Caribou Gear Tarp

x-bows Montana illegal for old and handi-cap , during the archery season

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here is the thing its Federal land with Montana regulations ,Montana may not be following the Federal regulations for the handi-cap on Federal land ? i wanna see what happens with the section line corners from private land corner to school section land corner, that case starts end of June 2023 this year in Wyoming but when its all over all states will part of this. if that`s positive outcome then the FEDERAL LAND LAW will be next !
So what happens when you become too decrepit to walk and hold your weapon? Are you going to demand to be allowed to bull-doze a road and make it handicap accessible so you can drive your motorized wheel-chair where you want to go and fire your turret mounted crossbow at game?
None of us will still be able to do all the things we did when we were young and heathy at a certain point.
When I am no longer able to climb the mountains with my son and brother I'll do just like my dad did for us. He would stick around camp, chase a few birds and rabbits and make sure we always had a tidy camp and a hot meal when we returned.
Some people just need to admit they can no longer do everything they used to do no matter how much they wish they could.

He would stick around camp, chase a few birds and rabbits and make sure we always had a tidy camp and a hot meal when we returned.

Certainly not wishing time away, but something about that sounds really enjoyable. No stress, no pressure, just relax and hang out.

I think about that once in a blue moon when I get to hang around camp in the afternoon up at deer camp during our rut hunt. Just hanging around on a nice autumn day is a very rare treat.
there will be a time when a true archer will not be able to draw his bow anymore because of health or age ,so then that person will have to decide should i just stay home and not hunt archery anymore ? in my case with my son anymore ? i started archery hunting back 60 years ago with a longbow ,then a recurve ,then they invented the compound bow which made it even easier for many myself included ,now 60 years later at my age of 70 i have to use a x-bow or stay home. > now many of you young bowhunters feel your right about old bowhunters should not use a x-bow during Montana archery season , well someday when your old let me know how that works out staying home ????????
there will be a time when a true archer will not be able to draw his bow anymore because of health or age ,so then that person will have to decide should i just stay home and not hunt archery anymore ? in my case with my son anymore ? i started archery hunting back 60 years ago with a longbow ,then a recurve ,then they invented the compound bow which made it even easier for many myself included ,now 60 years later at my age of 70 i have to use a x-bow or stay home. > now many of you young bowhunters feel your right about old bowhunters should not use a x-bow during Montana archery season , well someday when your old let me know how that works out staying home ????????
Stay home.
I gotta say some of you guys are just heartless. A guy admits he struggles with something and would like an alternative to be able to keep enjoying himself hunting. Instead of helpful suggestions for him to still get out and hunt you treat him like shit, call him names and basically tell him to shut up and go away. That's just wrong. I hope when you guys get older and have some trouble but still have the desire to get out and hunt nobody treats you like you are treating him. Who cares about his weapon of choice? The guy wants to hunt. Just like the rest of us. Without that we're all just grocery shopping. You say we need to get kids involved. How about keeping older hunters going if they want to?
I gotta say some of you guys are just heartless. A guy admits he struggles with something and would like an alternative to be able to keep enjoying himself hunting. Instead of helpful suggestions for him to still get out and hunt you treat him like shit, call him names and basically tell him to shut up and go away. That's just wrong. I hope when you guys get older and have some trouble but still have the desire to get out and hunt nobody treats you like you are treating him. Who cares about his weapon of choice? The guy wants to hunt. Just like the rest of us. Without that we're all just grocery shopping. You say we need to get kids involved. How about keeping older hunters going if they want to?
It’s been suggested more than once he can use a draw loc with a compound. It’s legal in MT and the OP could still bow hunt. He just wants to use a crossbow.
It’s been suggested more than once he can use a draw loc with a compound. It’s legal in MT and the OP could still bow hunt. He just wants to use a crossbow.
It’s also been pointed out that he’s more than welcome to, and has ample opportunity to use his crossbow during many different seasons, just not archery season.

So, good luck with that.
This reminds me of when Odysseus wanted to walk so far inland, with his oar on his shoulder, that they thought it was a scything hook.

I think we're about done.
there will be a time when a true archer will not be able to draw his bow anymore because of health or age ,so then that person will have to decide should i just stay home and not hunt archery anymore ? in my case with my son anymore ? i started archery hunting back 60 years ago with a longbow ,then a recurve ,then they invented the compound bow which made it even easier for many myself included ,now 60 years later at my age of 70 i have to use a x-bow or stay home. > now many of you young bowhunters feel your right about old bowhunters should not use a x-bow during Montana archery season , well someday when your old let me know how that works out staying home ????????
Quick shout out to the sponsors trying to burn this great state to the ground. Howa is making an ultra ultralight rifle and it can be used during rifle season. Heck use a crossbow if you feel so inclined. Not a single person has told you to stay home. You’ve learned these great spots enjoy them!!
many negative comments , some positive comments too to the positive comments thank you , but thanks for all the comments hopefully Brad see`s these comments too.
Man y’all are tough. Guess I don’t see the huge problem with allowing crossbows in archery season. You see guys take 60+ yard archery shots anyways. What’s an extra 30-40 yards for the guys that like to take long shots. How many extra people are really going to be out there killing elk in archery season with a crossbow compared to what’s out there now? Outfitter, private land especially (maybe that’s already allowed idk) just seems silly someone has to give up something he loves cause he can’t make an ethical shot with a compound but could with a crossbow…it’s and an arrow either way. Not to mention if someone wants to drag one of those things around more power to ‘em🤣
I stand corrected greenhorn did tell you to stay home. Montana has a long season people love it, the animals not so much. Seems like you have a lot of options to “keep hammering”.
Man y’all are tough. Guess I don’t see the huge problem with allowing crossbows in archery season. You see guys take 60+ yard archery shots anyways. What’s an extra 30-40 yards for the guys that like to take long shots. How many extra people are really going to be out there killing elk in archery season with a crossbow compared to what’s out there now? Outfitter, private land especially (maybe that’s already allowed idk) just seems silly someone has to give up something he loves cause he can’t make an ethical shot with a compound but could with a crossbow…it’s and an arrow either way. Not to mention if someone wants to drag one of those things around more power to ‘em🤣
thankyou well said
Man y’all are tough. Guess I don’t see the huge problem with allowing crossbows in archery season. You see guys take 60+ yard archery shots anyways. What’s an extra 30-40 yards for the guys that like to take long shots. How many extra people are really going to be out there killing elk in archery season with a crossbow compared to what’s out there now? Outfitter, private land especially (maybe that’s already allowed idk) just seems silly someone has to give up something he loves cause he can’t make an ethical shot with a compound but could with a crossbow…it’s and an arrow either way. Not to mention if someone wants to drag one of those things around more power to ‘em🤣
He can still shoot a compound with a draw loc. No need for a crossbow except he wants to be an exception.

Montana has made it very easy for guys with disabilities to still be able to use regular archery equipment during archery season.
Man y’all are tough. Guess I don’t see the huge problem with allowing crossbows in archery season. You see guys take 60+ yard archery shots anyways. What’s an extra 30-40 yards for the guys that like to take long shots. How many extra people are really going to be out there killing elk in archery season with a crossbow compared to what’s out there now? Outfitter, private land especially (maybe that’s already allowed idk) just seems silly someone has to give up something he loves cause he can’t make an ethical shot with a compound but could with a crossbow…it’s and an arrow either way. Not to mention if someone wants to drag one of those things around more power to ‘em🤣
He literally doesn’t have to give up anything he loves. My buddy shoots deer with his bow during rifle season cuz he loves it. He has shot bigger deer than me. To tell you how easy it is I have 5 doctors that would sign off on it tomorrow when I brought it up with them. Montana simply doesn’t need this nonsense.
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