Caribou Gear Tarp

Wisconsin farmer kills gray wolf


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
Hastings, MN
Wisconsin farmer kills gray wolf after federal protection is lifted

Associated Press

ASHLAND, Wis. — One gray wolf has been shot and killed and two others euthanized less than a month after the animal was taken off the federal list of threatened and endangered species.
A land owner shot a gray wolf west of Park Falls on Wednesday because he believed it was after his border collie, said Adrian Wydeven of the Department of Natural Resources. The land owner reported the shooting within 24 hours, as required by law, and a DNR warden ruled the killing justified, Wydeven said.

U.S. Department of Agriculture agents trapped and euthanized two other wolves — one a pup less than a year old — after wolves killed two calves March 16 on a farm outside Mason. A third calf was reported missing.

The farmer whose calves were killed has requested reimbursement from the state, which will pay $500 to $800 depending on the breed, Wydeven said.

In addition, a Bayfield County farmer and two of his neighbors have received shooting permits for wolves, he said.
Wow...I misread that title....I thought it said Wisconsin Farmer Kills Gay Wolf ?!?! LOL

It's about time, a guy can start thinning them out legally...
Damn right! one of the last states to delist, and one of the first to start the thinning!! YEEE- HAAAAA
I live in Park falls Wisconsin and know the farmer that shot that wolf...Just too bad we couldn't have shot them earlier.. That farmer lost 2 cows this last fall at the same location....
Good for him, he should be able to defend his land!

Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against a man that's defending his life,or livelyhood, but defending his land against wolves........ Like there going to take it over or what..... If a herd of whitetailed deer show up can he go a killen them to defend his land against the terrany of the aggressive whitetails?
How about "he should be able to defend his property" (cattle)? And yes, if the whitetailed deer were destroying his property he should have the right to either compensation or to cull a few.

Interesting quote in the article: "One gray wolf has been shot and killed and two others euthanized"

What do you think, is it better to be killed or just euthanized?
It's just a figure of speach their shoots-straight. Around here that means defend your property, not necessarily land.
In fact if farmers here have to defend their land against a mob of angery deer they can shoot them as well. Wisconsin has a thing called AG TAGS. What happens is you report to the DNR that you have crop damage and they come out to look at it and give you a certain amount of deer tags to cull the deer out of season.
Its not about defending the land against the wolves, its about defending his livlihood (cows) against wolves. And as far as the deer goes, just as schmalts said, Wisconsin gives out agricultural tags. So if that same farmer had a lot of corn or beans or whatever planted and the deer were ruining the crops then they come out there and put a little fence around a small section of his crops so the deer cant get to it. That way they can gauge how much damage the deer are doing to his crops and ultimately figure out how many deer he can kill so he doesn't have a severe crop loss.