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Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

So, what are the hard numbers? Going to 90/10 for the big 5, what is the monetary shortfall after eliminating those NR tags? What is the TF plan for covering that loss?
Not to be cheeky, but let's all put the same mental energy into restoring pronghorn that we put into debating tag allocations.

I've been meaning to mention it, but I often think about how, if I'm not mistaken, Wyoming currently has 70-80 percent of the total number of pronghorn it had maybe ten, twelve, fifteen years ago. (One of you Wyoming Boys kindly correct me if I'm wrong.)

I know some roll their eyes at the "make a bigger pie" mantra, but it looks like there's room in the pie tin to me.
I agree. I am willing to help.

The issue I have is I am a 20 hour drive away. I could fly up and put some elbow grease to some projects as well.

I can also donate money.

Unfortunately, to my point of view anyway, with the way my career is currently going I have more money than time.

I am at the point I am going to have to hire someone to keep up my yard when yard work and gardening are things I really enjoy.

I am, once again, open to suggestions on how I can help more than I already am.
I agree. I am willing to help.

The issue I have is I am a 20 hour drive away. I could fly up and put some elbow grease to some projects as well.

I can also donate money.

Unfortunately, to my point of view anyway, with the way my career is currently going I have more money than time.

I am at the point I am going to have to hire someone to keep up my yard when yard work and gardening are things I really enjoy.

I am, once again, open to suggestions on how I can help more than I already am.
One thing that seems super promising is the Wyoming Migration Initiative. You could send them some money and/or time.

I'm a graduate student and TA. Both resources are limited for me. But I'm definitely going to send them at least the monetary equivalent of my pronghorn and deer points this year.
One thing that seems super promising is the Wyoming Migration Initiative. You could send them some money and/or time.

I'm a graduate student and TA. Both resources are limited for me. But I'm definitely going to send them at least the monetary equivalent of my pronghorn and deer points this year.
That is an awesome idea!

Here's an interesting read! There's a lot more that's going on behind closed doors than some think! If anyone remembers what happened to nonres tags in New Mexico a few years back it could easily happen in Wyo the next couple years with public tags taken directly from those that like to DIY hunt! The below comments were copied directly from the link above!

Turns out more members of the Taskforce are in position to benefit financially from Wyoming's Wildlife than we originally thought. G&F Commissioner Brian Nesvik, for example, said his land qualified for landowner tags - though he's never applied for them. Pete Dube, current G&F Commission Chairman, appointed himself to the Taskforce and admitted he was a former outfitter.

As expected, the "Sportsmen" representatives on the Taskforce - Adam Teten, Josh Coursey, and Joe Schaffer, aren't strong and got steamrolled. On Wednesday, Day 1, they incredibly went along with the rest of the group to decide that any issue which receives the minimum 51% of the groups' approval would be forwarded to the Legislature as an "official" Taskforce recommendation. Given that at least 9 of the current 18-member Taskforce are either outfitters, landowners or both, why Teten, Coursey and Schaffer agreed to this is beyond me.
Something else possibly not mentioned in any posts above is that 90/10 means that limited nonres deer, elk, and antelope tags will be cut in 1/2. That means that it will take twice as long to draw tags and nonres will be faced with paying high pref pt fees for more years before tags are drawn. Draw odds for all limited units for nonres will explode! The additional tags available to nonres that have been mentioned in earlier posts are 2nd draw and doe tags that are left over after the first drawing. These aren't exactly the most desirable tags!

A lot of nonres got into the Wyo pref pt game thinking they would some day be able to draw great limited draw tags if they persevered and continued applying for tags. 90/10 will change this dramatically for the worse!

Unfortunately there is no one on the task force that has DIY nonres's voice in mind...even though they stand the most to loose! The only thing concerned nonres DIY hunters can do is provide public comments on the task force website and to Wyoming legislators!
And you are making mine. Opportunity to hunt elk in the west is there, annually and affordable in WY if you hunt cows. Annually or nearly so for bulls in CO/ID/MT. If anyone wants to go elk hunting to”see if they like it”, they still can.
I agree the trajectory of supply:demand is a difficult pill to swallow, but if fuel cost and days driving is the limiting factor those have nothing to do with the wildlife resource or rising demand.
Well I don’t know what point you are trying to make when my comments on elk hunting we’re talking about hunting in the future for new people to get into the sport. I highly doubt the same system will be in place in let’s say 10 years that there is now, supply and demand are the rule and there will always be a limited supply of game due to carrying capacity of what an area can support. I have no problem hunting cow elk and I have in Wyoming and hope to do so again next year. I just think unfortunately it will be hard to have new people enter this lifestyle when the opportunity won’t be there. Like I said earlier 20 years ago you could knock on doors around here and get permission to hunt about every time. I know a guy who just bought 500 acres and some guys from Texas have been leasing it for $20 acre to deer hunt. And they wanted to know what it would take to keep leasing it. and typing on my phone at work when I get a free minute sucks I need my iPad. I really could care less if I ever draw a tag again. I’d gladly give them up for my son to be able to get a tag and go hunting.

Here's an interesting read! There's a lot more that's going on behind closed doors than some think! If anyone remembers what happened to nonres tags in New Mexico a few years back it could easily happen in Wyo the next couple years with public tags taken directly from those that like to DIY hunt! The below comments were copied directly from the link above!

Turns out more members of the Taskforce are in position to benefit financially from Wyoming's Wildlife than we originally thought. G&F Commissioner Brian Nesvik, for example, said his land qualified for landowner tags - though he's never applied for them. Pete Dube, current G&F Commission Chairman, appointed himself to the Taskforce and admitted he was a former outfitter.

As expected, the "Sportsmen" representatives on the Taskforce - Adam Teten, Josh Coursey, and Joe Schaffer, aren't strong and got steamrolled. On Wednesday, Day 1, they incredibly went along with the rest of the group to decide that any issue which receives the minimum 51% of the groups' approval would be forwarded to the Legislature as an "official" Taskforce recommendation. Given that at least 9 of the current 18-member Taskforce are either outfitters, landowners or both, why Teten, Coursey and Schaffer agreed to this is beyond me.
I don't think most people on this board are going to find much believable from 307hunter...but knock yourself out.
So, what are the hard numbers? Going to 90/10 for the big 5, what is the monetary shortfall after eliminating those NR tags? What is the TF plan for covering that loss?
Look at the commission I did.

I'm not really into doling out welfare to people too lazy to do their own work...but just this one time, I'll make an exception.

Based on current quotas:

Grizzly bear: $0
Sheep: $52,500
Goat: $20,100
Bison: $61,708

Total: $191,038 (that number is also taking into account the Resident revenue gained from the 116 tags that Residents would gain.).

If Wyoming raised NR pronghorn does, based on 2020 quotas, from $34 to $50 it would generate $258,000.

We could raise Conservation licenses by $1 and generate $191,820

We could raise Resident annual fishing licenses by $3 and generate $222,540

Making up that money isn't an issue from the big-5 going 90-10.

Lost revenue is a joke...
Look at the commission I did.

I'm not really into doling out welfare to people too lazy to do their own work...but just this one time, I'll make an exception.

Based on current quotas:

Grizzly bear: $0
Sheep: $52,500
Goat: $20,100
Bison: $61,708

Total: $191,038 (that number is also taking into account the Resident revenue gained from the 116 tags that Residents would gain.).

If Wyoming raised NR pronghorn does, based on 2020 quotas, from $34 to $50 it would generate $258,000.

We could raise Conservation licenses by $1 and generate $191,820

We could raise Resident annual fishing licenses by $3 and generate $222,540

Making up that money isn't an issue from the big-5 going 90-10.

Lost revenue is a joke...
I would be all for an increase in doe tag prices. And I’m being serious
Look at the commission I did.

I'm not really into doling out welfare to people too lazy to do their own work...but just this one time, I'll make an exception.

Based on current quotas:

Grizzly bear: $0
Sheep: $52,500
Goat: $20,100
Bison: $61,708

Total: $191,038 (that number is also taking into account the Resident revenue gained from the 116 tags that Residents would gain.).

If Wyoming raised NR pronghorn does, based on 2020 quotas, from $34 to $50 it would generate $258,000.

We could raise Conservation licenses by $1 and generate $191,820

We could raise Resident annual fishing licenses by $3 and generate $222,540

Making up that money isn't an issue from the big-5 going 90-10.

Lost revenue is a joke...
Does this factor in the NR’s who might choose to stop buying points since their odds of drawing just got worse? Not sure how you’d model how many, but I would think some number would exit the game. Points generate a lot of free money for the agency.
Does this factor in the NR’s who might choose to stop buying points since their odds of drawing just got worse? Not sure how you’d model how many, but I would think some number would exit the game. Points generate a lot of free money for the agency.
You want worse odds of drawing?

The allocation between preference and random will change.

I've heard the same thing my whole life, that the odds suck so bad nobody will buy points...and every time, more points are purchased. I buy them, and in some states I apply in they aren't even considered because not enough tags are issued to NR's to even have a preference tag issued. I just don't want worse odds...and even if there's a chance of points helping me, I'm buying them.

I hear people are going to quit applying if just one more license fee increase happens...we set another application record.

I hear people say the lower tier pronghorn tags aren't worth hunting..only 4 areas in the state have leftover licenses.

I hear people say the lower tier pronghorn tags aren't worth using points area that I'm familiar with used to be OTC the day before you wanted to hunt, takes more than a point to draw.
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Something else possibly not mentioned in any posts above is that 90/10 means that limited nonres deer, elk, and antelope tags will be cut in 1/2. That means that it will take twice as long to draw tags and nonres will be faced with paying high pref pt fees for more years before tags are drawn. Draw odds for all limited units for nonres will explode! The additional tags available to nonres that have been mentioned in earlier posts are 2nd draw and doe tags that are left over after the first drawing. These aren't exactly the most desirable tags!

A lot of nonres got into the Wyo pref pt game thinking they would some day be able to draw great limited draw tags if they persevered and continued applying for tags. 90/10 will change this dramatically for the worse!

Unfortunately there is no one on the task force that has DIY nonres's voice in mind...even though they stand the most to loose! The only thing concerned nonres DIY hunters can do is provide public comments on the task force website and to Wyoming legislators!
Probably make it tough to party app with others too I suspect...that's really too bad you won't be able to use others for their hard earned points they've paid for.
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