Wyoming $75 NR application fee proposal and more...

I don't know, not many people are supporting it. I'm going to personally recommend 50/50 random/preference and keep the system the same.

There's a wild idea from Cyrus Western about adopting something like Idaho where you can only apply for one species a year. Thats going nowhere is my guess.

Quite frankly, I really don't give a FF anymore...let those that still have skin in the game fight it out. I'm over it.
They have to do something. How can WY even justify selling points right now. In SC they just eliminated lottery turkey hunts because the amount of point holders was unreasonable at 10+ years. They refunded every point you historically bought and opened up those hunt zones with restrictions. There is right and then there is wrong. Fix the system or refund everyone’s accrued points.
Dude! Why do you have to be that way? @BuzzH is trying to inform all of us,“we”, about some shady legislation that would impact all of us. Don’t turn it into a NR vs. R thing. No one needs to hear about how us NR are getting screwed over or whatever your heartburn is about. There’s enough of that going on and it doesn’t help the situation.
Just take the information and join the fight to stop it or get out of the way, quit with the bitching.
I guess to follow up with the deleted post, I don't expect NR's to put in the leg work. This is a Wyoming issue and IMO, its not about the money and application fee increase that bothers me as much as where its going and what its used for.

If it was used to give wardens a raise, biologists a raise, more collars for studies, fine, whatever...I'm not a cheapskate.

But, when its used to work AGAINST hunters, access, and in defiance of the very best tool you can use to manage elk...go hold a bake sale.
They have to do something. How can WY even justify selling points right now. In SC they just eliminated lottery turkey hunts because the amount of point holders was unreasonable at 10+ years. They refunded every point you historically bought and opened up those hunt zones with restrictions. There is right and then there is wrong. Fix the system or refund everyone’s accrued points.
Look dude,

I've testified in front of the commission, trw, task force, and legislature and brought a solution that I feel would be palatable to everyone.

That being splitting the baby 50/50 between random and preference. A simple change of "75-25" to "50-50".

That would double the amount of tags for those in the random side, but still reward the long term applicant.

I didn't recall seeing your solution. I must have missed you at the commission, TRW, Legislature, and task force when I was there trying to solve a problem for a bunch of ungrateful whiners. A solution to a problem that doesn't even impact me because I supported a piece of legislation that impacted me negatively (once in a lifetime for bull moose and bighorn sheep retroactive to 5 years past). I lifed myself out of ever drawing another bighorn ram tag in Wyoming. I didn't look out for my own best interest, like damn near every single other person does when these point system discussions happen, that would include you. Name me the last time you opposed or supported legislation that wasn't in YOUR best interest...I'll not hold my breath.

I'm about done feeling sorry for you and listening to your complaints and let me be the first to tell you "they" don't get shit done. Whoever "they" are. People that show up get things done.
I’ve put forward proposals (albeit online) and listened live to the last game and fish committee meeting. Where no public comments were made on the proposed moose legislation. It was reasonable so I didn’t offer an online comment. There are multiple solutions but you can’t ignore stakeholders. If your solution was bonus/sq bonus and random, sure. But true preference is not equitable and makes worthless too many points. I have supported, albeit not in person, several changes across several states that would hurt my ability to draw a tag. I have resources to buy tags, front cost, pay special prices. I oppose all those on principle.
I’ve put forward proposals (albeit online) and listened live to the last game and fish committee meeting. Where no public comments were made on the proposed moose legislation. It was reasonable so I didn’t offer an online comment. There are multiple solutions but you can’t ignore stakeholders. If your solution was bonus/sq bonus and random, sure. But true preference is not equitable and makes worthless too many points. I have supported, albeit not in person, several changes across several states that would hurt my ability to draw a tag. I have resources to buy tags, front cost, pay special prices. I oppose all those on principle.
What about the stakeholders that have been in the preference system for 30 years?

Piss on them?

The only solution your looking for is one that benefits you, can't BS me.
What about the stakeholders that have been in the preference system for 30 years?

Piss on them?

The only solution your looking for is one that benefits you, can't BS me.
They are rewarded based on their points. Cube the points for all I care. But giving very few a guarantee by fully eliminating point values for the vast majority is not a workable solution. Especially as WY has continued to sell worthless points.
They are rewarded based on their points. Cube the points for all I care. But giving very few a guarantee by fully eliminating point values for the vast majority is not a workable solution. Especially as WY has continued to sell worthless points.
Why'd anyone buy them if they were worthless? Isnt that your fault as a consumer?
They are rewarded based on their points. Cube the points for all I care. But giving very few a guarantee by fully eliminating point values for the vast majority is not a workable solution. Especially as WY has continued to sell worthless points.
Wrong, you don't understand basic math and increasing applicants.

The preference system works, just not in your favor since you're a Johnnie-come-lately.

NR hunters with less than max points draw sheep and moose tags every year in the preference side, so do residents. Doubling the allocation of random tags will help everyone, even you.

Keep in mind, you're not required to apply in Wyoming.

But, there is a NR with 17 points who drew a preference tag and will be hunting moose while you're on the couch.

Worked for that person.

They are rewarded based on their points. Cube the points for all I care. But giving very few a guarantee by fully eliminating point values for the vast majority is not a workable solution. Especially as WY has continued to sell worthless points.
Well who would have guessed?

The preference system works so bad some Residents with a whopping 2 points are hunting moose this fall.

Im good at math, and per WY’s own task force and presentation the system makes a large majority of NR point holding worthless.

At this rate with all of the states trying to raise fees and prices, might be worth it to stick with fishing until they start to raise the fees for that too.
I'm already there man as far as western big game hunting goes. The freezer can be filled hunting at home, and the adventure can still be had out west while fly fishing (and there's less people around). If I can get the adventure without the crazy non-resident hunting prices, maybe I should just fish.
For the record, I can tell you right now how this is going to go. Resident app fees will not increase a penny but NR fees will go straight to $75.

Its also not about the fee increase, as much as where its going. But, I get it that reading sign is not your strong suit.

But you never fail to disappoint in your asshatery though!
Plus pretty sure that if you ever decide to move to WY, all your accumulated points while being a NR will significantly move you up the line on getting a moose tag.
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