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Yellowstone Park in June, any suggestions on where to stay?

Honest to goodness yellowstone is like a tour of a Walmart parking lot on black Friday.

Only less organized.

0/10 would not recommend.

^This is the kind of person who doesn't appreciate it for what it is, best to let him road rage on by while you stop to glass up some bears.

There is no place else like Yellowstone and it is well worth seeing at least once. We went this summer, I hadn't been there in 20 years. Sure it was packed with people, many of them were idiots, but the wildlife and scenery are awesome, the thermal features are incredible, and the fishing is good. Slow down and take a few days to see it, you won't get much out of it otherwise. Our kids absolutely loved it.

I've been twice. Both times in July. It was a good experience both times. I've been fascinated by bison since I was a kid so it was pretty cool to see all of them in Lamar and Hayden. I stayed with a friend outside the park but if you could I would stay in the Inn at Mammoth. It looks super cool and has the historical factor as well. The bighorn lambs were pretty cool to see as well. IMG_1896.jpeg
Hey OP, not sure if you want to camp, but I just checked Recreation . Gov and dates for campgrounds inside the park for June are just getting released now. You’re right on time for planning this trip.
Thanks everyone for the replies, my wife and I are flexible on the dates we can go in the months of June or July. Old Faithful Inn does have openings but the rooms average $500+ a night. We can swing it but that seems a bit steep. I need to check out some of the other places and see if that's high or average for the area. Keep your idea's coming and thanks again. We are reading them all. Kevin.
We took our son and daughter to YNP when they were young. I think it is the favorite family vacation we ever took. When our daughter was in college at Missoula, I met her near Great Falls and we went to Glacier to hike each summer. One year, we did Yellowstone. She surprised me with a retirement gift of going to YNP in the winter.

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I’m a big fan of Cooke City & Silver Gate MT just outside the north entrance

Cooke city is a tiny old mining town population 75 , cool history , hit the Lamar valley in the morning after breakfast, more buffalo than you can count , The Hoosier Bar don’t even open till 6 even in the summer , fun place to stay and have a few adult beverages , had a blast taking my folks up there for an overnight this late summer
We stayed in Gardiner, very affordable accommodations...had a hard time paying more when we were hardly in the room to begin with.

Made for some long days in the car, but that's all part of seeing the park in my opinion.


I never experienced a line at the north entrance, but another couple we talked to said the entrance to West Yellowstone was 2 hours one day.
When we went we stayed in Jackson hole. The snow Lodge in the park gets hot in the rooms and like you said , not cheap. Make sure you get into the park right away in the morning as the lines and wait are way shorter. I can’t recall waiting longer the 20 minutes. If you are lazy and wait til 11 to get there, yeah, you’re going to wait ;)
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Color me envious. That must’ve been pretty magical.
Geez, how cool was that???? Jealous...
It was God’s gracious gift to this undeserving soul. Even as a kid, I knew I loved it. There’s hardly a day that goes by now that I’m not thankful for that rare upbringing. A solid place to be a kid…

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Last year Wife & I visited for a week, stayed on Hebgen Lake, Lakeview Suites, not too far out to see everything. Good accommodations and quiet compared to some of the in-town locations.
June is magical in the Park. Fewer people than July and it's green & lush. Critters are out in force and doing critter stuff. I'll second @Little Big Man MT Chris on Cooke City/Silver Gate. Incredible spot to start an adventure in the park through the Lamar valley and you're best chance of seeing grizzlies, wolves, bison & elk (& black bear, coyotes, deer, etc). It isn't central, but I suggest spending some time there, then heading elsewhere in the park for a stay if you can afford it. Old Faithful Lodge is amazing and Mammoth has some incredible food.

If I had 4 days/4 nights then I'd hit Cooke City for 2 nights & explore the northern part of the park then relocate to Old Faithful for the rest of the trip. Grand Teton is right there as well, as is the parkway. So much to see, 4 days is really not enough time!
We booked for the week of Independence Day! We are staying at the Roosevelt cabins, which were fairly reasonable, though I can’t remember exactly how much. $600 for four nights rings a bell, but don’t quote me.

It’ll be the second time my wife and I have made the trek, but first time with our little boys- they’ll be 5 and 7 so I’m super excited for them- kind of right at that formative memory stage. We were supposed to go to Disney but lucked out and don’t have to do that 🤭
My wife and I stayed at Slough Creek campground on our honeymoon in 1990. Didn't even need a reservation back in the good old days. It's popular for good reason. Centrally located in my favorite corner of the Park. Highly recommended!
We are staying at the Roosevelt cabins
Good choice! Have a breakfast and dinner at Roosevelt Lodge ... you'll be glad you did. Hike from your cabin to Lost Lake, a fairly short but nice hike ... and check out the Petrified tree. After a long day exploring, just sit on the lodge front porch, take in the great view, and watch the tourists from all over the world.

(We envy you as Roosevelt Lodge is a favorite spot for my wife and me. We took my Mom there when she was ninety and she was delighted at her cozy little cabin with a wood stove.)
Took our early teen sons years ago. Stayed at old faithful inn for a couple days, then mammoth for a couple days.

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