
I'm glad to see others were thrown for a loop as well. I got it in 6 today after I tried using literally every letter available and the Y just happened to fit the mold. My wife was in the same boat. I blame her for getting me hooked on it.
I always start with STERN and AUDIO. You get a good mix of RSTLNE and all the vowels knocked out right away.
I said I would never play it and now I got to eat crow.
I'm glad to see others were thrown for a loop as well. I got it in 6 today after I tried using literally every letter available and the Y just happened to fit the mold. My wife was in the same boat. I blame her for getting me hooked on it.
I always start with STERN and AUDIO. You get a good mix of RSTLNE and all the vowels knocked out right away.
You don't get Y though and once in awhile that can really through ya. I use:


I trade that L for a Y. L is usually in my next guess.
It’s not how many words you know, it’s all about the technique. I’m just now figuring out the technique.


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My current steak of 60 should be another 40+ but when on a long weekend/wedding event I totally lost track of what day it was And never attempted a solve.

I was introduced to Wordle by a YouTube channel I watch “Cracking the Cryptic“. Two English guys that solve sudoku and other puzzles daily. The Covid shutdown threw me out of my office for 8-ish weeks, so YouTube got a workout.

Mark Goodliffe, one of the duo does YouTube shorts that he calls Wordle in a minute.

An example……
Next time, start with FOUND, then you might reach genius level. :ROFLMAO:
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BTW, that's got to be the worst, close-call ever. I will start using ADIEU.
ROATE then if skunked with that starter word play SPICY. Computers are smarter. Next tip is use the most commonly used word so _OUND would suggest trying FOUND before try BOUND or HOUND. Another tip is to use X as placeholder as try to arrange "yellow" letters. Say you matched N and D in the above example as GREEN letters and O and U as YELLOW letters. One letter is unknown. Very few words put U before O in a 3-letter run so is either OxUND or UxOND or OxUND or OUxND or xOUND. Loading the x as type in but do not submit the letters is a way to "see" possible words rather than merely look at the keyboard showing GREEN and/or YELLOW letters. More words have OUND in a run than the other 3 possibilities. Decide what would that has a letter preceding OUND is the most commonly used word and lead with that guess. SOUND and ROUND and FOUND are good guesses.

If you get very good, try to run a timer to see how fast can solve rather than merely solve at a calm pace.
Matt Parker (he has fascinating YouTube channels) asked the question: is it possible for their to be a set of 5 Wordle words that do not share letters amongst themselves? He set his laptop to work and a month later, he had an answer. He announced his results on a podcast and a day later a programmer had improved on his search methodology to run as fast as 15 minutes.

In passing he mentions that there are over 12,000 “approved” words on the word list. As I started doing Wordle long before the nytimes took over, I remember when Wordle told me a guess is “not a word”. Now it says it is “not on the list”.

Are you smarter than a computer program? I hint: no “q” and one word on the list has been an actual wordle word that was recently the correct answer (And is quite familiar to fly fishers and entomologists and etymologist's alike).

Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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