Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Who doesn’t wear camo to hunt

Rarely wear camo to hunt, but some of my clothes either only came in camo or the alternative color was less than ideal… my hunting parka for sitting on stand is camo because the blaze orange version of the same coat was incredibly noisy. Apparently a totally different fabric
I find sales on hiking gear. Hiking gear, mil surplus, and helly Hansen rain gear of various flavors. I can mix and match for all seasons and have less money burned than what it cost for a single high end Sitka/kuiu jacket. I wear the same hiking pants to town that I hunt in.In general I prefer hiking clothes so people don’t assume I’m hunting. The only time I wear camo is turkey season and it’s usually just a multicam jacket that the Army gave me. The cost of high end camo is insane and I am a cheap bastard unless it’s hiking/hunting boots.
Only reason I wear camo is that I bought stuff that fit and it was camo, and it hasn't worn out yet. Non-camo gets mixed with camo based on what has worn out and what is comfortable.

Wearing some camo britches now to go fishing. Not to sneak up on the fish, they are comfortable, best cargo pants I have had. Would buy several pairs if I could find them "non-camo".

Usually camo tops so I can wear them for certain types of hunting where it matters a bit more (duck).

Don’t really care about color of pants, mostly hiking pants in earth tones of some sort.
Comparing prices on camo and thinking plaid might be my new color. I feel like I’m reverting back to my childhood of wearing a faded green mechanics one piecebut the price difference between camo and clothes that are simple earth tones are insane to me.
on the occasions I rifle hunt, camo is low on my list of necessary gear. bowhunting it has limited utility but I wear it even tho of limited actual utility. If you arte moving you will be spotted. If not, mostly not going to be seen best I can tell.
Second hand store washed to death dull multi-colored flannel shirts sized for Paul Bunyan. Big enough to fit over other clothes without restrictions.
Too many trigger happy "shooters" for me to wear black (bear), or brown (deer & elk). If you have ever heard a bullet "pop" past your head you know what I mean.
I hear ya. Why Mystery Ranch makes their brown backpack an option is beyond me. I think they call it coyote brown. No way I'd put that on.
I don't. I recall a time I was out hunting in my blue jeans, white t-shirt and tennis shoes. Creped up on a small group of deer close as I ever did. They would look up and I'd stop and stand still. I wonder if animals are color blind? Usually I simply wear my jeans and an either blue or red plaid shirt.
The so called experts say the deer see in the lower end of the light scale spectrum blues and greens greys and slacks. I am not sure how much credence I give that but I do know if you sit perfectly still while wearing a fluorescent orange vest they will walk right by and pay you no mind. As long as they don’t wind you. Their nose knows and that’s what they pay attention to.
I'm torn... I like solids better for rifle.. but keep hearing about how camo can give a slight advantage when bow hunting.
My camo is about 50 50 I think most of the camo is for us not the animals
I even have a friend that talks about the new camo patterns on his bow if a deer can see the camo on my bow I call it venison lol
I only wear camo for turkeys and bear, usually head to toe. For deer my go-to is my brown buffalo plaid coat or carhart jacket. Been a few yards from deer that never saw me sitting there. An old timer told me all he hunted in was plaid because it breaks up the outline better. So far what he said holds true for me.
Most of my camp is checkered red and black, except for turkey hunting.
Depends. When I do archery I wear camo and pay a lot of attention to scent. When I do rifle I wear regular every day clothing generally tans or greens. I got some camo clothing that I bought mostly because I like it than functionality that I wear hunting so I don't get my regular clothes greasy and blood stained.
Mix matched surplus military and/or old thrift store camo works fine. The new expensive crap is a fashion statement.