Workouts! What are we doing to prepare?

I ran a half marathon today in crappy weather. 39 degrees and raining. I’ll switch to trail running now and run a half called the Harder ‘n Heck half marathon. My wife and I enjoy lifting weights together a couple of times per week. We lift pretty heavy; deadlifts, barbell squats, bench press, incline press, etc. The best way for me to stay motivated to run is sign up for one or two half marathons per year. I’m 230 pds so I don’t win any medals but they are usually pretty fun events. Hats off to those who run full marathons.
Good job, Northwoods! I think a half-marathon is the perfect distance- long enough to have to prepare and take seriously, but not so long to make you want to die. lol
Heavy kettlebell full body training 2 days a week, moderate kettlebell full body training 2 days a week, 1 max effort trap bar deadlift day a week, bodyweight sled drag 1x per week, bodyweight Prowler push 1x per week, Muay Thai 2-3x per week, Filipino Martial Arts everyday, 1hr dog walk or bike ride 3-4x per week
Once the trails are dry I drop the sled/Prowler for rucking.
I ruck 2x per week
Day 1 - Heavy short distance - 3.5mi loop w/700' of gain/loss - start summer with 60# hope to end before deer opener with 120#

Day 2 - Long & high - ruck weight stays consistent at 80# - distance starts at 7mi w/1,780' of gain/loss - hope to hit 12.5mi. by deer opener.

My dog walks give way to weekend scouting trips, shooting training and mtn bike rides
My 5 days of lifting backs off to 2 full body days a week.
Muay Thai training is as energy allows.
I jogged back and forth between my target and my bench during target practice 😁 added in a couple shots with a high heart rate!
High intensity today! Tabata workout: 5 rounds of 4 exercises at a 30s. on, 15s. rest pace.

First four rounds are as follows:
1-Alternating step-ups
2-Heavy reverse med ball toss
3-Sled push/plate push
4-Dumbbell/Sandbag Burpee

Rest and allow you HR to get back to a resting rate

Second four rounds:
1-Med ball Plyo push-up
2-Side to side med ball slam
3-Sandbag drag or Plank-ups if not available
4-In and out sit ups

This should be a good one!
Will be 59 soon and headed to Wyoming for first DIY Elk hunt. Started elliptical 6 weeks ago. 7 nights a week to start at 5 nights now doing 60-80 minutes per. Will be adding pack and 20-30 lbs next week. What should I be incorporating into work out going forward? Good news is near 20 lb wt loss to date. Reading some "core" routines and appears I need to work back and stomach muscles to prep for pack in and pack out. Suggestions?

Keep in mind i'm not a pillar of health. But...I have been working out with a trainer off and on. He gave me a routine to use on the TRX rack. most of them can be done anywhere, really. But its as hard as you want to make it. I also like to mix in some elliptical or walking.

Combine that in with eating for one instead of 3, I'm down 32 pounds and still headed in the right direction.
Hiking 1to 3 hours on mountain bike trails out in the hills. Got a daypack loaded with 35 lbs. of stones on the back, 10 pound dumbbells in me paddy's and ankle weights. I try to get out at least 3 times a week. If I'm not too active around the property I'll do squats with the bag, burpees and box step ups. Mixin in push-ups and shoulder presses. Can't seem to build a routine but hit this stuff in slow moments.
Cut out carbs n much as I can and I'm dropping about 2-3 lbs. a week. Hopefully it's worth at least of 25 lbs till September.
Good luck to everyone on their endeavors for fitness and enjoy the hunt.
Legs and Core today! Find the motivation and get a workout in today...your body will thank you in the hills!

Warm-up: Dynamic Stretching and 1-2 mile run

Front Squats: 12-10-8-8
Medicine ball or cable cross-chop: 3x10 ea.
Back Extension: 3x10

Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat (heavy!): 3x6ea.
Med. Ball Slams: 3x12
Kettlebell Deadlift: 3x12

Single Leg RDL: 3x8ea.
Forearm Plank: 3x1min.
Wall balls/Dumbbell Squat to press: 3x10

Russian Twists: 3x50
Oblique Crunches: 3x15ea.
Hollow Hold: 3x30s.
As a matter of fact, that is what I will be doing for today's workout! Hot and humid out there so I should be pretty content throwing on the pack and finding a trail or hill. I'm thinking a cold one next to the pool sound pretty good this afternoon so I might as well earn it! Have a great weekend fellas!
Interested in hearing about the trails/hills you've found in the Omaha area that you like to hike that have some decent slope or elevation change. I live in Lincoln (almost as flat as a pancake) and have considered checking out some of the areas near the Platte river between Lincoln and Omaha.
I am 14 months into training hard again. I quit drinking, cut out sugar and work out day 6 days a week. Thurs., Sat. and Mon. I do circuit training ( inclined rows, crunches, bench press, leg extension, sprint for 6 minutes, curls, squats and 2 minute plank= 1 circuit) and on Fri., Sun. and Tues. I either hike 8 miles or run on the elliptical for an hour and half. Wednesday I take an off day. Have lost 75 lbs and my back feels 20 years younger.
I’m about as unstructured as it comes right now. A random mix of trail running, rucking, mountain biking, hunting, hiking and lifting. The one constant is making sure I hit the squat rack 2x a week and either ruck heavy with elevation or trail run a hilly loop. My bear hunt was a good barometer of readiness for September, and I need to hit the legs good over the next three months.
I used to be so serious about fitness and the last 10 years have been some serious slippage to the point that I am a blob of my former self. But, I am down almost 20 pounds in the last month(268 to 249), and plan on losing 30 more by mid September.I got an elk tag in the mail that flipped the switch. At the end of football season my senior year in high school I weighed 245, by graduation I weighed 180 and stayed that way for almost a decade. I have done this before.

For most of my adult life I have lifted weights heavy and sauna'd daily. Since I am no longer wanting to get bigger, I have three splits:

DAY 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps - 2 lifts for each. Example: Incline and dips, Arnold Presses and lateral raise, tricep curls and close-grip bench.

DAY 2: Back, Traps, Biceps - Example: Deadlifts and lat pulldowns, Shrugs and face pulls, Curls for the girls

DAY 3: Legs - Squats, hip sled, lunges

This is just a rolling rotation so I often hit those muscles twice a week. I also always change the specific lifts I do.

I am continuing to lift and I am sort reliant on sauna for sanity, but am limiting myself to 1400 calories a day and am hiking at least a few miles a day with the dog. Short of coffee, I am skipping breakfast and lunch and then eating a good sized dinner. I feel the best I've felt in a long while, and forgot about the power of momentum.
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You guys ever have that moment back in the gym post hunt when you can do 5 pull ups more than usual... and then realize it's because you subsisted on IPAs and mt house for a week and lost 7lbs.

I feel like my biggest deficits are flexibility and core. Anyone got a brutal core work out they like? Do I need to start doing yoga, climbing over and under logs made me feel like I was 60.
Interested in hearing about the trails/hills you've found in the Omaha area that you like to hike that have some decent slope or elevation change. I live in Lincoln (almost as flat as a pancake) and have considered checking out some of the areas near the Platte river between Lincoln and Omaha.
The problem around here is that everywhere I have found, you have to pay to get in. My favorite so far has been the Hitchcock Nature Center across the river in Iowa. I don't mind Mahoney either but it gets expensive if you're out there often.
Dynamic warm-up today of your choice!

All with the same weight on the barbell (may only be the bar or 65lbs, but it'll get you either way).

10 Rounds of the following:
-12 Hang cleans
-10 Front squats
-8 Overhead press
-6 Over-bar Burpees

Find a weight that works for you and have fun with this one!
Anyone got a brutal core work out they like? Do I need to start doing yoga, climbing over and under logs made me feel like I was 60.

If you are looking for a killer ab challenge to end your workouts with, look up the "Bring Sally Up Ab Challenge" I do this one with a lot of my groups and it is awesome. Other than that, pick three exercises to do three to five rounds of every day (ie. Bicycles, Forearm Plank, and In and Out Sit Up). Do something like this and you will be well on your way for core strength!
If you are looking for a killer ab challenge to end your workouts with, look up the "Bring Sally Up Ab Challenge" I do this one with a lot of my groups and it is awesome. Other than that, pick three exercises to do three to five rounds of every day (ie. Bicycles, Forearm Plank, and In and Out Sit Up). Do something like this and you will be well on your way for core strength!

Yeah I've been doing the same general exercises: bicycles, planks, hanging leg raises, inverted sit ups, etc. since high school and sometimes I just feel burnt out on everything. I think I probably need to just use the google and add some new shit into the mix... but effort...

Love the idea of the Bring sally up ab challenge... definitely adds a new element in the mix.
Yeah I've been doing the same general exercises: bicycles, planks, hanging leg raises, inverted sit ups, etc. since high school and sometimes I just feel burnt out on everything. I think I probably need to just use the google and add some new shit into the mix... but effort...

Love the idea of the Bring sally up ab challenge... definitely adds a new element in the mix.

For core strength, don't overlook simple things like Turkish get ups, bear crawls, crab walks, and various yoga poses (like tripod).
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