
WIlks Brothers political leanings

The cards are stacked against the working class in this country, but it ain't the poor stacking the deck. It's the guys sitting on enough money to waste $15 million on a political ploy.

The poor are too busy trying to figure out how to pay rent next month.

As for private donations, thanks I do a lot of that, but it's still not enough to cover the cost of keeping people from starving/freezing/ to death. If it were, we'd not need SSI, Medicaid, etc.

JR - That's a great article.
Cat food is underrated as a protein source and a good dog bone is indistinguishable from grape nuts cereal.

Strange how both the need to control campaign money (Clark the Copper King) and also how unions are needed to keep the workers from being exploited can be traced back to Butte's "glory" days. And also the need for environmental laws in the face of big money in the extraction industry. Even the amendment that llowed the people to elect the US senate. So yes, MT does have a history in this.
As Ken can attest, MT is the center of the universe. :D
“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans”

― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America
The cards are stacked against the working class in this country, but it ain't the poor stacking the deck. It's the guys sitting on enough money to waste $15 million on a political ploy.

The poor are too busy trying to figure out how to pay rent next month.

As for private donations, thanks I do a lot of that, but it's still not enough to cover the cost of keeping people from starving/freezing/ to death. If it were, we'd not need SSI, Medicaid, etc.

JR - That's a great article.

Socialism is not the answer. Letting people decide how/where to spend their money is the answer.

Welfare recipients have doubled with a socialist in office.....go figure.
Socialism is not the answer. Letting people decide how/where to spend their money is the answer.

Welfare recipients have doubled with a socialist in office.....go figure.
Perhaps an equally damaging problem with big money is how they have captured the media sources to distort reality to promote their agenda (just like Butte's Clark did). They exaggerate the Ds contribution to "socialism," which is way to strong a word for it, and under report the Rs, who are just as bad (Medicare part D, military spending, even the stupid sheep experiment station south of here). Schweitzer did a send up on the Koch's sucking on the teat (I think is number turned out to be low)
Socialism is not the answer. Letting people decide how/where to spend their money is the answer.

Welfare recipients have doubled with a socialist in office.....go figure.

So much for the free market being the great savior. DOW is up over 10K points since he took office. The rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer.
So much for the free market being the great savior. DOW is up over 10K points since he took office. The rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer.

When you increase handouts, you increase recipients.

I get it. Pure unadulterated socialism is what you want. I can only hope it never happens, because me being apparently "heartless" and "greedy" I actually believe I deserve what I earn. I know...evil thoughts in today's amerika.

Carry on comrades....
When you increase handouts, you increase recipients.

I get it. Pure unadulterated socialism is what you want. I can only hope it never happens, because me being apparently "heartless" and "greedy" I actually believe I deserve what I earn. I know...evil thoughts in today's amerika.

Carry on comrades....

I want the pure, unadulterated socialism that Reagan instituted with his tax code.

I want the pure, unadulterated socialism of Eisenhower who knew that you taxed the rich and helped the poor.

I want the pure, unadulteraded socialism that Theodore Roosevelt gave us with Public Lands and the responsibility to take command of our government through the electoral process

and I want the pure, unadulterated socialism of abandoning corporate welfarte (which outstrips TANF by large margins) to end so the rich quit stealing my tax dollars.

So, I guess I'm a pure, unadulterated communist socialist just like TR, Reagan and Eisenhower. ;)
I've got a great idea. Montana game-fish should institute a new law requiring all successful hunters to donate 70% of the meat from their harvest. I mean there were unsuccessful hunters that shouldn't have to go without. Take from the haves, to ensure everything is fair. Chances are you probably didn't work too hard for that animal anyway.

Sound like a winner? Maybe it's something we could all get behind, you know....for the greater good.

Maybe bha could get behind that cause....i can see it now "equality for all hunters".
I want the pure, unadulterated socialism that Reagan instituted with his tax code.

I want the pure, unadulterated socialism of Eisenhower who knew that you taxed the rich and helped the poor.

I want the pure, unadulteraded socialism that Theodore Roosevelt gave us with Public Lands and the responsibility to take command of our government through the electoral process

and I want the pure, unadulterated socialism of abandoning corporate welfarte (which outstrips TANF by large margins) to end so the rich quit stealing my tax dollars.

So, I guess I'm a pure, unadulterated communist socialist just like TR, Reagan and Eisenhower. ;)

I'm with you Ben.
I've got a great idea. Montana game-fish should institute a new law requiring all successful hunters to donate 70% of the meat from their harvest. I mean there were unsuccessful hunters that shouldn't have to go without. Take from the haves, to ensure everything is fair. Chances are you probably didn't work too hard for that animal anyway.

Sound like a winner? Maybe it's something we could all get behind, you know....for the greater good.

Maybe bha could get behind that cause....i can see it now "equality for all hunters".

Do you think defense contractors who exist because of government contracts should be able to take advantage of the R&D or Section 199 Tax Credits?
What do you think of tax deferral structures, foreign owned IP, and inverted companies?
Do you think defense contractors who exist because of government contracts should be able to take advantage of the R&D or Section 199 Tax Credits?
What do you think of tax deferral structures, foreign owned IP, and inverted companies?

So I take it you don't like my idea for fairness for all hunters? It's really a great idea. Why should only 10-20% of hunters get to consume all of the harvested game.......just doesn't seem fair. "Redistribution of game meat"...has a good ring. It would make Teddy proud (of course in his writings he boasts about just taking the heads from some harvests)

And to answer your question, no.
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So I take it you don't like my idea for fairness for all hunters?

And to answer your question, no.

I'm not the biggest fan of government mandates, even less of a fan of overly simplistic viewpoints (see financial index chart provided earlier). Obama took office and the indices doubled, it must be his fault right? I dialed up our industry's lobbyist to discuss income inequality..specifically, mine vs his...all I got was a call center from India...:cool:

Here's a thought....quit selling pieces of the oyster to Texas gazillionaires. Try telling that to heirs who hold the estate strings and their real property peddler firms.

BHR is right about the quantitative teasing chit show.
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