Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

Wyoming rightfully has the upper hand in this. They can double NR fees and they would still sell a ton of tags and PPs. Hunters are supplying a ridiculous amount of demand, I'd be upset if my state didn't take a reasonable amount of advantage of the situation.
I can't disagree.

The same applies to resident fees as well.

I think my home State should increase license fees substantially.

Our Department receives no State funding. They are funded manly by license fees and oil and gas.revenues with a healthy dose of federal funding thrown in. The upside of that is the legislature doesn't get to meddle in season structures and whatnot.

A lot of folks here in Louisana bitch and moan about the lack of action from the LDWF but in the next sentence throw a tirade if license fee hikes are mentioned.

Moral of the story, every story really, is: people in general are selfish and dumb.
Well folks you heard it here first, 100/0 tag allocations for m/s/g/b and that’s not a crazy idea out in left field. It’ll be a mainstream idea in all your favorite western hunting states before you know it. WY folks are being gracious and transparent enough to let people weigh in and everyone should.
Well folks you heard it here first, 100/0 tag allocations for m/s/g/b and that’s not a crazy idea out in left field. It’ll be a mainstream idea in all your favorite western hunting states before you know it. WY folks are being gracious and transparent enough to let people weigh in and everyone should.
Doubtful...probably not in my lifetime anyway.

Wyoming Residents are expecting the task force to come up with a proposal to put Wyoming in line with the other Western states on m/s/g/b, simple as that.

Definitely get your voice heard, the more people that comment the better chance of getting problems solved.
Level out once driving 2500 miles to fill a doe tag loses its luster, price wise, it would take a bit. You could cut one fast food meal a week out of your budget and you'd have enough to put in for a pronghorn special tag. People love to hunt, and love hunting wyoming, they'll find a way unless the price gets unjustifiable, which wgfd wouldn't allow to happen
Well folks you heard it here first, 100/0 tag allocations for m/s/g/b and that’s not a crazy idea out in left field. It’ll be a mainstream idea in all your favorite western hunting states before you know it. WY folks are being gracious and transparent enough to let people weigh in and everyone should.
Not a chance. They want as much money as they can squeeze out of NR's, while giving as little as possible.
Its a typical welfare attitude. " Why should I pay more, when we can make NR's fund our programs."
Not a chance. They want as much money as they can squeeze out of NR's, while giving as little as possible.
Its a typical welfare attitude. " Why should I pay more, when we can make NR's fund our programs."
If anything arent you the one asking for welfare: you want a state you dont reside in to give you something below market costs.
The truth is WGF doesn't care if you get to hunt or not. The unit I applied in trying to get a doe tag to take my son hunting had 80 tags and 797 people apply for them. they made so much more off the application fees than the tags. That is the truth look at what they are making off selling PP. It is all a money game and NR always have and always will foot the bill. Just how it goes. And it could get wild and people quit going for 3-4 years but then the NR will return. I am glad I never bought any points for moose. I really wanted to to do a cow hunt. But when they raised the price I didn't get in the PP game and I am glad I didn't. Finding a place to hunt is tough that is what makes the west so appealing. Heck you can't even find a place to hunt coyotes around here anymore. I do think NR should get to hunt wilderness areas, I mean they are federal lands we all pay for and I can go in there doing anything else but hunting. Sadly hunting is a dying tradition that we will make sure the future generations don't get to enjoy. How is anyone going to buy points for 10 years to go elk hunting to see if they even like it?
…How is anyone going to buy points for 10 years to go elk hunting to see if they even like it?
Well there are hundreds of leftover cow tags that go up for draw next week. You could have put in for any of those units, or have another crack at them. Or you could hunt OTC CO for a bull. Or plenty of MT/ID options with a small amount of planning ahead.
I haven’t drawn a single limited entry deer or elk tag in my life. Sure I have had some nice general tag options at times, but until the last couple of years they wouldn’t have been more than 1-2 years apart for NR’s. You gotta make your own opportunity sometimes.
Not sure if I'd even like earning six figures. Please donate to my gofundme so I can find out.
I haven't drawn a limited entry tag either. And you are making my point on the general tags wasn't it 4 points this year for a general? and it will keep climbing. And MT or ID add days onto a trip when you are driving plus fuel cost it all adds up. I didn't try for elk this year because I wanted to take my son out on an antelope hunt. But I will be burning my points next year on an elk hunt.
I haven't drawn a limited entry tag either. And you are making my point on the general tags wasn't it 4 points this year for a general? and it will keep climbing. And MT or ID add days onto a trip when you are driving plus fuel cost it all adds up. I didn't try for elk this year because I wanted to take my son out on an antelope hunt. But I will be burning my points next year on an elk hunt.
And you are making mine. Opportunity to hunt elk in the west is there, annually and affordable in WY if you hunt cows. Annually or nearly so for bulls in CO/ID/MT. If anyone wants to go elk hunting to”see if they like it”, they still can.
I agree the trajectory of supply:demand is a difficult pill to swallow, but if fuel cost and days driving is the limiting factor those have nothing to do with the wildlife resource or rising demand.
Not to be cheeky, but let's all put the same mental energy into restoring pronghorn that we put into debating tag allocations.

I've been meaning to mention it, but I often think about how, if I'm not mistaken, Wyoming currently has 70-80 percent of the total number of pronghorn it had maybe ten, twelve, fifteen years ago. (One of you Wyoming Boys kindly correct me if I'm wrong.)

I know some roll their eyes at the "make a bigger pie" mantra, but it looks like there's room in the pie tin to me.
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