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Wolves or German Sheperds?

Sort of confused on the argument about dogs chasing deer. Did the guy who shot the dogs see them doing anything other than laying next to his backpack?

You guys arguing about shooting a dog chasing deer or some other game animal seem to have glossed over the fact that dumb@$$ said they were laying next to his pack. The dogs looked quite old by the looks of the teeth. They were probably dumped out there by someother scumbag.
The dogs probably came across the pack and saw the human and thought "thank god were finally going to be rescued".
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Looks like many folks saying anyone that kills a dog in the field needs to have their teeth kicked in and some folks saying any dog chasing game in the field needs shot.

I'd say the truth lies somewhere between those two replies. Sometimes a dog, or dogs, need to be shot, I don't like it but that's how it works out sometimes. It isn't the dog's fault, the blame can be laid squarely on the shooter or the irresponsible owner. And in this case I think the shooter is a complete moron and I tend to remember these kinds of stories when I choose who I'm going hunting with or the people I meet in the field.
Sort of confused on the argument about dogs chasing deer. Did the guy who shot the dogs see them doing anything other than laying next to his backpack?

It was an ambush.

What about squirrels? My dogs really likes chasing squirrels. She almost caught one once. Not to mention she is laying by my backpack!
Our dog will be dressed in orange anytime we are out in the field from now on. Too bad about the German Shepherds mistaken for coyotes and wolves.


  • IMG_3658.JPG
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image.jpg yep I'm going to buy my lab an orange vest today she doesn't often range out but I shed hunt some thick stuff. Don't want here mistaken as a lost black bear cub.
Without access to all the facts it is very inappropriate to accuse anyone, including Mr. Pitcher, of alleged unethical behavior and/or criminal acts. Mr. Pitcher of Pitcher Peak Productions can be reached at (208) 215 -5984 or [email protected] if you wish to allow him the common courtesy of responding to the accusations related to this alleged incident.

Hey there Hannibal why haven't we seen you here defending your buddy? It's very apparent he's an upstanding guy.:rolleyes:
It looks like hes moved off to another state, I'm sure just searching for more sheds not avoiding any trouble he stirred up:rolleyes: The area he looks to be in has a lot of private ground and winter range closures.
The owner carries a responsibility when they get a dog. If your dogs are chasing deer here in the West and you can't control them with voice commands or collars then you also can't control your dogs if they instead stumble onto a young child that gets scared and takes off running prompting the predator instinct in your dogs. Big Fin lost a day of hunting because he found a dog running loose recently. Maybe the dog was dumped. Maybe wandered off with the owner was camping or hiking or changing a flat tire. For every well trained chukar dog, which it sound like yours are, there are dozens of pets and strays off-leash in the woods under no one's immediate control. The downside to dogs off leash is they chase wildlife causing does to abort, chew off ears, chew off the nose and cause exhaustion leading to increased mortality risk. The upside is Fido gets to be a dog just like its ancient ancestors and run free in the woods just like when great-grand pappy was homesteading. Yeah, 'Merica.

Your original post was quite foolish. Under that premise, hunting with dogs would pretty much end in this country. Obviously hound hunters have their dogs get out of sight, as do folks with pointing breeds. I would never be able to send my dog in to retrieve a duck out of sight.

Also, your comment about "controlling you dogs" makes me think that you have never had a dog. Controlling dogs to get them to come from any distraction is not something that happens over night. I think most anyone who has had a hunting dog has had an instance where it chased deer, pronghorn, etc. when it was young. I can say it happened with my dog twice. She has been broke of the habit and I am very confident it won't happen again (hasn't happened since), but it is not like I waved a fairy wand and had instant control over my dog. It took a lot of work training....and a good e-collar.

Also, there are solutions to dogs chasing deer besides instantly blazing away with your firearm. I know the "macho, manly" thing to do is start blazing away, but maybe one should take a second to think back on there first day of hunter education and assess the situation. I once saw a young pointer running through the woods clearly chasing something. I was able to run and intercept him somewhat, got out a piece of jerky and grabbed him by the collar. Returned him to his owner that I could now hear yelling in the distance.

Also, this kid who shot the 2 dogs is a tool. Makes me very leery of other hunters with the attitude that because I have a gun I have the right to use it and kill stuff. Posting stuff like this and bragging on instagram makes me ashamed of my generation
I had Sheperds & they did love to defend the homeland and this at times in the woods required restraint.
Invisible fence & shock collars did work some.But they would get IT if they really wanted to. Had to make a 2 acre enclosed area of property and check it regularly.
The SO would tie bright bandanas around their necks when we would be away from home.And they were on leash a lot.Even in the NF. Control.

That said,I would have shot this asshole in a blink.
I'm not too forgiving of idiots and trespassers anymore.
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He made a mistake, and he's admitted to handling criticism incorrectly. He removed the photos from his account which is a step in the right direction. It's time to forgive as we have all been forgiven and move on.
He made a mistake, and he's admitted to handling criticism incorrectly. He removed the photos from his account which is a step in the right direction. It's time to forgive as we have all been forgiven and move on.

There are a bunch of rumors that he shot dogs from Silver Mountain Shepards, who breed dogs and whose property abuts BLM, on their property and then dragged them to public before posting the photos, all over social media. This is definitely still in the rumor phase but I don't think this kid should be let off the hook just yet... especially as he has a poaching record.
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