Why all the 6.5 CM hate?

Pardon my ignorance but what do those even mean?
"dead right there" - both terms imply the shot animal drops in its tracks and dies without fleeing at all due to the effectiveness of [your choice of: the shooter, cartridge, bullet placement, bullet choice, bullet velocity, bullet mass, or etc etc etc]
No hate, but it's not the magic pill its marketed to be. I did have a little bit of a hard time watching the BRO guys tote that 6.5CM sig sauer with the bluetooth rangefinder/scope, however. If I wanted a rifle around that size, I'd probably get a .270.
6.5 CM sucks because now I dont want to buy another gun. My $250 16" rifle has low recoil, is quiet with a can while hunting, shoots pretty flat so a dummy like me cant mess it up too bad when hunting up to 300 yards (southeast hunting), and I can still go plinking at 800 yards all the the same gun. Pretty much ruined my gun collecting addiction all together.
Great bench rifle, so I’ve heard. For bench shooting, I totally get the goal of finding THE perfect round.

For hunting, I think we can answer the question by answering THIS question: what was wrong with a 30-06, 270, 243, 7mm-08, 308, 7mm Mag, 300 or any of the other capable and historically popular hunting cartridges?
For hunting, I think we can answer the question by answering THIS question: what was wrong with a 30-06, 270, 243, 7mm-08, 308, 7mm Mag, 300 or any of the other capable and historically popular hunting cartridges?

There is nothing wrong with any of them, but who really cares if someone wants to develop something “new”? Answering your question doesn’t answer any bigger question other than people spend way too much time worrying about what other people like, do, say, shoot, etc.
6.5 CM sucks because now I dont want to buy another gun. My $250 16" rifle has low recoil, is quiet with a can while hunting, shoots pretty flat so a dummy like me cant mess it up too bad when hunting up to 300 yards (southeast hunting), and I can still go plinking at 800 yards all the the same gun. Pretty much ruined my gun collecting addiction all together.

On the flip side you will have more money for flat bill ball caps
I think the hate comes from the marketing as well. There seems to be a new group of hunters coming into play and stores and marketing are telling them to get a Creedmoor and you will be able to shoot 1000 yards right out of the box and it will literally kill anything. What the uninformed buyer doesn't realize is with guns and long range the Indian is more important than the arrow. Will the CM kill an elk at 1000, probably. But everything has to go exactly right. one minor wrong thing and your hunt could turn into a disaster with a wounded animal.

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