Yeti GOBOX Collection

Workouts! What are we doing to prepare?

For core strength, don't overlook simple things like Turkish get ups, bear crawls, crab walks, and various yoga poses (like tripod).

I think adding some of those kinda things would helpful and more fun...
For core strength, don't overlook simple things like Turkish get ups, bear crawls, crab walks, and various yoga poses (like tripod).

Absolutely. Also, whenever you are doing a weighted leg exercise, (squats, lunges, split squat, etc..) keep the weight on the front side of your body vs. on your back or hanging at your side. This will engage your core a lot more than you think.
Have a fun and safe Memorial day, everyone and God Bless our troops and Veterans! Enjoy this workout, it is a good one.

5 Rounds of the Following:

-Renegade row w/ push-up (10)
-Slide Board mountain climbers (100)
-Alternating Step-ups (25 ea.)
-1/4 mi. sprint

Get your HR back close to a resting rate

1 round of 100 reps of each of the following (must finish 100 reps before moving on to next exercise)

-Walking lunges
-Plank Jacks (in and out is 1 rep)
-Body Weight Squats
-Strict Sit-ups
I feel like my biggest deficits are flexibility and core. Anyone got a brutal core work out they like?
Mobility and flexibility are often confused. If you feel like you're tight and don't move well you need to improve mobility.
If you feel like you need to improve your end range in movement that's flexibility.

"Core" is primarily a marketing term best used on infomercials targeted at insomniacs. Almost 100% of the people who come to me complaining about "core strength" are just weak. They spend too much time doing nonsensical stuff and "cardio" and have devoted no time at just getting brutally strong.
Mobility and flexibility are often confused. If you feel like you're tight and don't move well you need to improve mobility.
If you feel like you need to improve your end range in movement that's flexibility.

"Core" is primarily a marketing term best used on infomercials targeted at insomniacs. Almost 100% of the people who come to me complaining about "core strength" are just weak. They spend too much time doing nonsensical stuff and "cardio" and have devoted no time at just getting brutally strong.

Lol... so yeah both then, climbing through the SEAK jungle made me feel like a geriatric and I like to think of myself as a jungle cat
Lol... so yeah both then, climbing through the SEAK jungle made me feel like a geriatric and I like to think of myself as a jungle cat
Here you go
I concentrate on 3 things, losing weight, strong calves for going up hills, and general off trail woods mobility.

A year and a half ago I went from 280 to 200, this winter I gained 30 back but am now losing 2lbs a day by going back to my old diet which is... two protein shakes 30 g protein 160 calories per during the day, usually start sipping one at 10 or 11 AM. Then when I get home a can of tuna with some celery and lo call mayo, after dinner frozen fruit with yogurt. I also eat some mega vitamins the doc prescribed and calcium.

When the snow starts to melt I hike peaks with my wife. It's what she likes to do but before I was too slow. We usually do 10 miles and 3K feet or so on a Saturday, back by early afternoon.

For general off trail woods ability I hike areas that I hunt in the fall. I find that hiking through deadfall, over creeks, across scree, and so on is good practice for doing the same. Any coyotes I see it's bad luck for them.

Losing the weight helped more than anything. Imagine carrying an 80lb pack. I figure if I lose back the 30, and drop another 30, I should be able to flap my arms and fly. Hardly anyone passes us up on the trail when peak bagging.
Cody, you're hitting some pretty serious workouts! I regularly workout 5ish days a week, so I have never felt like I needed to get in shape for hunting purposes. That said, this year I was lucky enough to draw my first elk tag, so I have been incorporating stair climbing into my gym time. I think the elevation change might be a shock for me.
I have a back that flares up if torque it, a left shoulder and elbow that act up if overdo it and a right knee that gets tender if do much impact activity. Ah, how sweet it was to jog daily back in the day.

Today, I do elliptical and swimming as my main ways to get heart rate elevated for 30 minutes every other day. Hiking with 25# to 40# pack on smooth, flat terrain for 3 miles once a week is my hiking training. If I get too aggressive then I have to shut down for weeks to get rid of the knee tenderness. If my back acts up then taking it easy a couple of days is enough to fix that. The shoulder and elbow mostly make sleeping difficult unless sleep on back with pillow under the elbow.

I tend to make better food choices when am exercising which helps drop some fat pounds as build some muscle.

Based on the limitations as my body has aged, I avoid certain terrains as apply for hunts or line up horses. I am more prone to day hunt than spike camp. More likely to go with a buddy or a guide. Still lots of hunting choices but fewer as time passes.
A little bit about myself for anyone who is following along with the workouts...I have quite a few limitations for someone my age. First off, you won't see me doing any heavy deadlift exercises, which is one of the best full body exercises out there, due due a bulging disc in my low back from a freak college baseball injury. Second, I can't do a whole lot of heavy shoulder lifts due to a backpacking incident on my left shoulder and again pitching in college on my right shoulder, which really did me in. As far as the workouts I have been posting, these are just what I am sticking to for the most part; and I am hoping to get more guys involved in preparing for season so they can enjoy it to the fullest. I have to work around limitations a lot with both my clients and myself, so feel free to throw out any questions you might have on how to work around injuries or anything of the sort. Also, I don't claim to be a "know it all" by any means. I have a degree in Health and Human Performance with an emphasis on pre-Physical Therapy and I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Training and fitness is more of a passion than a career choice for me, as I will be going back to school to pursue my DPT as soon as my wife is done with her Masters program here in Omaha. That being said, if anyone has any comments, questions, or constructive criticism, I am all ears! I love learning and I am truly hoping that I can help some of you out with the knowledge that I do have.

Now for today's workout: Upper Body and Core. I was planning on doing more of a full body day, but my back flared up last night and took away that option.

-Warm up with dynamic stretching and 10 min. Row.

-Dumbbell Bench: 3x10
-Pull-ups: 3x10
-Hanging Straight Leg Raise: 3x10

-TRX/Smith Machine Row: 3x10
-Skull Crushers: 3x10
-Inside Grip Z Bar Press: 3x10

-Decline Cable Press: 3x10
-Dumbbell Curls: 3x12
-Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3x12 (sit upright on a flat bench or even a swiss ball to engage the core more)

-Hollow Rock: 2x12
-Alternating Toe Touch: 2x20
-Oblique Crunch: 2x15 ea.
-1 min. Plank.
Cody, how long does it take you to complete a workout like the one you mentioned today?

Also, I'm game. I'll do the next workout you post and let you know how it goes. I've also got herniated discs and recurring shoulder injuries, so I might have to do some workarounds.
Cody, how long does it take you to complete a workout like the one you mentioned today?

Also, I'm game. I'll do the next workout you post and let you know how it goes. I've also got herniated discs and recurring shoulder injuries, so I might have to do some workarounds.
Today was right at an hour not including warm-up. Typically, my strength based days are an hour to an hour and a half because that's about all that I can fit into my schedule. If I can do some cardio on top of it during the day then great but it doesn't always work out that way (I also know that I am pretty fortunate to work at a gym and a lot of people don't have the time that I do). For higher intensity days, my workouts will normally be between 45 minutes and an hour. Feel free to follow along, I will be posting workouts as long as people are following!
A little bit about myself for anyone who is following along with the workouts...I have quite a few limitations for someone my age. First off, you won't see me doing any heavy deadlift exercises, which is one of the best full body exercises out there, due due a bulging disc in my low back from a freak college baseball injury. Second, I can't do a whole lot of heavy shoulder lifts due to a backpacking incident on my left shoulder and again pitching in college on my right shoulder, which really did me in. As far as the workouts I have been posting, these are just what I am sticking to for the most part; and I am hoping to get more guys involved in preparing for season so they can enjoy it to the fullest. I have to work around limitations a lot with both my clients and myself, so feel free to throw out any questions you might have on how to work around injuries or anything of the sort.

This is slowly becoming me. Back issues, knee issues, shoulder issues. Been a rough 46 years on this planet. I fear my days of 8 reps of 405lbs on deadlifts are almost behind me. It takes a lot to drop my ego and find other ways of to stress the muscles, but there's always a way.
Today's Workout!

-Dynamic Warm-up and 1 mile run

-5 Rounds of 5 each: Deadlift, Hang Clean, and Box Jump (as high as you can go comfortably in weight for deads and cleans and in height for box jumps)

-Leg Press: 4x10
-Weighted Single Leg RDL: 3x8ea. (utilize BOSU Ball if you are capable)
-Plank Jacks: 3x50 (out and in is 1)

-1 Mile Run
I stayed pretty busy yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to get online, but yesterday was a cardio day for me. 10 minutes at a high rate on the stair master, 5k run, and then 10 more minutes on the stairs.

Today: For Time!!

5 Rounds of:
10 Thrusters
8 Burpees
6ea. Lateral Sandbag Drag (can use Kettelbell if no sandbag available)
4ea. Turkish Get-ups

The following are untimed:
20-18-16-14.....2 weighted walking lunges
100m sprint between each set of lunges

Finally, some more core to finish off the workout:
Dumbbell overhead sit-ups: 3x10ea.
Swiss ball back extension: 3x12
Plank Hip Twists: 3x10ea.

Have a great weekend, fellas!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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