Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

Unique twist to this story: while Judge and lawyers were conversing out of the courtroom area, a deputy served three of the Missouri guys trespass tickets, in front of the jury pool, related to their hunting trip the year prior. They have a court date for pleadings on June 6th.

Tell me that wasn't planned...
I just read on the Meateater site that the three hunters who crossed the corner in 2020 were cited during the trial by the sheriff who had just testified in the case against them for the 2021 crossing. The DA or Eshelman realized they might lose and decided to double-down. They have to appear again on June 6. We might need to start another Go-Fund-Me for their travel expenses.
Unique twist to this story: while Judge and lawyers were conversing out of the courtroom area, a deputy served three of the Missouri guys trespass tickets, in front of the jury pool, related to their hunting trip the year prior. They have a court date for pleadings on June 6th.

Tell me that wasn't planned...
And this is why we need a trial court loss and a successful appeal to make progress on this issue (or preferably but unlikely a legislative fix). Not only wasn’t the jury decision a deterrent to other counties and different fact scenarios, it wasn’t even a deterrent for this county with these defendants.
And this is why we need a trial court loss and a successful appeal to make progress on this issue (or preferably but unlikely a legislative fix). Not only wasn’t the jury decision a deterrent to other counties and different fact scenarios, it wasn’t even a deterrent for this county with these defendants.
The trial hadn't started yet, there was no jury decision.
Unique twist to this story: while Judge and lawyers were conversing out of the courtroom area, a deputy served three of the Missouri guys trespass tickets, in front of the jury pool, related to their hunting trip the year prior. They have a court date for pleadings on June 6th.

Tell me that wasn't planned...
Thats so outrageous. That makes me want to go cross the corner and I dont even have a tag this year.

I'm sure voir dire will be interesting for the second trial.
My personal experience is their views start as their own. They then add enough local perspective to get elected to early feeder positions (city council, state house). Then they add the official party positions to help build influence within the structure. Some then add “national aspiration” positions. With these “positions” they can typically get plenty of $$ (both left and right). It is exceedingly rare to see a legislator vote in a way that cannot be explained by one of the above. There is no need to pander for $$ because the other side will always match the $$.

Our govt is broken, but not because votes can be bought for $150.

But if that is true, then we can do a go fund page and completely redesign Iowa G&F laws to our liking. 51 Reps + 26 Senators and we have carte blanche for $11,500. Hell it took 6x that to get a not guilty verdict in one WY trespass case.
Good point. You would think that politicians would figure out that if they are persuadable they can get more money. If they are set on their views, the $150 is just to keep them from repeatedly calling to ask for the $150.
Do you think they will drop them now? Also, anybody heard from the jury? Was it lack of intent? Jury nulification of “dumb” aerial property rights statute? Some other reason?
Based on the way Ashley Mayfield Davis handled this whole thing from the start, I would say there's a chance she will take this one to trial too. The Circuit Court judge should dismiss the charges for certain. The lawyers requested a mistrial when the guys were served if front of the jury pool and it was denied. Something stinks really bad in the Rawlins courthouse and it may be the color green.
Angus getting the word out on the new charges……..

Hunters face new corner-crossing trespass charges​

A jury found four Missouri men not guilty of trespassing when they corner-crossed in 2021. Now three of them face similar charges stemming from a hunting trip in 2020.

Judge Stipe signed the summons Monday, April 25 and a deputy served them to the three hunters on April 27, just before Stipe began the voir dire jury selection process in Rawlins.

According to two sources who either witnessed the serving or heard it described to the judge, the deputy handed the summons to the defendants in front of most of the 58-member jury pool.
So they are gonna try them again for the exact same alleged crime they were found innocent on?!! This has to be the biggest joke of a court and DA I have ever saw!! How is this even being allowed?!! I mean literally the DA is wanting to try them for crossing the same corner the previous yr and they were just found not guilty?!! Why would the judge allow this?
So they are gonna try them again for the exact same alleged crime they were found innocent on?!! This has to be the biggest joke of a court and DA I have ever saw!! How is this even being allowed?!! I mean literally the DA is wanting to try them for crossing the same corner the previous yr and they were just found not guilty?!! Why would the judge allow this?
I agree this is BS gamesmanship. As to how possible, different jury, allegedly different facts. This is why jury verdicts are great for the defendants but do nothing to advance the law.
I agree this is BS gamesmanship. As to how possible, different jury, allegedly different facts. This is why jury verdicts are great for the defendants but do nothing to advance the law.
I thought the alleged facts were the same? That they crossed the exact same corners in the same areas? This has to be the wildest thing I’ve ever saw! Surely there needs to be some level of an investigation to corruption in this case?
Does anybody know the facts of the 2020 case? They were pretty undisputed for 2021, but I don't know what info or evidence they have from 2020.
Does anybody know the facts of the 2020 case? They were pretty undisputed for 2021, but I don't know what info or evidence they have from 2020.
Well it’s the exact same corners/areas they just got found not guilty on is my understanding. Looks to be the exact same accusation on the exact same corners and area
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