Who doesn’t wear camo to hunt

In this part of the country, camo is more of a year around daily fashion thing. It can be worn to almost any occasion without lifting an eyebrow and can even be worn in a formal setting every once in a while. If you are wearing any of the expensive brands though, you will probably be thought of as an attention seeking, selfie taking poser.

For hunting, I just try to stay away from anything blue or white. As long as it is appropriate for the weather conditions, I'll wear it.
Tactical pants. Earth tone or black depending on country. Tactical because of the pockets and no other reason. I get my shirts at cabelas or academy for 15 bucks when on special and put money into my camo ball caps, which I wear year round. I do have a browning reversible carhartt with camo for when it's really cold, but other than that, just a hoodie I've had for 10 years that comes out for deer hunting. Nothing matches too much, and whatever i'm harvesting I don't think cares too much about what I'm wearing except the dove. SOB's won't get near me if i'm not in a camo shirt at the very least.
I grew up without camouflage and wore two layers of blue jeans in the winter. Then I started picking earth tones to match the forest or open cover. I eventually moved to BDUs when that was all that was available at the time. After I was able to afford my own gear, I had nice camouflage gear, but I still think store bought camouflage is overrated once you learn the wildlife's habitat and travel corridors, but a nice camouflage pattern sure does make you feel good. Once I fulfilled my dream list of camouflage gear Delta lost it while traveling for a big game hunt and I don't miss it to this day. I temporally replaced it with Sitka, but I didn't like it so I returned it and never really replaced my big game hunting wardrobe. I have a few items, but I really only worry about my exterior layer which is usually lightweight and bombproof breathable raingear, which keeps the wind off my core, but I am very selective about what I buy for the layers underneath is case I need to stow the raingear. The under layers typically match the natural colors of the habitat.
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