Caribou Gear

Wish me luck....


New member
Jan 26, 2003
Idaho Falls Idaho
I went and got an application today and took it back this afternoon, and the lady said I have been waiting for you to bring that back, can we get an interview with you at 2:30 today? I am so excited and I can't wait to get a different job. If I get this job I will tell the Bon to kiss my butt!!! The Bon is a very shitty place to work, the only good thing about them is i get paid $9.00 dollars an hour. But I am sick of being treated like a piece of shit. Anyway, wish me luck!!!
The interview went really good! They said they were going to do a few more and that they would call me, but if they have a job for me I will have to turn it down. They start you out at minimum wage. That is not good!! So I am still looking around.

Take my advice. I worked at a shit hole for 20 years. A good paying shit hole, but a shit hole none the less.

Money is not everything and if you are not happy move on. Looks like you are headed in the right direction. Nothing is worse than not being appreciated and a bastard boss abusing you physically and mentally.

Good luck.
"Money is not everything".... YEs, true (Not really) but "ATTITUDE" is. Even on your Worst day think about the money you're making and All the fun stuf you're going to buy and do with it. then you'll find yourself smiling and the days go by faster

Keep looking Tara, there's always something out there for everyone. You just have to look hard enough. Good luck in the search !!

Money is not everything. Your sanity and health is!

The solution to the problem is this; you need to position yourself with good money and a good job. They do exist.

It took me 20 years, a ruined back, and a trip to the doctor every month for 3 years to figure it out.

I am trying to help someone out. This is a subject that hits close to home with me.

Attitude will only go so far.
KTC, It's just like gay paople, to each their own
My thinking might not be right but Money is a Big key. She's working for the BON, not a Metal FAB shop lifting Iron all day. I'm guessing it Sucks there because of dealing with Chitty coustomers all day (Like me
) and a boss that is a Punk. That, (I think) can be overcome. or at least put into perspective without problems... As long as the Individual's attitde is put in the right spot.

Do the math. $9 for 1 year V's $5 for 2 years. Technically she could work for 1 year, Quit, And goof off for one year and still have made the same amount of money.

Realistically, It won't happen because we as Humans spend what we make and Adapt to the amount in which we recieve. I don't have any more making ... Well, Let's just say What I'm making now (which is a lot more then back then), V's what I made in College at $4/hr doing construction, Just a different lifestyle and in Debt at a different level, But still paycheck to paycheck

Just depends what the person wants. So, I'm just saying my experience. It hits home
Money means alot to me.
Are you calling me gay Moosie?
Actually I am a happy-go-lucky type of guy so maybe I qualify.

Money is the issue for sure. We all want more. The thing I have found is that if one is able to go to school and/or position themselves in a good job with good money it is the way to go.

I tried for years to maintain an attitude, but it only went so far.

I would trade everything I got in those 20 years of being paid well for pain free legs, four healthy discs, good balance, strong legs, and the feeling back in them.

One thing I can say, I have good health insurance and no job.
"Are you calling me gay Moosie? " Uhhhh No. But if the butt plug fits....

I agree that bodily damage isn't worth the money. Thats why I'm at an Office now instead of doing construction.
Butt plug....hahahaha....

No comeback....ya got me Moosie.
No Comeback.... fetchin' Amature (PS, Or were you going easy cuz I'm the boss.. PS, don't lighten Up for that reason, I can hold me own, And often do

Tara, What are the Advancing Potensial at that place ? Or would you be stuck at Min. for ever ?
Nope, no comeback.

I have never held back, even at the boss. Maybe that is where my trouble started.

Moosie, You should really quit "holding your own" that grows hair on the palm of your hand.
That was the best I could do.

Tara, look at the big picture. Is there advancement opportunities as moose points out? Don't pass on something that can work out down the road. Especially if it is something you like.
She said if all goes well within three months then I would get a raise, and then in another three or six months I would get another raise. But right now we can't afford for me to quite working at the bon and take that big of a cut in pay. She said they would never be able to pay me a whole lot, so I was trying to think of how much the top pay was, maybe $6.00 or 6.50 at the most. Any other helpful hints you two come up with would be great!!
Money is important, as it affords one the ability to do things that are really fun. And it also gives one options in life, to say "I quit", if one gets tired of the boss.

Isn't there some college courses in IF? Keep working at the Bon, keep pocketing the $$$, and take some classes. Education will always help, and when you decide to leave the Bon, you will have better chances to get an interview, plus you might find a field you really like, not just a Job with x$ per hour.

Look, I don't want to come across as money isn't important. It is, that is why we work. A cut in pay can be devastating and each individual has "got to do what they have to do."

Gunner has a good point. Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement? I am in school now and I never thought that would happen. It isn't that bad. It is actually kind of fun.

Set your sights high Tara. Be the boss. Be the one who hires. Be the high paid one. Be the lay offer, not the lay offee.

If I can do it, you can. Believe me. Try school if you can
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