PEAX Equipment

Which is dumber?

Greenhorn that's like asking, "what is love" or "what does salt taste like?" Some things just cannot be answered. In other words both threads are so dumb as to not be measurable.
MM's Lovefest by a landslide...Greenhorn's Cougarfest now bumped down to third place.
Ol' Zims post just made me embarrassed reading it! Hopefully he'll take up Cross Stitch or something less embarrassing. Chit like that just opens up all kinda flack! John....Knit one, pearl 2......
I like the lovefest start anyway, I didn't read the thread. What's stupid about it? 24 hr campfire, stuff like that is part of a campfire, eh. That thread should be over there maybe? Is that it?
I like the lovefest start anyway, I didn't read the thread. What's stupid about it? 24 hr campfire, stuff like that is part of a campfire, eh. That thread should be over there maybe? Is that it?

And then the thread is answered from Mars
What that thread could use is a little dirty sanchez or cleveland steamer talk....
She's from Venus, eh?

It comes in CD, VHS and a game now too. Christmas present, eh?

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by Franziska Troegner, Klaus J. Behrendt, and Ralph Bohn (VHS Tape - Jun 16, 1998)
15 Used & new from $1.75 (7)
VHS: See all 26 items

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Giftset by Mattel Media (Windows 2000 / 95 / 98 / Me)
11 Used & new from $2.98

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus the Game by Mattel
Toys & Games: See all 5 items
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