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x-bows Montana illegal for old and handi-cap , during the archery season

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Why would we stay home? There are currently something like 17 weeks of seasons open to crossbow.

Edit: not sure why that quoted @Shangobango. Tech glitch I assume.

Glad you noticed I didn’t say that. I did a triple take and was thinking I really either need to quit multitasking, be prescribed psych meds, or both.
That’s a cute meme. Wyoming is a different animal they don’t issue more tags than there is wildlife. Crossbows would probably be fine if fwp managed wildlife and they don’t. Any change has to be legislated and any change for the better I have never seen. So when changes for the worse happen it’s pretty evident why people that know more than Montana fwp would oppose them. I bitch about it but I can see exactly where things are headed and it’s not good. And there isn’t a damn thing I can do about because some dipshit is losing a small amount of opportunity. Enjoy private land hunting and paying up to do it.
It’s been suggested more than once he can use a draw loc with a compound. It’s legal in MT and the OP could still bow hunt. He just wants to use a crossbow.
Or he can go to Wyoming and let the crossbow bolts fly during archery season.
some dude who won't take a hint while swinging an axe (on his own stupid website but deleted because he got caught) claiming to be "disabled"

Well now, I feel like I was taken advantage of…lesson learned.

When this issue comes back up, and it obviously will, please have better talking points than people who want to use crossbows are p*****s.
Wow !! It seems like some guys on here don’t think crossbows should be used during an archery season 🤷‍♂️

Montana being so bad at managing wildlife that they can’t risk having the elderly using crossbows during archery really isn’t a badge of honor.

This is why WY is a better choice for the OP.

I’m getting up there in age and not nearly as energetic or motivated to find the few public land bulls that remain as I used to be. I’m motivationally handicapped. I’m going to be 46 this month. I think MT needs to allow me to hunt on private property without permission. That would make it easier for me to keep experiencing the success I have enjoyed in the past.
This is why WY is a better choice for the OP.

I’m getting up there in age and not nearly as energetic or motivated to find the few public land bulls that remain as I used to be. I’m motivationally handicapped. I’m going to be 46 this month. I think MT needs to allow me to hunt on private property without permission. That would make it easier for me to keep experiencing the success I have enjoyed in the past.
I turned 70 last hunting season. Though still hunting hard, I can see the end of the roundup coming shortly. When it's time for me to move on, I'm ready. I would as soon give it up than water down the experience hunting in some other way (e.g. over bait, from a car, designated handicap only zone, etc.). I'll step aside and let some youngsters go after game the way I have done it (ethically). I'm not going to set some bad example for them. No excuses. Lots of other stuff I can do when I can no longer hunt hard.
Just hunt with a crossbow. How much could the fine be if you are caught?

You would only get a ticket if you killed something and someone saw you, otherwise you can have a great day carrying a crossbow, which isn't illegal...
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