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Who doesn’t wear camo to hunt

Second hand store washed to death dull multi-colored flannel shirts sized for Paul Bunyan. Big enough to fit over other clothes without restrictions.
Too many trigger happy "shooters" for me to wear black (bear), or brown (deer & elk). If you have ever heard a bullet "pop" past your head you know what I mean.
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I love camo. I have a standing item on my Christmas list that goes out to family: "anything camo".
I try not to buy much of it unless it is very specifically meeting a need for hunting, although I do buy some random non-hunting items.

Two items I have forbidden myself from buying is a camo deep freeze (by the time a deer gets near it, it shouldn't be able to discern that it is camo or not) and a camo lazy boy recliner (you can't hunt if you don't leave the house).

I have slowly (over 10 years) accumulated a nice kit of camo gear that I only use for hunting. It is easier to keep it separate and wash it separate so that I can control my scent a little better.

I hunt whitetail in the fall archery, but I am always hoping to get turkeys in range so going out without camo would be self-defeating. I do feel that camo has helped me get very close to deer and turkey on the ground. I was lucky enough to get a hand me down set of snow camo and that has been incredibly effective when there is snow on the ground. I doubt I would have ever bought that, but I love that I have it.
I love camo. I have a standing item on my Christmas list that goes out to family: "anything camo".
I try not to buy much of it unless it is very specifically meeting a need for hunting, although I do buy some random non-hunting items.

Two items I have forbidden myself from buying is a camo deep freeze (by the time a deer gets near it, it shouldn't be able to discern that it is camo or not) and a camo lazy boy recliner (you can't hunt if you don't leave the house).

I have slowly (over 10 years) accumulated a nice kit of camo gear that I only use for hunting. It is easier to keep it separate and wash it separate so that I can control my scent a little better.

I hunt whitetail in the fall archery, but I am always hoping to get turkeys in range so going out without camo would be self-defeating. I do feel that camo has helped me get very close to deer and turkey on the ground. I was lucky enough to get a hand me down set of snow camo and that has been incredibly effective when there is snow on the ground. I doubt I would have ever bought that, but I love that I have it.
I made my own snow camo. Found a cheap lightweight white paint suit and spray painted camo stripes and spots on it to break it up. Goose hunting in the snow and sitting in the snow for deer hunting.
I made my own snow camo. Found a cheap lightweight white paint suit and spray painted camo stripes and spots on it to break it up. Goose hunting in the snow and sitting in the snow for deer hunting.
Did you have to cut the booties off the bottom? I've tried using 2XL & 3XL over my clothes but the booties are always a pia over winter boots and I end up cutting them
Did you have to cut the booties off the bottom? I've tried using 2XL & 3XL over my clothes but the booties are always a pia over winter boots and I end up cutting them
These were just a hooded jacket and pants combo. Not even sure where I got them. It's been a while!
I went Kuiu Krazy a couple years ago when I had some cash in my pocket that was begging to be spent on hunting gear. After wearing the same fleece pants for years and torn up wool stuff I upgraded. It’s not just about the camo but the features that I like. Probably wouldn’t have done it but a couple of hunting buddies had some and after trying it out I was sold.

Never getting rid of my wool coats and pants though. There’s just no comparison for those when it’s cold.
Hunting in jeans sucks. Noisy and they are like a sponge with water.
Yes. I have HH slickers n jacket for the rainy days and have been busted too many times. I'm hunting moose and most research says they don't have great eyes. But they are great for their needs. They have ears. Mostly they catch motion I believe.
The straight line that a single color is not natural. For me, probley a bit of why not, if it helps great if not it's usually good gear anyhows. And I still wear my cammo duck jacket. Good waterproof stuff made to wear outdoors.
Except the darn moths at the cabin ate holes in my favorite pants. Probley 20 years old. Still wear the shirt daily but I cut the sleeves off.
Seriously, I believe that breaking up you're outline matters. Especially when you move. Heck I could probably pick someone moving in a straight color easier than a camera color. But I had to have artificial eyes installed a couple years back.
I use another camo brand, but I found this video super informative!
I bow hunt mostly. Sometimes camo, sometimes not. I never wear camo pants, just shirts. If I was always hunting alone, I probably wouldn't own anything camo.
I wear camo for Turkey and duck hunting that’s about it. Even in Midwest archery for WT I only wear a bottomland pullover and some brown or olive pants, don’t seem to have much issue with that combo deer get plenty close enough.
I wore dull greens and browns in Africa and never once needed to concern myself with Camo.

Bowhunting here though, yeah, I’m wearing Camo and somehow thinking that’s not enough!

As an aside, I have found I have an absolute gift for wearing my freshest, newest clothes…to change the oil in the truck or motorcycles. My wife is immensely talented getting stains out.

Camo works great for changing oil…and yardwork. My wife can cook dinner…or do laundry. Not both! :)
I wear camo for waterfowl, other than that I havent worn camo for big game since 2015, and I primarily hunt with a bow.
My Great Great Gramps doesn't wear Sitka.
I wear camo when Turkey hunting and bow hunting but not big game rifle hunting.
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