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Who is funding the fight against hunting? Well you are of course…

Was in the shower pondering life, reading the ingredients on the shampoo when I saw a “PETA - Cruelty Free” stamp on my wife’s shampoo. I checked the other suave product and it had it too. No way PETA is letting them use their trademark for free, so this shampoo is funding probably the largest anti-hunting organization in the world. I wonder how many other products are doing the same? No more suave in my house.
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Wow, thank you for the info, avenues like this all help, I will be looking at ALL products in the future
HSUS. less than 20% of their money goes toward saving pets. All the rest is anti-hunting. You can look it up for yourself.

If you adopt a pet do through local agencies that are not affiliated with the national group.

ASPC, Suburu ( sorry all you Suburu lovers) ( yep they are big supporters of HSUS and ASPC.

We all have to pick our fights and you can probably find something you consider wrong with everything. I chose to look into what people support with hunting/conservation not who is against. Otherwise it'll drive you nuts.
I think the Humane Society gets a lot of attention but the organizations that hunters need to keep an eye on are the ones more active in states like WA, CO, AZ, and NM, such as Wildlife For All, Animal Wellness Action, Center for a Humane Economy, Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, and Defenders of Wildlife. These are the orgs pushing anti-hunting initiatives, influencing state politicians, and shaping wildlife commissions.
Hunting is not going away.
Depends on where you live and what species and method of take you choose. Folks in WA and CO have seen a concerted effort to eliminate hunting of certain species through various political organizations there. However, if we as hunters organize, get involved, advocate for our sport and wildlife conservation around a positive message, then hunting will not go away. But we are going to have to fight to keep it. Much more than in the past.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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