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Where is Micheal Moore?

This question is best directed to the mm fanboy club, but since gunner is not present at the time here is a quote from mm

"The self-righteous, gun-totin', military lovin', sister marryin', abortion-hatin', gay-loathin', foreigner-despisin', non-passport ownin' red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest dick in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land "free and strong". "
You have not heard the last from this fat #*^@#*. He is pushing a theory along with the mental douche bags at DU that W hacked the eleciton and stole it. HE has some footage from Ohio on his website if you want to see some of mm's propaganda. Look for this movie some time in 05.

When it comes out gunner can tell us to go see it cuz its so damn good. :eek:
I hear the Moron is working on getting Bush impeached. Good luck butterball. My only fear is, is that the phat phuck is going to keel over from a heart attack or choke on a doughnut. He probably had more to do with GETTING Bush elected, then all the right wing talkers combined. When he had a seat of honor right next to President Carter at the Democratic convention, that ended Kerry's hopes right there. I hope the pig stays around and flaps his jowls for a long time to come.

Michael Moore is a joke and so are the people that push his liberal crap.
A big chunk of the american public thought so to.
The last I heard of Michael Moore is going after pharmaceutical companies on their practice of over-billing U.S. citizens for the same medicines they charge little or nothing to in other countries. I'm not sure the exact topic he is attacking but it involves insurance companies also.

I believe Michael Moore is not much different in the way he spouts about the President as Rush Limbaugh and others spouted about Clinton.

I really can't say one is worse than the other.

I was just listening to Michael Savage on the radio and he thinks GW should have been impeached also for increasing government spending to the point of no return. Michael Savage is a strong Republican Conservative.

My point being...not only do the left wingers not like GW. There are some on his side that disagree with his policies.
Savage is not a republican...He is an Independent. And yes there are alot of republicans/conservatives who disagree with GW...Immigration being the main one...But the choice between Kerry/Bush was clear ...Most if not all Conservatives regardless of party.. just could not have Kerry as President.
CJ, If you look at the map of who won where, a good number of liberals couldn't live with Kerry as a choice either.


Pull into reality, either choice was piss poor, and who's living in the whitehouse is really a joke.

Bush is a great president, gas prices are the highest they've ever been, unemployment is up, the national debt is so high most people cant even comprehend the figures, young lives are being lost over an oil feud, Bush's war is just beginning (even though he thought it was over when he landed on the aircraft carrier wasting your tax $$$), theres been a net loss of jobs, he's no defender of the 2nd (says he would resign the AWB), passed the patriot act which has taken away more civil rights than anything passed by a democrat, illegal immigration is gaining ground, Bin Laden is still alive and well, etc. etc. etc.

My questions are, how could ANYONE do any worse? and why re-hire a deadbeat?
CJCJ- Well according to you Michael Savage is an independent, according to him he is an "actual conservative" or a true Republican. In fact I believe he calls GW a Republicat...

You better get better definitions of liberal and conservative and "independent". Michael Savage is a Republican. (ie. small government, less spending"!!!!!)
Savage is an Independent.. I have heard him say so many times...He rips the Republican party all of the time...Thats what i like about him he tells it like it is ...Yes he is a conservative...way,way to the right.. a True American..Borders/language/culture.. I suggest you read some of his books...Start with Savage Nation.
What do you call a person's political party if they are "to the right"?

The people that are in office now and for the past many years have been "moderates". They are more Libertarian than they are either political party. When I say a true Republican, I am not going by leading members of the party's view, I am going by the definition of REPUBLICAN!
I call it what it is? Zell Miller is a conservative Democrat for example....Believe it or not there are liberals and consevatives in both parties.. just look at the states that are made up of mostly Democrats...Bush won alot of those states. Being a right wing does not make you a republican... yes more than not, but not all..Savage falls into that category [independent]..and i don`t agree with everything he says ..just most of it.. on illegal immigration i am on the same page as Savage.
A "conservative" democrat does not vote for a Republican. Instead he is ultra-left which is near to a socialist on the political spectrum. A "conservative" republican is ultra- right wing...He is near facism in his beliefs. They are still not socialist or facist, it's just their beliefs are very REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT. That is how the political spectrum works. If you are a true Republican you are not a democrat!!!

Take PoliSci001 for those who nothing of politics.
Originally posted by MattK:
A "conservative" democrat does not vote for a Republican. Instead he is ultra-left which is near to a socialist on the political spectrum. A "conservative" republican is ultra- right wing...He is near facism in his beliefs. They are still not socialist or facist, it's just their beliefs are very REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT. That is how the political spectrum works. If you are a true Republican you are not a democrat!!!

Take PoliSci001 for those who nothing of politics.
What? Slow down a bit and put in ALL the words. and maybe,,just maybe try to make a little sense.
The whole point of the post is that the big mouth Michael Moore and his supporter's lost there ass in this election.
For all the big money they spent and all the hollywood type's going out there supporting Kerry and telling everyone who to vote for it didnt do them any good.

For all the money and the hype Michael Moore's move brought in it still didnt do him any good,looks like the majority of the people didn't fall as hard as some of our poster's did. LOL
SRR- If you don't understand the big words, just skip my post. I can't type much slower for you to keep up.

Muledeer4me- It wasn't a big suprise that GW won. You speak of "them" Hollywood types that supported Kerry. I believe GW had as many big names and a lot more money behind his campaign. Still, I have no problem with this election. The people wished to have someone they can relate to. Most people are not very good at public speaking. GW can relate. Most people "get by" with their education. GW can relate. I really like the fact that GW is President. When I teach my kid what to aspire to, it is now a much more attainable goal. All I have to say is "be average" and wave a big flag.

The only part that bothers me is people are settling for a President that is of mediocre intelligence. With the great minds out there, it seems "big money" decided to get behind someone they could use as a puppet (no mind) and the american people don't even care.
Don't worry fellas, I found him. :D


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