Workouts! What are we doing to prepare?

I am doin the Fit For Alaska DVD by Billy Moles. I also hike 20 miles per week working up to 40 all with a 30-35 lb pack. Then I jog 2-5 miles a couple times a week. And finish one 2 mile hike with 85 lb pack for about 2 miles. I also ride my bike about 40 miles a couple times per week.
I did 50 sit ups , 30 push-ups and 30 air squats this morning,that’s about all I ever do around the house , I will run some hills later this summer , living in elk country, I’m hiking or doing a Mtn bike ride often for scouting purposes. So I’m always somewhat active

The Coast Range in Oregon is only 2000 ft Elevation and we hav a massive logging road system, my right foot on the gas pedal is always working overtime, rifle or Bow we always pack light for the most part because we do shorter hunts, wether it’s a morning, half day or day hunt , your back at the rig by or just after dark , it’s different here and dosnt demand as much from your body as most of the Rocky hunts , being 49 I’m thankful it’s not as grueling as some of the stuff I see posted , but like anywhere you still have to earn it most of the time . No matter where u hunt the more out of shape you are the less effective you are, at an older age for me , not getting a big man gut or extra flab is a important, because I know I’ll never lose that crap if I put to much on , paying close attention to my diet and weight is a year round job , because I want to make the most out of my 50’s hunting elk whatever critters I can
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Ive been doing the Onnit6 Kettlebell in addition to my normal cardio and hiking. I throw in their Bodyweight program as well with some Yoga. BHA Hike To Hunt is about to ramp back up as well, so that will be something. Living in the Southern Appalachians helps with the prep
I've been focusing on getting my weight in check first and I'm down just shy of 50# via dieting. I've been doing a little running just to get the cobwebs worked out. It's finally looking like winter is in the rearview mirror so the running and hiking are going to become more regular.
Sticking with cardio for today! I'll probably get between 3-5 miles in... just a light jog. If anyone is following along and has any questions definitely let me know!
Been jogging and lifting for about 2 months, hitting 6 workouts a week minimum, sometimes 7 or 8. Hoping my motivation doesn't peter out come July.

My favorite lately has been HIIT hill sprints 3x a week for the last month. It only takes me 30 minutes so no "lack of time" excuse. Treadmill on all the way steep,
walk 1.5 minutes, dead sprint for 45 seconds. Repeat. Decent quad burn and easily hitting 185 heart rate, dry heaving. Seems to set my day off in a happy and
positive direction.
Hopefully these workouts are helping some of you out! I will keep posting what I am doing each day and I am completely open to questions/comments!

-Warm-up 10-20 Minutes on the Stair Master or Jacobs Ladder if available

-4x10 straight bar deadlift (work up to a comfortable weight, DO NOT sacrifice form for weight!!)
-3x15 Box Jumps
-3x10 Plate curl to press

-50 Cal Row or 1/2 mile jog

-3x8ea. Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat (hold dumbbells in front of shoulders for more core activation)
-3x10 Med Ball Plyo Push-up
-3x10 inverted row (smith machine or TRX)

-50 Cal Row or 1/2 mile Jog

-3x10 Dumbbell Burpee
-3x100 yard heavy farmer carry
-3x12 Med Ball Slams

-Finish with 10 minutes of intervals on the Stair Master, try to keep your heart rate between 70 and 90% of your max (220-your age). 30-30 or 40-20 intervals.
Actually, research contradicts this. Studies have shown endurance athletes benefit much more from low rep/high weight lifts than they do from high rep/low weight strength training. Even though your metabolic demands are greater, the increased power output makes for much higher efficiency.

In addition high intensity workouts are a huge benefit to you as you age.
Coach chris posted a study on this, and it mirrors what you're saying. Higher muscle mass is more beneficial when hauling loads in the mountains. Most of my backpacking hunting buddies are muscular, and do high weight low rep strength training.
Will be 59 soon and headed to Wyoming for first DIY Elk hunt. Started elliptical 6 weeks ago. 7 nights a week to start at 5 nights now doing 60-80 minutes per. Will be adding pack and 20-30 lbs next week. What should I be incorporating into work out going forward? Good news is near 20 lb wt loss to date. Reading some "core" routines and appears I need to work back and stomach muscles to prep for pack in and pack out. Suggestions?
Will be 59 soon and headed to Wyoming for first DIY Elk hunt. Started elliptical 6 weeks ago. 7 nights a week to start at 5 nights now doing 60-80 minutes per. Will be adding pack and 20-30 lbs next week. What should I be incorporating into work out going forward? Good news is near 20 lb wt loss to date. Reading some "core" routines and appears I need to work back and stomach muscles to prep for pack in and pack out. Suggestions?

If you have any hills nearby, throw on the weighted pack and just go! Nothing is truly going to simulate a pack out because chances are good that you will be dog tired by the time you even start hauling meat. Working those back and core muscles would definitely help, but I would take to the hills 10 times out of 10 if there were a choice between that and a core workout. Heck maybe even add some push-ups and planking to you hike!
As a matter of fact, that is what I will be doing for today's workout! Hot and humid out there so I should be pretty content throwing on the pack and finding a trail or hill. I'm thinking a cold one next to the pool sound pretty good this afternoon so I might as well earn it! Have a great weekend fellas!
I recently thought I was about to go to battle on my knee with a surgeon but a PT told me I just need to stretch...turns out the PT was right. I am on a program right now that has about 15 minutes of foam rolling and stretching before a Starting Strength workout. SS is 3 sets of 5 - squat, deadlift, standing press, and bench. Every other day. Add 5 lbs each workout. Go as many weeks as possible. Off days I hit the stair climber and stretch. Weekends are bear hunting and will transition to summer scouting and hiking soon.
Was very hard to scrape myself off the couch today- windy, dark/overcast drizzling and cold. Went to go do 4 miles, after getting into it I realized that it felt exactly like October weather out west which really helped mentally. Wound up going 8 and felt better than I thought I would at the end.

It is so helpful to have a fall hunt as a reason to get/stay in shape- if I didn’t, I would have never left the house today.

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