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What to Declare when travelling to or from Canada?

All jokes aside, Quebecers are some of the nicest people in Canada and they have the highest bilingualism %.

Old Quebec city is worth a visit, walking around the old narrow cobble stones streets, having dinner in an old 17th century building and eating some solid food!

I've never understood the American aversion to French Canadians. They're the only Canadians who directly assisted you in your war of independance.
Actually, "French" Canadians fought alongside the British whereas the country of France allied with the Americans during the American Revolution. They sought autonomy and Britain offered this in exchange for their allegiance.

As for Quebec: I live here as an American employee. My neighbors are fantastic however, even they are opposed to Quebec government imposition of "French only" language within a country that directs Canadian citizenship proficiency in the "English language". This same governing body desires to remove itself from Canada and become its own country.
The food is fantastic! I'll give them that! :)
It’s been recommended to me to put gun/scope on one 4457 form and other valuables (Swaro optics for example) on another.

Get them signed/stamped by US customs before entering the country.

I’ve never actually done this with valuables and never had trouble but it’s what folks recommend. It just takes one CBP officer with a hard on against hunting to give you a hard time.

If you take more than $10k in cash, split it between you and your partner so nobody has over 10
Actually, "French" Canadians fought alongside the British whereas the country of France allied with the Americans during the American Revolution. They sought autonomy and Britain offered this in exchange for their allegiance.

As for Quebec: I live here as an American fed employee. My neighbors are fantastic however, even they are opposed to Quebec government imposition of "French only" language within a country that directs Canadian citizenship proficiency in the "English language". This same governing body desires to remove itself from Canada and become its own country.
The food is fantastic! I'll give them that! :)

As someone who grew up there, I can assure you the overwhelming majority of Quebecers are opposed to separating from Canada, and those French language police stories are greatly exagerated. Quebec's last referendum on separation was in 95' and failed, opposition to this idea has gone down greatly since then. It's easy to look outside in and think you understand a people, their story, their struggles and their desire to cecede from a state. It's more complicated than "French good, english bad!". Furthermore, Canadians, french and english, haven't been this united since 20 Jan 24.

Sure there are horror stories from time to time, but they happen all around Canada and the US.

As for the American revolution, let's keep in mind that your troops raided Quebec city first, so it is only natural that some French Canadians fought against you. But there were efforts from other French Canadians who aided American troops or fought British troops transitting to the US. I'm a descendant of three of those guys who fought the Brits on their way South.

All that to say, be sure to declare your firearms at the border when travelling to Canada.
I don’t travel with firearms for hunting, however i have traveled with others bring firearms. Other than firearms and alcoholic beverages I have never been asked about any optics, or declared them. Just me
I keep a 4457 for all rifles and optics. It was needed a few times. The hardest thing is bringing back heads, even from a clean disease free country like New Zealand. It’s our system that is messed up. Elon needs to clean that up. Thousands of $ in inspection fees and storage, too many agencies looking at it and guess what. Not one bag was even opened. It’s a system designed to get uour money. S Africa was worse. Kyrgyzstan was fine over there but again stopped in LAX for the BS.
Agree that the U.S. Continental army tried to upend Britain who owned Quebec and the Continental Army lost the battle for Quebec. (Britain gained Quebec via the 1763 Treaty of Paris).
All that to say, be sure to declare your firearms at the border when travelling to Canada.
Cheers to that. A reasonably simple process via RCMP form 5589 and a whopping $25 fee. It's smooth both directions. Maybe more a PITA for Canadians bringing firearms for temp use (ATF Form 6NIA) however this is offset by the term of multiple entries for a year (U.S.) vs each entry (Canada).
All jokes aside, Quebecers are some of the nicest people in Canada and they have the highest bilingualism %.

Old Quebec city is worth a visit, walking around the old narrow cobble stones streets, having dinner in an old 17th century building and eating some
I've never understood the American aversion to French Canadians. They're the only Canadians who directly assisted you in your war of independance.
My grandfather was from Montreal. My grandmother was from Saskatchewan. They were married in Fort Qu’Appelle, Sk. ( I have been to the little church)They lived and farmed here in Vermont. The closest restaurant for my wife and I is in Quebec. We go about once per week.
One more warning about crossing into Canada. Make certain your vehicle is not covered in mud/ dirt. I have had friends turned around at the border for that.
I am certain most do this but a photograph of the valuables with the photo metadata that includes location not a bad idea. Just a ace in the hole if you need one.

Oh yeah, do not forget to declare bear spray. One more suggestion, if you just happen to borrow a trailer, have a signed declaration that it was "loaned" to you for this trip.

Yes, I learned.
I keep a 4457 for all rifles and optics. It was needed a few times. The hardest thing is bringing back heads, even from a clean disease free country like New Zealand. It’s our system that is messed up. Elon needs to clean that up. Thousands of $ in inspection fees and storage, too many agencies looking at it and guess what. Not one bag was even opened. It’s a system designed to get uour money. S Africa was worse. Kyrgyzstan was fine over there but again stopped in LAX for the BS.
I signed a POA and paid an import broker about $1400 to deal with my ibex. Worth every penny. I had to do nothing.
Canada most definitely wants to know about the guns you're bringing in.

Many Americans cluelessely assume they can stroll through the border with CCWs and undeclared firerams. Not worth the charges or trouble.

Find the right forms, submit them ahead of time and transport your firearms in accordance with our laws, and you will be fine!

Obviously experiences differ, but this thread is about hunting trips and not trying to sneak guns into Canada.
Of the 12 times I've taken guns across the border not one single question or desire to look at the guns. All they wanted was the tax. I have however been interrogated multiple times about alcohol. Down to the can/ml.

Maybe I look like the kind of guy that does more damage with booze than guns.
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I signed a POA and paid an import broker about $1400 to deal with my ibex. Worth every penny. I had to do nothing.
Yes probably worth it but the fact that you had to shows the system is broken. It’s a scam that needs to end. If they were doing actual inspections I could understand a little but it’s just taking money and not doing anything

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