Kenetrek Boots


I’m pretty new to Wordle, but I got lucky once and got the word in the first try. My suspicion is that the words are loosely related to the season. It could be a coincidence, but it’s seemed to me that this summer has had a lot of summer related words.


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Worldle, not Wordle. Easier to get right on #1
Gotcha! I thought it looked a touch different, but attributed it to me being used to seeing it on an Android screen and the potential that was an Iphone.

I'll tell you what, worldle put me in my place reallll quick on how little I know about geography! I gave up playing it everyday when I kept needing to look at the general area with google maps and still having trouble finding the country...
still waiting for your stats @Nameless Range

I think due to my chrome settings being set to delete my cache upon closing, my stats are not retained and only exist for the instance of the browser being open. All I see are today's stats.

I am not particularly good at it, but somedays I surprise myself. A former colleague developed something in the same vein that is photo based.

I think due to my chrome settings being set to delete my cache upon closing, my stats are not retained and only exist for the instance of the browser being open. All I see are today's stats.

View attachment 232829
I am not particularly good at it, but somedays I surprise myself. A former colleague developed something in the same vein that is photo based.

there's an app
I think due to my chrome settings being set to delete my cache upon closing, my stats are not retained and only exist for the instance of the browser being open. All I see are today's stats.

View attachment 232829
I am not particularly good at it, but somedays I surprise myself. A former colleague developed something in the same vein that is photo based.

Way cool, but I think I suck at it.
Matt Parker (he has fascinating YouTube channels) asked the question: is it possible for their to be a set of 5 Wordle words that do not share letters amongst themselves? He set his laptop to work and a month later, he had an answer. He announced his results on a podcast and a day later a programmer had improved on his search methodology to run as fast as 15 minutes.

Here is his group of five Wordle “listed words” without repeating any letters


One of his words in that list was the Wordle word of the day:nymph.
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