
I generally stop to read your posts on actual hunting-related topics, and click through to the links you post. Like most, I imagine, I find your contributions very informative.

But tonight, sir, you’ve ruined my life! 🤣

Daily Quordle #63
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The worst part is that you can play practice games forever.
@BrentD, if it’s any consolidation I now own a double shotgun for the first time in my life, although I think you’d consider it to be irreparably bent 90 degrees (O/U). I can only hope to continue on my pilgrimage to your sense of firearm purity but step by step I’m on the journey
Every journey begins with a single step. Some have a long pace, some shorter, but you are started. That is all that matters. :)

Grouse will fear you now. And you will look half decent chasing them. Not as handsome with a true double, but that will come in time.

What fun!
Every journey begins with a single step. Some have a long pace, some shorter, but you are started. That is all that matters. :)

Grouse will fear you now. And you will look half decent chasing them. Not as handsome with a true double, but that will come in time.

What fun!
You are killing me, Grasshopper!

I am endlessly proud to have inflicted the double gun and vintage thing on a few folk here. One day there may even be a Vintage hunttalk forum! I'm waiting for Randy to get serious about grouse some day with a nice vintage Scottish double. Callin' you out @Bigfin! :)
I think we all know that the next step is to pressurize Sitka gear to enter the tweed market and get @Big Fin to start wearing it.
I generally stop to read your posts on actual hunting-related topics, and click through to the links you post. Like most, I imagine, I find your contributions very informative.

But tonight, sir, you’ve ruined my life! 🤣

Daily Quordle #63
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oh man, that was fun. This is going to be an even worse time suck lol.
Wordle is the first unblocked video game that my students can access that doesn’t annoy me when I find them playing it during class.

Hard to get upset at them using their brains to solve word puzzles in English class. Still though, finish your frickin project…
At work we play Worldle every morning. It is the geographic version of Wordle, and being a believer that Geography Bees dwarf Spelling Bees in terms of skill and importance, I recommend you do too.

This is my kind of game. The wordle game just doesn't interest me. Yesterday was easy. Today I was off one country.
Ah, Frack, guys I screwed up. Agreed , live wordles shouldn’t be posted. That said, I’m stoked to see I’m not ignored by @Schaaf anymore who totally ghosted my pleas for his Kimber and never responded. Ex girlfriends have caused far far less emotional trauma.
View attachment 217164
Haha man, I’m sorry. There is nothing on this earth I’m worse at than checking those PM’s.
What's a good second word when "adieu" doesn't hit? I actually have a lot of success with
as the second word in those cases, if anyone wants to try that.
we better watch @Greenhorn around that spoiler function, no telling what might happen if he applies a little creativity there
Oh shit! Good warning
SHIRT is a decent starter. Moron seems wasteful with two o’s. I target vowels so if ADIEU doesn’t pan I look at CORNY
I’m also thinking about starting with UTARD simply on principle

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