Michigan firearm deer hunt numbers plummet, particularly in U.P., and locals blame wolves

The USFWS issued this today: https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/20240201_wolf12m_fr-notice_508.pdf

The TLDR is wolves won't be relisted in the west anytime soon. They also changed the NRM DPS to a western DPS to include coastal states as well as CO, etc. That reconfiguring of the DPS is helpful in that we now how a Distinct Population Segment that is wide-spread and takes most of the states to really screw something up to cause another review.

For the Great Lakes population - this does show that the agency is working to redo how the Service looks at delisting, and if they can figure it out, they'll try again. There is a 2 year peace accord that will happen so that various sides can try and figure this all out nationally, but I don't know if the intransigence of the far left will let anything come of it.

This is the key part in my opinion, regarding the population expectation in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming:
If states continue to harvest wolves at past observed rates of harvest (Harvest Scenario 1), which they have yet to significantly exceed despite implementing less-restrictive regulations and which are more consistent with new management objectives in Idaho (IDFG 2023b, pp. 39–42), the projected population size would remain above approximately 1,300 to 1,600 wolves for the next 100 years

The estimates I've seen from MN DNR is that Minnesota alone has 2,700 wolves in 2022. If USFWS if fine with a minimum of 1,600 wolves in 5 states, I think that's pretty telling that the the Great Lakes population should be delisted and managed by the states.
This is the key part in my opinion, regarding the population expectation in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming:

The estimates I've seen from MN DNR is that Minnesota alone has 2,700 wolves in 2022. If USFWS if fine with a minimum of 1,600 wolves in 5 states, I think that's pretty telling that the the Great Lakes population should be delisted and managed by the states.

Combined with the approved plans from those states, we have everything but a working DPS rule.

IN, OH & IL need to step up and get some woofs so we can delist!
Hmmmm, interesting I guess.
- But, I don’t really have anything for bears.
- I’ve never seen a road kill deer within miles of our property (mostly 2 track rd)
- Its not a agricultural area
- we have no Amish buggies to speak of, not sure what that has to do with anything.
- We have some logging from potlatch nearby, deer seem to like the regrowth
- each of us only get one deer tag each year.

I’m still left with far fewer deer and lots of wolves that weren’t around 10 years earlier. I have to go with wolves being the big difference in my area.
I like how you got completely off the original topic you were seething about to try and start a d*ck-measuring contest about how much you hunt. I don’t doubt you’re retired, you have quite the case of manopause going on. I’m FN, I hunt year round except for the dead of winter. Super impressed with all those guided hunts you’re showing off with. Do they skin the animals for you too?

Back on topic though, wolf populations now are nothing compared to what they were for thousands of years prior. You just got used to hunting with no predator populations to speak of, no shit there were more deer, and they were easier to spot cause guess what, no natural predators to worry about. I go into the woods to be part of nature, to compete with what’s there, not in some asinine thinking that I’m owed something from it, or another predator is less deserving of a deer than I am. Deer are still there, just now they’re actually acting like deer because there’s more predators in the woods. Do you want to work for something you’re hunting, or do you want it handed to you?

Also, first place anyone thinks of when thinking of rough terrain is definitely Palm Springs lol
Ya you’re probably right, I was seething. I let the Canadian dude troll me a bit. Didn’t like the suggestion that all who complain about wolves are fat, beer drinking, road hunters. I should have known better than to respond. I forget…. I’m not just responding to him. Sorry dude!
On a more positive note this is what Palm Springs looks like, kinda cool eh?


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