PEAX Equipment

Yelping Puppy???? Any Help?????


New member
Apr 28, 2004
So Utah
Just bought a new chocolate lab puppy. I forgot why I hated the "first week" of the new puppy at a new home.
I know quite a lot of you have had new pups and I am hoping one of you can bail me out!
Any suggestions as to how to quiet the little thing down, especially at night??
I don't remember my yellow lab puppy being quite this noisy, but that was quite a few years ago...
Any ideas would be appreciated, by both me and my "neighbors".....

Help!!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :( :(
Yellow pup quiet...chocolate noisy? Correlation??? :D

Sorry, no help. My yellow was well mannered. ;)
Try the old Hot water bottle, and a wind up alarm clock wrapped up in a warm towel and put it in his bed trick.. It always worked on our dogs... hump

Sounds like he is missing his mom I'de try the hot water bottle trick if that don't work try allowing the pup to sleep with the kids. and if that dont work call your vet. they might have some better ideas.
That was my suggestion, put a piece of your worn clothes in the crate, gives them something familiar. They are used to being with mom or other pops, then you put them in a room, in a crate by themselves, and turn out the lights. That yelping is there way of saying I am scared.
I brought a 4 month old yellow home last week and have not heard it even bark yet altho this could be a good thing. I have left him outside during the day and in the the garage at night. I used an old winter coat for his bed and he's happy there with his chew bone. He gets walked in the river bottom every morning and night for about 30-45 minutes which seems to keep him content for now. Last night I heard a pheasant crow a ways ahead of us so I worked him that way and he flushed his first bird. He nearly crapped himself when it flushed a couple feet in front of him but he watched it fly away and even started after it once he regained his composure.
:D Beat the living chit out of him:D

Try putting him in a travel carrier next to your bed, (It could be rough the first night). it comforts them and You will also be a step ahead kennel training him, a travel kennel is a must if you plan on using him to hunt. especially after he gets wet and must ride home in the back of the truck on a cold day, keeps the wind off, and keeps them warm.

I have always kennel trained my dogs from the very start, when they are older the kennel is like home sweet home and I don't have any trouble getting them in it.

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