The REAL (REASONS) hunting is declining

I clearly addressed issues of both funding and hunter recruitment, if thats not a good enough answer on making hunting a priority for you whatever.
You still didn't answer the question. You addressed funding by comparing five hunters buying 20 dollar tags vs one hunter buying a 100 dollar tag. That's a simplistic approach that doesn't consider other alternatives. Also, you are correct in that we should all look for opportunities to mentor folks, but at the end of the day you can't force it to be a big enough priority that folks will hunt over other activities. I've read numerous accounts of "i took so and so hunting, showed them a good time, and now they quit". Que sera sera. Like I said, life has demands and forces us to narrow the scope of our priorities.

And, you continue to only want to focus on things within your paradigm set. User impact on natural resources is expanding all the time. Whether it is suburban/wildland interface encroachment, roadway development, natural resource extraction, or any number of outdoor recreational activities, all are expanding and having an impact on wildlife conservation and management. If you think hunters can continue to foot the bill for this, and do so effectively, I think you are going to find yourself sorely disappointed.

your idea of discussion appears to be convincing others you are "right". Ten or fifteen years ago, I would have agreed with many of your premises. I've seen enough over time that my views on this have changed quite a lot.

As I said earlier, good luck to you.
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I didn't see a lot to get all that stirred up about with Buggler's post but it sure took off like a rocket! It's kinda entertaining to sit back and read. I was just glad to see someone young come on here and express their mind and like someone Else said be digging for information on my honey hole but I figured everyone already knew where she lives anyway.
I didn't see a lot to get all that stirred up about with Buggler's post but it sure took off like a rocket! It's kinda entertaining to sit back and read. I was just glad to see someone young come on here and express their mind and like someone Else said be digging for information on my honey hole but I figured everyone already knew where she lives anyway.

Meh seems like new hunters love to come on, bring this topic up then leave forever

Lots dudes coming in swinging, and get kilmer'd

And this topic and related has been beat to death
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Yeah after some reflection this probably isn't the fourm for me, but now that people are actually having a discussion about the issues instead of trolling I'm gonna keep up the real discussion until it devolves into mud slinging. I'm more offended that the meme guy didn't make a Toyota Celica meme when I asked him too.

Nonsense, unless you're incapable of being teased or trolled a bit you belong right here, you just need a bit of practice in the art of 'discussion'. There is a fount of knowledge here for you, stick around and you'll learn all things hunting...
I could see a "hunting mentor-ship program" type of concept being successful in terms of recruiting and giving new hunters an opportunity to experience and learn about hunting. It could be implemented through major outdoor stores. I say this just from my encounters with my peers. Perhaps more of my peers would get into hunting if they had a way to get their foot in the door so to speak.

I too often wonder how much disconnect there is between food consumers and food producers. As mentioned before, too many people think food comes from grocery stores and not everyone realizes what it actually takes to procure consumable protein. Perhaps this plays a factor because folks don't need to hunt if they are happy with ground meat from Walmart.

In the olden days people had to hunt. So let's get back to our roots and go hunting!