
Who doesn’t wear camo to hunt

It does not hurt or harm hunting successes wearing camo, nor does it really help. Exceptions are with turkey and some bird hunting. What really works is noise discipline, wind and thermal awareness, movement control and odor control. Wild game really sense things in nature that does not belong and any of them affect your success rate way more than camo clothing does.
One of my favorite parts of hunting is blending in with the surroundings and becoming one with the landscape. Even if camo doesn’t help hunts at all, I don’t get that same nostalgic feeling of totally blending in when not in camo.
I took a nice Blacktail buck while wearing blue jeans, hickory shirt and a green watch cap.

The buck didn't seem to care!
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Have a camo jacket but being a rifle hunter i wear orange on public land. Heard too many stories of someone getting shot because they were mistaken for some kind of animal or something. Also, if we're hunting as a group making a drive it is nice to be able to see others in the distance to keep track of each other.
An added bonus of not wearing camo is that you have more gear options. Finding the right piece of gear is easier when you can choose from Outdoor Research, Rab, etc in addition to the hunting brands
An added bonus of not wearing camo is that you have more gear options. Finding the right piece of gear is easier when you can choose from Outdoor Research, Rab, etc in addition to the hunting brands
Why couldn’t you do both?
I wear camouflage while hunting. It is not the real difference maker, though. Wind and movement are far more important.
Ya’ know I have an old pair of Kuhl tan/brown pants that are very comfortable, tattered and torn. My wife has patched and sewn the rips and holes. Have worn them for some time now. For a shirt I wear chamois and a drab green fleece pull over. I like a simple wool underwear top. Don’t care for long John’s. I carry light rain gear and a good green pack with emergency items to f necessary. Camo gear has gone through the roof and I’ve found unnecessary. I wear a wool hat and carry a watch ca with good gloves. Even during my waterfowling days this was my gear.
Now look, there is some great camo gear out there. But, I have been doing this for better than 45 years. My gear works. Quite frankly I’ve found that movement is the greatest bill board to spoke critters. Oh yea, I have an old thin blaze orange vest that still looks good at distances. So, you choose and spend your hard earned $$$ on what you please. My old gear still works. Good ‘nuff! MTG
Mossy oak brought full foliage back. I recant everything I said about not wearing camouflage. I will be sporting a 1992 pattern with a 1992 moustache when I hit the woods Thursday.
Shot a few grouse and a turkey off my deck in my pj's. If they're plaid pant pj's, does that count as camo? I had my Cabelas slipper boots on to complicate this query further. They were earthtone tanish color.

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