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Bird Feeders


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
In my very old age and darn cold weather I have discovered a new hobby...back deck bird feeder. I put mine out about 6 weeks ago and thus far have burned up about 15 #s of seed and 5 #s of beef fat.. Yesterday I counted 14 different species. The neatest was a raven. It was only about 15' from me and I was impressed. The blue jays are the most colorful and eat a lot. I have a pair of cheap 12X42 binos and that really allows me to see every detail of coloration, much to my surprise. I had never been a bird watcher but with very little else to do it has become fun.
Winter is the best time for this, I like it too.

What kind of seed are you using? I have switched to just using straight black sunflower seed now- after watching the birds just toss the other mixed stuff off to the side to get to them, the feeder stays full just a little longer and less waste.
Winter is the best time for this, I like it too.

What kind of seed are you using? I have switched to just using straight black sunflower seed now- after watching the birds just toss the other mixed stuff off to the side to get to them, the feeder stays full just a little longer and less waste.
Wal Mart western bird feed. The ones I notice tossing the most are flickers..they are a mess !
Nearly had a bird feeder out a window my entire life. Pretty much only use sunflower seeds now. But I used to save deer tallow and scraps and put it out in suet feeders. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees always went for that before store bought suet in side-to-side comparisons.
The flickers love the suet feeders. Sunflower seed for the finches and bigger birds, shoot the dang starlings when they come in, thistle seed for the goldfinches and pine siskins, the normal mixed seed for everything else. Another thing that I have done the last few years is mix the regular bird seed mix with peanut butter into a good stiff paste and then press it into the bark of the pine trees. The chickadees and nuthatches like this presentation. Can't forget about the juncos that primarily feed on the ground and for those I just scatter feed on the ground. We have a deer fence around our lilacs so that is where the ground feeders get their food, keeps the cats at bay.
I was just in at tractor supply today and bought another 85 lbs of bird seed. I run 3 feeders, suet, seed mix and sunflower seed. We had a couple inches of snow today and it was heavy traffic on the feeders all day.
Our home is out in farm country so I get a different mix of birds from what we had a home growing up in the woods. Lots of sparrows, juncos and finches. I try and keep the feeders going through spring so I get a chance to see some odd ball stuff migrating through.
We have feeders out.

Had about 50 of these around today pounding the feeders, one of my favorites.



Some other favorites:



We got my dad one that he can watch on his phone. has a built-in camera, basically a trail cam of sorts.

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