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Been doing yoga close to 60 years. Not always, often enough. It's more than stretching. It's a balance of flexibility in mind, body, and spirit. These are three separate things.
I've done yoga before. It's both relaxing and f'n hard at the same time. Ya boi isn't flexible...

I still do a few poses to stretch my back and shoulders when I work out or even just at home when my back/shoulders feel tense.

Guys who are serious about making fun of guys who do yoga have something to hide, otherwise, bring on the chirping!
Translator seems to have misspelled deadlifts
Translator seems to have misspelled deadlifts

Deadlifts are great. Variety in physical fitness seems better to me. If you only focus on one you just end up on either end of the spectrum of physicality, either looking like a skinny bird with its feathers plucked, or a muscular toad. I try to find a balance so I can look normal somewhere in the middle lol
F@ck any stigma, it's a great workout with incredible benefits.
The only embarrassing thing about yoga is getting your ass kicked by some 73-year-old retiree
☝️ this.

Yoga is phenomenal exercise for anyone, but especially hunters. Flexibility and core strength are critical to keeping yourself from being injured during the packout. Nevermind the increased accuracy you get from a solid core, balance, and good control over your breathing.
As we age yoga rules for balance and flexibility. Mix in 2 spin classes a week and daily push-ups cause I suck at going to gym and lifting
I haven’t done it in years, but I oughta. There used to be (pre-covid) a free yoga class for veterans at the community center in town.

I always liked the mental clarity that came afterwards, but damn did it suck while doing it.
I should, by body would be happier for it- I just don't know if I could take myself that seriously or would get called out as some dirty ol man.

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