WY Game and Fish wants your thoughts on the preference point system (Moose and Sheep)

Way to try and shift the narrative. Actions done out of power, vindictiveness, and spite have absolutely no place in public trust decisions.
I have no ill intentions towards wildlife or nonresidents. Nonresidents that feel entitled especially the eastern and midwestern guys that tell us how we should when they don’t have a clue I do take issue with. I’m not on the wrong side of that. Sorry if that hurts your feelers.
NR's whine and leave so much opportunity on the table, I find it laughable.
No doubt this is true for I believe every single state out west except maybe one when it comes to hunting elk, deer, lope and the big three. I have never had a problem with finding a state out west willing to let me have a tag in pocket for the 2 to 3 trips I go on every year. The day that comes, I'll whine like a little kid
Because you’re wanting to impose a punitive action against someone you don’t like.
I’m a Montana resident this does not make me happy I would love to hunt Wyoming. I have points in Wyoming. I do understand why things headed this way. If you put more demand on a very limited resource what did you think would happen. I will simply say I feel stronger about having wildlife on the landscape than I do having nonresident hunters. In Montana I would love to see less resident hunters as well. It sucks but it’s not on me it’s the people that pushed demand before supply you should be angry at.
After all, the newcomers will be in their shoes at some point
Actually, no, they won’t. 30 years from now hunters cashing in PP for premium tags will mostly be kids whose parents bought PP for them when they were teenagers. It’s a fundamentally flawed system.

It’s also about 2% of the whole picture of western big game tags. If you look at the rest of the 98%, there is tremendous opportunity, as @BuzzH points out. Especially when you include tags for female species.

I’m now 2/2 on picking up elk tags by trying to read the “gohunt effect” and moving in the opposite direction, with a little luck thrown in.
Not a question if you can hunt, it is a question of reasonable allocation of shared resources. The current system favors 1 particular group over all others and that is the steaming load of crap sir. "Just be thankful for what you get" while the "special people" are over here hoarding supposedly shared resources is a lousy view of the North American model. But since you are one of the "special people" it works great for you. And you get butt-hurt if anyone questions your infinite wisdom. Carry on.
Ufda, your argument is predicated on the idea that a small group get all the tags every year. In case you haven't heard, if you draw a tag, you lose your points.

Signed, a non-special person (just ask my wife)
Pretty sure when the point systems in all states were proposed and implemented, the advertising was your chances of drawing would be greatly enhanced by participating in the point system. The people with a lot of points in multiple states were just following the rules. If you are 40 yrs old and don’t have max points in Wyoming for deer, antelope and elk, that’s not my fault. You should also have 20 points for multiple species in multiple states. There are states with different systems (random, pref pt, bonus, bonus squared, hybrid) that everyone should be happy. Apply in the states you like.
If you’re over 40 and have max points in multiple states and those states change the game or make your points useless that’s not my fault. Deal with it. Thank you for your donation to conservation. You were never guaranteed anything.
If you’re over 40 and have max points in multiple states and those states change the game or make your points useless that’s not my fault. Deal with it. Thank you for your donation to conservation. You were never guaranteed anything.
Nobody said I have max points in multiple states, but Ive got a lot in a few states. I’ve never complained when the states have reduced my opportunities to draw by changing the rules. That’s their decision. A lot of people want the higher point holders to give up their advantage to draw tags they have been applying for 25+ years. What are you willing to give up to change the system?
Well we have figured one thing out so far….. hunters are a truly selfish bunch.
Without a doubt. Everybody’s wanting a tag. The High Point point holders want to continue the pyramid schemes so that they get their tags. The people that were born 10, 15, 20 years to late are willing to tip over the Apple cart if it means increasing their odds even slightly because they know you would have to live to be 160+ to draw some of these tags given the current point systems.
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As usual this thread got off topic. It turned into point systems vs no point system. But I feel there are big differences between the different systems. Preference points systems that only go to the top point holders is what everyone insinuates a point system is but that is a completely different system than a bonus point system that still gives everyone a chance but more chances to the higher bonus point holders. For me, I support any system that gives everyone a chance but doesn’t completely hose people with currently high point totals. So Im opposed to preference point systems and trashing the system to go completely random. There are lots of ways to set up a system and slice and dice the tag allocation. Too much stereotyping on this thread
Nobody said I have max points in multiple states, but Ive got a lot in a few states. I’ve never complained when the states have reduced my opportunities to draw by changing the rules. That’s their decision. A lot of people want the higher point holders to give up their advantage to draw tags they have been applying for 25+ years. What are you willing to give up to change the system?
You seem to be complaining right now. You could’ve did a lot of hunting in those 25+ years. High Point holders should’ve known that point systems, draw quotas, etc. are all up to the state and can and will be subject to change at any point. Just because someone bought into the pyramid scheme of points 25 years ago, doesn’t mean we have to continue with the system that the state and hunters are not happy with.

I should clarify too, I like Wyoming’s draw system, in my opinion it does a great job of distributing tags between high point holders and others.
Preference point systems are the point systems that are failing. Can anyone come up with a state with a bonus point system that is “failing”? How is it failing?
You seem to be complaining right now. You could’ve did a lot of hunting in those 25+ years. High Point holders should’ve known that point systems, draw quotas, etc. are all up to the state and can and will be subject to change at any point. Just because someone bought into the pyramid scheme of points 25 years ago, doesn’t mean we have to continue with the system that the state and hunters are not happy with.

I should clarify too, I like Wyoming’s draw system, in my opinion it does a great job of distributing tags between high point holders and others.
100% agree about Wyoming. Most states have draw systems similar to Wyoming whereby tags are available in a random draw. Colorado is the big exception. What states are you unhappy with and maybe we can find some common ground.
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