Yeti GOBOX Collection

What’s your occupation?

I guess I can change this to currently unemployed due to Coronavirus. Hopefully our company can bounce back when this is over. Otherwise, if anyone is looking for a carpenter give me a shout lol
Grew up working around my grandpa's farm, spent a couple years working in the rodeo industry. Last four years in the Army as a CH-47 mechanic, have seen the world and done some cool stuff, looking forward to moving back to ND and starting school.
Structural Steel detailer (self-employed) in the commercial construction industry. I provide fabrication drawings (done on computer/CAD) for steel companies to build the heavy steel (I-beams, columns, girders, etc) and ship to site..... basically all the mainframe steel that ironworkers walk on.

I know the last time this topic came up I was shocked that I saw a few other steel detailers on here. I'm also a self employed steel detailer, I try to stay on the opposite end of your spectrum. Stair, Rail, Arch misc metals, weird crap that nobody else likes to do.
I own an oilfield trucking/roustabout business........

for now......
I teach High School PE/strength and conditioning in Kansas. I also teach hunters education to students on the side. Next year I will get to teach 20-30 students a semester hunters education during school.
Any interest in going in-house with a company in central MT?
I dont do sub-work with leasers. I just stick bodies in my equipment.. its more profitable. And oil is taking a turn for the worst. I told my wife ill go to cosmetology school and be her protege.

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