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Why all the 6.5 CM hate?

I believe this is fairly accurate. AND you will also note that nobody on this thread or in the above referenced pictures, has anyone taken a shot at or attempted to describe the Queen of the 6.5's and understandably so.

However, since VikingsGuy has used pictures to describe the above referenced 6.5's. Would one of you gentlemen please post a picture of the Swedish Bikini Team, which I believe is a good representation of the Queen, also known as the 6.5 x 55 Swede, to you younger fellows.
I've found this thread entertaining as I've watched it off and on. Gotten a few good laughs. Keep it coming!

But in seriousness, I don't have any hate for or anything against the Creed. I've read a lot about it and shot one belonging to a friend (well, his daughter actually). I think if I was a 1000yd bench rest or competition shooter I'd find it a lot more interesting. I'm a handloader hunter and as such I just don't find what it does for those applications all that overwhelming. At least not any more so than guns I already have and have used my whole life. I will also say that I'm not a fan of the "long-range hunting" trend in general and in recent years it's been hard to separate the two. But for real, I don't care what people shoot any more than what condiments they like on their hamburger. I'm going to keep punching .30 Cal holes in elk and deer with my .308 from 350yds or less. It's what I like and feel confident I can do consistently under varying field conditions.

I handload for .308, 7mm-08, and .270. and there's lots of interesting and impressive things you can do with those 3 cartridges. I'm finding myself more and more interested in the .280 Remington, actually, but I don't own one.

So no Man Bun for me, at least not at this juncture, but that might change as my interests evolve. I'm not opposed to owning one, just got other interests. I will also admit I've found the hype humorous and a little off-putting at times, but that's on the the fanboys, not the cartridge.
I think the hate comes from the marketing as well. There seems to be a new group of hunters coming into play and stores and marketing are telling them to get a Creedmoor and you will be able to shoot 1000 yards right out of the box and it will literally kill anything. What the uninformed buyer doesn't realize is with guns and long range the Indian is more important than the arrow. Will the CM kill an elk at 1000, probably. But everything has to go exactly right. one minor wrong thing and your hunt could turn into a disaster with a wounded animal.
The truth is that you can substitute any cartridge for the Creedmoor and very few people have any business shooting that far-except at steel, maybe.

280 A.I. I dont have one but a friend of mine does and she loves it. A couple others here ( Guy, David, Cheyenne. Don ) will remember her successful hunt for the Marco Polo with a 280 A.I. The information she shared with us about the rifle, caliber and hunt was was very interesting. Although my husband played with a couple of the "A. I.s" I never did
I wonder if there was as much discussion and controversy when Winchester put out the .270. Jack O'Connor and Townsend Whelen used and praised it quite a bit, some folks cursed it, but I don't think it was as hated at the time as the 6.5 CM. Would the 6.5 CM ever be as popular and have the die hard following as the .270 win has? Other great cartridges have tried and failed.
I think it's the marketing hype.

Well if marketing hype means a well built rifle, actually built around the cartridge instead of the other way around. One where cheap, very reliable, accurate, consistent ammunition, available at most any gun shop...then yes gimme more of that hype. In more calibers too please.
I wonder if there was as much discussion and controversy when Winchester put out the .270. Jack O'Connor and Townsend Whelen used and praised it quite a bit, some folks cursed it, but I don't think it was as hated at the time as the 6.5 CM. Would the 6.5 CM ever be as popular and have the die hard following as the .270 win has? Other great cartridges have tried and failed.

Back in the good old days when there were no forums to rant about meaningless things like .270 WIN vs 6.5 CM.
Social media.
You didn't have the internet, and the kids glued to their devices back then.

To the Creedmoor shooter, my Manbun comments are in jest. No ill will is actually meant.
Just bear in mind, Paul Mauser designed the 6.5X57 around 1893-1894. With modern powders in modern bolt action rifles the "old Mauser" can easily keep up with the Creedmoor.

The ONLY place the Creedmoor shines is in it's design intent. That is seating a long heavy match bullet in an AR magazine, while not impeding into the powder charge.
In otherwords it was designed to fit in AR mags and shoot matches out to 600 yards.

That's it.
The .280 AI is a neat chambering. While it does give a performance gain it does not mean the .280 Remington is inferior within practical hunting distances.
No doubt - but since I am handloading, feels like the AI gives me little more flexibility to play with.
It is amazing the amount of time and energy we spend debating the so-called value of, or "hating" on an inanimate object. We could swap out caliber preference for vehicle brands, shoes, beer, dog breeds, favorite rap/country/polka artist, and it would all look the same. I do enjoy the back and forth and hearing from far more firearm savvy individuals than myself, but it is pretty damn silly if you take a look at it from some distance. And I have a 6.5 CM as well as a 1957 Winchester Model 70 .30-06 sitting in the safe, so I am not sure if I know much about anything!
It is amazing the amount of time and energy we spend debating the so-called value of, or "hating" on an inanimate object. We could swap out caliber preference for vehicle brands, shoes, beer, dog breeds, favorite rap/country/polka artist, and it would all look the same. I do enjoy the back and forth and hearing from far more firearm savvy individuals than myself, but it is pretty damn silly if you take a look at it from some distance. And I have a 6.5 CM as well as a 1957 Winchester Model 70 .30-06 sitting in the safe, so I am not sure if I know much about anything!

Good point.

vehicle brands = GMC Pickup
shoes = Red Wing or Cabela's boots
beer = Free
dog breeds = Labs
rap = Not having it
country = Chris LeDoux and others
polka artist = haven't tried it

With regards to hunting, the only perceivable difference between the cartridge in question and any other 6.5 caliber is the name (creedmoor), and the marketing....that is it...period. Interestingly enough, and as far as I can tell, the elk I have shot with my 270 Win, 308 Win, and 260 rem, could not tell a difference in how dead they were. The elk may not have been magnum dead or creedmoor dead, but they were dead enough to make it back to my truck and ultimately the dinner table.
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