Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

Historically this body of law‘s entire purpose was to prevent access. The law didn’t start when drones were invented - or helicopters either. I believe it is anachronistic law, but laws don’t change just because the times do. Judge rulings, regulatory rule changes, legislative statutory changes are what change the law. The 1% of Americans who big game hunt out west shared common sense does not change the law. And jury verdicts don’t change the law.

As a matter of literal reading, this is more likely trespass than not. With one or two judicial rulings or a single statutory change it all goes away. The fight will go on past this one jury verdict.
I think the anachronistic law u are referring to comes out of an old European doctrine. But I was referring to the actual WY law the judge “instructed” the jury to take into considerations which to me was bullshit. I mean why wouldn’t she instruct them as well then to take into consideration the state attorney general opinion letter on it being not illegal. Idk it just seems she’s really dumb and now making a fool of herself simply to make a point at the expense of taxpayers dollars. No common sense here in my opinion
Also robbing a bank is obviously a criminal law and no one in America would say it’s legal to rob a bank. I don’t think CC and robbing a bank are fair comparison. The circumstances in 2020 and 2021 or differences there of shouldn’t matter whether there were eye witnesses of them crossing or ladders involved or conversations had w game and fish or sheriff or any other differences in those yrs. All of that is just smoke and mirrors. They openly admitted crossing the corners both yrs. That’s the essence of the case in a nutshell. Nothing else matters. The only issue at stake is it illegal to corner cross. The jury said it isn’t. Why retry for the same offense? Nothing else has changed.
I think the anachronistic law u are referring to comes out of an old European doctrine. But I was referring to the actual WY law the judge “instructed” the jury to take into considerations which to me was bullshit. I mean why wouldn’t she instruct them as well then to take into consideration the state attorney general opinion letter on it being not illegal. Idk it just seems she’s really dumb and now making a fool of herself simply to make a point at the expense of taxpayers dollars. No common sense here in my opinion
The judges opinion is that the AG opinion is wrong.
Here's one article that seems to indicate the hunters didn't use a ladder in 2020:

Quote from the article:

"That seven-page document, not counting attachments, is Davis’ response to the hunters’ motion to dismiss the charges. Davis asserts that 2021 was the second year in a row the hunters had crossed corners in the area.
Smith, Yeomans and Cape had crossed at public-private corners in 2020, she wrote. At that time “[t]hey reportedly spun their bodies around the T posts,” marking the private property, Davis wrote in her response.

One of the men contacted Davis after the 2020 trip, the county attorney wrote. Although authorities issued no citations in 2020, “the charges were pending,” her filing states.
In 2021, the men used a fence ladder to climb over two T posts on two adjacent and kitty-corner parcels of Elk Mountain Ranch property. The two posts were chained and wired together, according to a photograph purporting to show the corner in question."
From this article, what would you gather was there in 2020?
The judges opinion is that the AG opinion is wrong.
Apparently so. She’s an idiot too. That whole county is retarded it seems lol. I mean u have every law enforcement agency from the state’s own game and fish agency to the county sheriff saying we will not write citations due the fact we perceive it as legal to cross and yet here goes the DA saying let’s charge them again for the sane crime. This is beyond hillarious. Just let that soak in, Wyoming’s own game and fish enforcement agency that is hired by the state of wyoming that is in total charge of enforcing game laws and poaching and trespassing is on record saying we don’t believe it is illegal
In 2020, one difference is they shot a bull, then the logic became, how did they get there to shoot the bull without crossing?

One issue I have is consistency, fishing for example. It is 100% legal to float a river across private and fish it, it's also legal to get out of the boat to bypass obstacles. How does that align with this????
Apparently so. She’s an idiot too. That whole county is retarded it seems lol. I mean u have every law enforcement agency from the state’s own game and fish agency to the county sheriff saying we will not write citations due the fact we perceive it as legal to cross and yet here goes the DA saying let’s charge them again for the sane crime. This is beyond hillarious. Just let that soak in, Wyoming’s own game and fish enforcement agency that is hired by the state of wyoming that is in total charge of enforcing game laws and poaching and trespassing is on record saying we don’t believe it is illegal
I'm not sure I have ever heard the G&F say CC is not illegal. They do abide by the AG opinion and not write the ticket. Lack of intent to hunt. And there is no place in Wyoming law that specifically says CC is illegal.
If it doesn't then I have an idea for the Task Force. Only 1 NR tag of any kind every 3 years. Does anyone have Sy's phone number?
I don’t think you are getting it… the unit has leftover tags every yr and can be drawn w no points. Residents don’t want the tag either because of the very reasons of this case. 90/10 doesn’t fix leftovers! Jesus
I'm not sure I have ever heard the G&F say CC is not illegal. They do abide by the AG opinion and not write the ticket. Lack of intent to hunt. And there is no place in Wyoming law that specifically says CC is illegal.
Well if it’s not specifically illegal that makes legal in my mind but who knows
Also robbing a bank is obviously a criminal law and no one in America would say it’s legal to rob a bank. I don’t think CC and robbing a bank are fair comparison. The circumstances in 2020 and 2021 or differences there of shouldn’t matter whether there were eye witnesses of them crossing or ladders involved or conversations had w game and fish or sheriff or any other differences in those yrs. All of that is just smoke and mirrors. They openly admitted crossing the corners both yrs. That’s the essence of the case in a nutshell. Nothing else matters. The only issue at stake is it illegal to corner cross. The jury said it isn’t. Why retry for the same offense? Nothing else has changed.
There is zero basis in American law for your conclusion.

But of course, many of us share your frustration.
Apparently so. She’s an idiot too. That whole county is retarded it seems lol. I mean u have every law enforcement agency from the state’s own game and fish agency to the county sheriff saying we will not write citations due the fact we perceive it as legal to cross and yet here goes the DA saying let’s charge them again for the sane crime. This is beyond hillarious. Just let that soak in, Wyoming’s own game and fish enforcement agency that is hired by the state of wyoming that is in total charge of enforcing game laws and poaching and trespassing is on record saying we don’t believe it is illegal
This is not only a game and fish issue. There is a dispute about the application of basic property law/trespass - which predates modern G&F regulations for literally centuries.

If you cannot imagine a legitimate reason why a meaningful number of trained professionals don’t see things exactly as you do, I think you have to look in the mirror for the one who is missing the point.
I'm the one not getting it? You sure about this?
It seems that way unless I’m missing something? Or misunderstanding you? U said earlier the bigger issue was a NR drawing it two years in a row. I could draw draw it every yr because there’s no demand for the tag. The residents don’t want it either.
Well if it’s not specifically illegal that makes legal in my mind but who knows
That’s not how the law works. Reasonable minds can make opposing arguments about the proper application of the law, and if you end up on the wrong side of the decision, your good faith disagreement is irrelevant in most situations.

No law has 100% perfect drafting and much analysis goes into the “unsaid” boundaries of most laws. The issue here is that we still have neither clarifying statute or appellate case law. We will keep arguing about this until we do. Hence my wish for appellate action on a case like this.
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