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What's on the smoker today?

How long and at what temp are you cooking them this way?

Approximately 2.5 hours at 275. Been using this recipe with various different spice mixes:

Someone earlier on this thread mentioned that site. Lots of good info and recipes for all types of smoking.
Approximately 2.5 hours at 275. Been using this recipe with various different spice mixes:

Someone earlier on this thread mentioned that site. Lots of good info and recipes for all types of smoking.
I also like to pull the skin away from the meat and put pats of butter and some thyme and/or rosemary springs under the skin. It allows those flavors to really penetrate into the meat.
Raised a few turkeys, these two dressed at 43 lbs each at six months young.
Turket Bro's.jpg
End of summer and through fall, gave them lots of wild berries, rose hips, and crab apple. Processed mid November, never frozen.
Too big for the oven. Mrs. Bearfoot roasted legs, thighs, wings in the oven. I brined, seasoned 16 lbs turkey breasts. This is going in to the smoker.
smoke turkey breasts.jpg This is all I got as over 24 awesome people, showed up for a feast!
Smoked with a combo of apple & pecan.
Mealtime mayhem happened & no pics of the finished birds, but they ate well and provided ample take home portions.

If I wet brine again I’ll use premixed ingredients & be better prepared. I repeat, it’s messy.

Gonna dry brine an intact bird soon, IMO, spatchcock isn’t anything special.

Some good looking grub in this thread.
Raised a few turkeys, these two dressed at 43 lbs each at six months young.
View attachment 351014
End of summer and through fall, gave them lots of wild berries, rose hips, and crab apple. Processed mid November, never frozen.
Too big for the oven. Mrs. Bearfoot roasted legs, thighs, wings in the oven. I brined, seasoned 16 lbs turkey breasts. This is going in to the smoker.
View attachment 351015 This is all I got as over 24 awesome people, showed up for a feast!
Smoked with a combo of apple & pecan.
Looks good, haven’t done birds in a few years now but we started getting them around the middle of July so they'd fit in the oven, most our toms also got around 45lbs at 6 months, 25-30lbs around 4 months. Hoping to raise some again next year.

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