Do you think defense contractors who exist because of government contracts should be able to take advantage of the R&D or Section 199 Tax Credits?
What do you think of tax deferral structures, foreign owned IP, and inverted companies?
And IDCs, tax deferral for billion dollar hedge funds, transfer pricing rules, bank taxation rules that allow advance deduction for loan reserves, accelerated deduction for oil and gas expenditures beyond what is allowed for non-oil &gas businesses, percentage depletion deduction beyond cost basis of assets that were already written off, or (insert tax welfare provision here).
Then the subsidy programs of below market Federal royalties on oil, gas, and coal, below market grazing fees, protection to prevent competitive bid for grazing fees, agricultural subsidies (most of which go to large corporations), ethanol welfare, or (insert tax payer subsidy here).
I agree that individual welfare programs to the point of dependency and abuse are a very bad problem for the fabric of any society. Not just in terms of lost productivity, but also the mindset of not trying to better oneself. Yet, those programs designed toward individual welfare are a small part of government expenditures that fall into the larger category of "Welfare" as I define it, when compared to the other components of "welfare."
Biggest difference is that individuals get their welfare support in small doses and are often publicly identified for doing so. The non-individual welfare comes in huge doses of tens of billions of dollars and is usually buried as a tax-related topic in some obscure legislation.
I view them as the same thing; government helping one party/person/group/industry with the money from some other person. We can argue all day which is a better way to allocate the other person's money, but it is hard to deny that they are both handouts.
Reading tax legislation is painful and tedious, but doing so sure gives one a better perspective of who is sucking on the government teat and how big of a teat they have attached to.