PEAX Equipment

Wolves and a minivan

Toby never ceases to amaze me with his stupidity. Whether you like wolves or hate them, why on earth would you brag about an action such as this?

The ironic thing is, the same type of morons that laud Bridges and his bravado are the same folks that are always complaining about the "brutal deaths" that animals suffer from wolf attacks.
And not a mark on the van... Seems like hitting a wolf no matter how small at 55 or so would cause SOME damage.
Holy cow if that is a true series of events that man is a psycho. I'm all for pretor management but wounding any animal and getting joy over the sound of its pain is wrong. I don't wana sound like I'm part of PETA but that man is sick and needs to be evaluated.
One would think a super wuff would do more damage to a mini van.

Super-woofs are super-fluffy, ergo, less damage to mini-vans.

This is part of the science the USFWS lied about and it proves that woofs are in league with the insurance industry too.
The most disturbing part is that he admits to driving a minivan! He was probably looking for something in his purse when he hit them.
How many points is a wolf? Is there any kind of a bonus for steroidal super sized Canadian variety?
I'm sure he just saw it dead along the highway, nearly caused a crash to take the roadkill photos of an animal species he'd never seen in person before, and came up with the dumbest story on earth for his facebook following.
I'm sure he just saw it dead along the highway, nearly caused a crash to take the roadkill photos of an animal species he'd never seen in person before, and came up with the dumbest story on earth for his facebook following.

Exactly this. /\ /\ /\
Extremists are a scary bunch.

clip is NFSW

Toby talks big, but he doesn't show up for meetings, or when he does, only feels comforatble in front of a crowd of his buddies. The one time I did see him show up at a meeting, he refused to speak. This was when he was relentlessly attacking FWP Chair Bob Ream for whatever imagined slight he received. Bob called for public comment, looking right at him and he say in the back of the room and skulked.

"No Donny, these men are cowards."
Carla Jean Moss: "Sheriff, was that a true story about Charlie Walser?"

Ed Tom Bell: "Who's Charlie Walser? Oh! Well... uh... a true story? I couldn't swear to every detail but it's certainly true that it is a story."
The most disturbing part is that he admits to driving a minivan! .

Whoa Whoa now wait a minute that was a low blow.:D Some of us still drive the "grocery getters" and have flowers on our checks. That doesn't make us any less of a where did my wife set her purse I'm supposed to pick up some milk.

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