Wow!! 130 closed already

It always seems to me, the commission needs direct pressure, they don't listen to the bios anyway do they?

The commission acts on the tentatives presented to them. If it is not on the tentatives you will get no where with the commission. The tentatives start with you local bio, then Jim Williams, then the wildlife division in Helena, then the commission. Ya got to start at the bottom.

Youth is an issue, down here also and don't forget about the PTHFV it is being abused and they also kill lots of stuff.
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Until Montana residents decide to start paying a fair fuggin' price for the privilege of hunting deer and elk...b-tags for both deer and elk will continue to be used as a revenue source for the FWP.

Thats exactly what has...and is going on. There was no biological reason for cow tags to become an additional boiled down to money, I'm 100% convinced of it.

The MTFWP has got to raise revenue...and one of the only ways to do that is to sell permits. When elk tags are $20, deer tags $15, they have to sell a shitload of them to make any money.

Its a mess...cheapskates and $20 elk tags dont solve problems.

Oh man, I will agree on that totally. I wish I had that in my email I sent out to all my friends. Sort of my own email campaign. I agree, they should raise prices. That 350 dollar non res wolf tag is a joke too. We need EVERYONE in the woods with a tag in order to fill those quotas.

Buzz, I can hear the argument already though now. "Why should we pay more for such shitty hunting?" FWP has caught themselves in a catch 22.

Its becoming more a function of NEED to raise prices instead of should.

You are 100% correct that the FWP has done a good job of backing themselves into a corner.

Its going to be a tough and bumpy road ahead in Montana for at least the next 4-5 years. Montana residents have got to open their wallets and have got to demand lower doe quotas and limit the total number of b-tags. When a pocket full of resident b-tags costs less than a single tank of fuel...something's broke.

I'm not saying cut the b-tags totally, but use them as a management tool when applicable...and not strictly for a revenue source.

I'd argue all day long with anyone that feels $30-$40 for a doe tag is "too expensive"...good dont buy one then.

Don't lay too much blame on the price of a resident license on FWP's shoulders. Schweitzer has not allowed for any license fee increases throughout his tenure. In fact, there was a slated increase in 2003, but it was vetoed by the Governor.

There are a number of MT sportsmen and sportswomen who would gladly pay more for their licenses. Sadly, there are a large number who think a $20 elk tag is too much. Getting a license fee increase through the legislature is going to be difficult, but it can be done. The only question then becomes, who our next Gov will be.
So, even the wolves apparently know they are safe. My buddy went for a hike on the ridges above my house this morning. Texted me that the whole road leading up to where we start up the ridge was nothing but bear and wolf tracks. Trail down to the dirt. Well while he was up the mountain, two more wolves came from below the road, walked throught the little spring seep that runs across the road, then proceeded to leave paw marks all over the side of his truck!!!! Like they were looking in his window. Unreal.

I am wolf hunting up in 101, can't seem to lay eyes on one, and he has them trying to climb in his truck in the closed unit.
Wow lots of good points here guys I have seen the deer numbers here go way down to over the last 8 years because of to much doe shooting.Free tags here as many as you want it sucks.Add predators to the mix and it dosnt take long for heards to suffer.
Raising the price of licenses may be the way to increase revenue for MTFW&P, but I doubt they will drop other money makers like the antlerless tags.
$20 and $15? Holy cowabunga! Yours are cheap. Guess I never noticed. Idaho Res deer $19.75, elk $30.75 (bet it won't take long to get this to $40, tho). Sure won't stop me from hunting though.
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