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Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

Definitely not the only way, but it can be effective, yes. Similar to getting a tag off of a leftover list. I had better be careful, I’m revealing all of the secrets of a system that I’ve never even used🙂

This has turned into another great discussion though, just as the NM thread did- there are certainly pros and cons, but transferable landowner tags are definitely not the boogeyman some on Hunt Talk try to convince you of.
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So the way to plan an out of state elk hunt it to wait until the last moment and hope to find an affordable cheap tag at the last moment on which to spend your precious vacation time and money? uh huh.
I wouldn't feel confident in "planning" any out of state elk hunt going forward. Hopeful is the word I would use.
So the way to plan an out of state elk hunt it to wait until the last moment and hope to find an affordable cheap tag at the last moment on which to spend your precious vacation time and money? uh huh.

Any landowner tags that are worth anything are sold off seasons in advance or sell for big $$$. The leftovers and ones that don't sell until the last minute are typically garbage, or tags that a person can draw every year through the regular draw.

I'm glad they aren't ever coming to Wyoming. Hunters here have squashed it to the point its not even brought up. In fact, at the task force, the only discussion on landowner tags was to TIGHTEN the requirements (higher acreage, disqualifying splitting of property for landowner tags, etc), more frequent qualifying, and making sure they are never transferable.

Some states get it right...
or tags that a person can draw every year through the regular draw.
Yep, some tags available year after year out there are absolutely horrible hunts that you can literally draw with 1 point or even 0 points. Can't imagine paying $50 let alone 3k for such a waste. The descriptions of those hunts and what to expect are quite comical as well.
i'm not exactly crying though because i have no shortage of deer and elk tags at my fingertips. but, as things tighten up with allocations you have to remember that whenever colorado is talking about moving to 80/20, or whatever, we're not actually talking about 80/20. we're really talking about 80% of 80% of the tags and 20% of 80% of the tags, because the landowners get their 20% cut of the public pool of the fully limited tags first. that is a big steaming crock of bullshit.
We should do away with vouchers completely and only use the Private Land Only tags for landowners.
Yep, some tags available year after year out there are absolutely horrible hunts that you can literally draw with 1 point or even 0 points. Can't imagine paying $50 let alone 3k for such a waste. The descriptions of those hunts and what to expect are quite comical as well.

Unit-wide tags and/or an NM-style system (opens up the land all private participants) are definitely the better option for that exact reason.

I feel like I have half of the details figured out for this already, I should send WYOGA a bill for doing all of the legwork.
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We should do away with vouchers completely and only use the Private Land Only tags for landowners.

there is a small part of me that believes it possible we could do away with the LPP program.

a very very small part, but, a part of me nonetheless.
Yep, some tags available year after year out there are absolutely horrible hunts that you can literally draw with 1 point or even 0 points. Can't imagine paying $50 let alone 3k for such a waste. The descriptions of those hunts and what to expect are quite comical as well.
Correct, its a total racket and a scam in many cases.

There are lots of people that don't do the proper research. Its sad some hunters believe these transferable tags are a good idea in any way, unless you like spending 5k+, getting on waiting lists, etc.

Most of the tags that are less than that are crummy hunts.

Of course, then there's just the fact that ethics come into play as well. Many hunters have the money to buy any tag they want, but just have a major disagreement/ethical problem with the idea of transferable tags. Count me in that group...
Of course, then there's just the fact that ethics come into play as well. Many hunters have the money to buy any tag they want, but just have a major disagreement/ethical problem with the idea of transferable tags. Count me in that group...

But you don’t have any ethical struggle with giving outfitters 5% in exchange for a higher resident quota?

That seems inconsistent to me.
What he is referring to is if Wyo was to implement 90/10 for elk under the current 7250 cap it would increase NR Gen tags by around 1100. 7250 - NR FP LQ = NR Gen tags.

At this point it is unknown how many NR Gen licenses would be issued should the 7250 cap go away. G&F has made a proposal but nothing has been decided. Those decisions would not happen until seasons setting commission meetings. And they would happen every year. The numbers can and will change. The current proposal by the G&F, if the 7250 cap goes away, is to issue 4325 NR Gen licenses. Currently the G&F issues around 4225 NR Gen tags in a given year.
Yeah my bad I was looking at the average in 19-21 on the proposal it was 3860 something of those regions they are proposing.

The 7250 cap is going away you could tell just from the comment the commision made about it the last meeting. I guess it's just a guessing game until the vote to approve the regions and caps in the near future either way resident need to get the 90 10 or 90 5 5 going.
But you don’t have any ethical struggle with giving outfitters 5% in exchange for a higher resident quota?

That seems inconsistent to me.
An outfitter set aside is not a transferable tag.

I'm not really cracked up about outfitter set asides, but the constant NR whining about:

Higher fees, Wyoming pulling in line with other States residents on allocations, Residents are greedy, etc. etc. etc.

Those have all changed my mind to just do what it takes to get 90-10 over the goal line in the next couple years.

I'm tired of listening to all the NR crying, in particular considering all the good deals NR's have received over the years in Wyoming.

Our generosity toward NR's has turned into entitlement and spoiled child syndrome.

I've over and plenty of others have been a motivator for WY Residents to just get it over with. If that means cutting a deal with be it.
Thanks Buzz, I appreciate that explanation.

Personal ethics are a complex issue, what one person would find abhorrent seems fine to another. I do appreciate your point of view, even if we do not agree.

I would say that it does seem like you’ve been affected by some recent negative online interactions and your new 90/5/5 views are somehow therapeutic to you in response. I’m not sure that is going to be helpful to you long term, but I wish you the best regardless.
Thanks Buzz, I appreciate that explanation.

Personal ethics are a complex issue, what one person would find abhorrent seems fine to another. I do appreciate your point of view, even if we do not agree.

I would say that it does seem like you’ve been affected by some recent negative online interactions and your new 90/5/5 views are somehow therapeutic to you in response. I’m not sure that is going to be helpful to you long term, but I wish you the best regardless.
Residents getting 90% of the tags is helpful to Resident hunters, who are my priority.

Already moved the needle on moose, goat, sheep, bison and someday grizzly bears...time to get the rest.
Our generosity toward NR's has turned into entitlement and spoiled child syndrome.
Lotta truth in that statement. Always amazes me when some guy whines about how he use to get x tag every year on 2nd choice for 20 years or whatever but now it takes x points and isn't worth it. Change is a constant in life adapt or be left behind.
I was always surprised that WY was so generous to non residents. I think 90/10 is definitely fair. It would be nice if it would’ve waited a few more years for for me to burn my points, but that’s just the way it goes.
Residents getting 90% of the tags is helpful to Resident hunters, who are my priority.

Already moved the needle on moose, goat, sheep, bison and someday grizzly bears...time to get the rest.
I have only went and testified to the commissioners a hand full of times for firearms and bullet regs…. Generally when I was requested to do so by G&F employees. (It’s my professional background)

I stood in question of 90/10 for the longest time….partly due to it came out of the task force…..and I didn’t like 99% or what they were doing….and it felt like a complete work around the process.

After my last couple years experiences in the field and the contacts I have had….

I’m stepping towards doing my part, using my consumer base, professional contacts, and so on to push for 90/10 across the board.

I live here….I deal with the long winters… neighbors do the same. They deserve an upper hand….a big one.
This is a fair point, but a lot of the Colorado landowner tags really aren’t that expensive. And if someone can’t afford to or doesn’t want to pursue that option, they have the option of the regular draw.

Speaking of turning hunting into a rich man’s game, have you seen the new Wyoming special draw fees coming? How is a blue collar guy supposed to afford that? If they can’t afford or don’t want to pay they, they also have the opportunity to participate in the regular draw.
A blue collar union Cali guy can afford a commissioners tag. Lots and lots of generational wealth being spent on recreation since covid also
An outfitter set aside is not a transferable tag.

I'm not really cracked up about outfitter set asides, but the constant NR whining about:

Higher fees, Wyoming pulling in line with other States residents on allocations, Residents are greedy, etc. etc. etc.

Those have all changed my mind to just do what it takes to get 90-10 over the goal line in the next couple years.

I'm tired of listening to all the NR crying, in particular considering all the good deals NR's have received over the years in Wyoming.

Our generosity toward NR's has turned into entitlement and spoiled child syndrome.

I've over and plenty of others have been a motivator for WY Residents to just get it over with. If that means cutting a deal with be it.
I definitely feel like you've changed your tune about the NR in Wyoming over the years. Honestly...don't really blame you. It sucks that youth may not get to experience Wyoming as a NR the way that I did as a youth. Times change things I guess.