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What’s your thoughts on pebble mine?
Not a resident (yet) so my opinion doesn't count for much. From what little I've read on the subject I lean toward the against side. I do know it's a huge deal to run any motorized vehicles through a salmon stream so anything that may pollute them should be a no-no right from the start. Again, not a resident, so I don't have all of the details one way or the other.
Thanks. We're in Bozeman (I needed to update my profile). The 'Root is a little far away, but if the project is right, we'd consider it.
I'll keep that in mind. We've gone as far as Raton New Mexico. Hope that don't happen again. mtmuley
Not a resident (yet) so my opinion doesn't count for much. From what little I've read on the subject I lean toward the against side. I do know it's a huge deal to run any motorized vehicles through a salmon stream so anything that may pollute them should be a no-no right from the start. Again, not a resident, so I don't have all of the details one way or the other.
There is a thread on that you might want to read and or resurrect.
Fun thread. Wannabe stay-at-home Dad teaching the value of guns, ranching, the MT outdoors and cooking wonderful food. But.... wife is silly and likes health insurance and things like that - so that's only part-time.

So, a Chemist - but after working in the lab decided that a software gig would be better. After a decade, decided the big corporation couldn't run it well as a vertical business - so me and a couple of guys worked to buy it. 4 years into this current gig and we're still doing business. Don't travel as much but work longer hours - so bonus??
I'm an accountant at the world'd largest coal mine. Previous to that I was a auditor at a CPA firm in New Jersey before moving to Wyoming and working at s CPA firm in Northern Colorado. I am extreamly happy with the current job great schedule, every other Friday off, work with great people and we talk about hunting, fishing and sports every day.
Fun thread. Wannabe stay-at-home Dad teaching the value of guns, ranching, the MT outdoors and cooking wonderful food. But.... wife is silly and likes health insurance and things like that - so that's only part-time.

So, a Chemist - but after working in the lab decided that a software gig would be better. After a decade, decided the big corporation couldn't run it well as a vertical business - so me and a couple of guys worked to buy it. 4 years into this current gig and we're still doing business. Don't travel as much but work longer hours - so bonus??
Doing what in the lab?
Just out of curiosity and not trying to derail this thread, have you had any work involving the Pebble Mine project?

Not directly.

We're going to see a record of decision for their 404 permit, shortly. Which BTW, more or less adhears to the Obama era "sanctions." Pebble will impact about 25% of the wetlands that Anchorage has.

The doom and gloom is not supported by science, generally by people with zero understanding of engineering, let alone geochemistry. Saying something will happen and proving are 2 very differnt things. The EIS has plenty of information in it to make ones head spin. Concensus... total tailings dam failure, would result in minimal impact to the fishery long term. The dilution alone is a huge buffer. Not to mention 80% of the fish in Bristol are in different watersheds... but don't let facts get in the way of a gofund me account.

The Berkly Pit in Butte is a very similar scenario to sorta worst case. Did it kill off all the salmon in the Columbia River?

There are 1000s of perpetual water treatment plants in the US, that treat some really nasty shit, literally. Mine waste is easy to treat for the majority of constituents, vs synthetic drugs and god knows what in sewers. Effluent discharge from a sewer treatment plant is far worse. Again facts suck.
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