and say HA !!!
It goes without saying I trust you enough to give you the invite......just RSVP asap so I can plan accordingly.
AHHHHH.. "It goes without saying..." Uhhhhh Ignor my Above babbleing then
seriously though, PM me your new Phone #, lets talk bud.