Yeti GOBOX Collection

What's a degree worth?

Otherwise I'm heading to the office to right a "successfull" proposal for my uneducated self to win a bid against someone with a "COLLEGE" edjikation that doesn't have a chance :rolleyes:

Who wrote the listing proposal? Hope you get it righted.;)
LMAO guner/sybil

Some one found you out in the place you work

What I'm saying in regard to people with out the benifit of higher learning have had to learn more things over a longer period by more people in the same or related trades seem to have a far better and deeper understanding of the topics at hand than those who sit in their esteemed chairs only learning from what others publish

translation: OJT Bachelors Degree @ HKU
Moosie, suppose someone was interviewing job applicants for a position that required writing skills and part of the process was having them submit an example of their writing. If one of them spelled like you do when you're fooling around and another used correct spelling, everything else being equal, which one do you think would probably get hired? Spellcheck can't catch all spelling errors.

Correct English is one of those skills that is very hard to acquire without courses. I wish I had paid more attention when taking mine, but there were a couple real good lookin' girls in the class who distracted me. .
You're the one with the degree:p :D

Good point....

I translate it to mean "The Cheese is very insecure about his lack of a formal edjumacation, so he just writes "round and round" with the biggest words he can spell, without any knowledge of what the words mean."

Thanks Nut.
HAHAHA... that’s it... your very astute guner/sybil... Oops, big word.. Have to quit doing that...

I’ve been following Kens writings to much and it seems to be rugging off ;)
Yes, your right guner/sybil...

That’s why you quit posting to this one because I have stopped learning!

Come on now guner/sybil...

I know it's getting warm and you’re sitting around not doing any thing as are the rest of us on a great looking Sunday

Concentrate a bit, stay on topic, I'm not the topic, if you want me to be a topic, start another thread, I would be honored

I think I’ll play the game with you just a little longer; I need to get the dogs exercised and see a little sunshine I’m feeling a little cooped up...
man, does anyone else get tired of moosie bragging?
moosie you are moderatly successful, ever think where you would be with more education?
The point that I made in arguing with this article, the point that most seem to be avoiding, is that this article is full of arrogant, elitist crap. The author seems to believe that just because someone has a degree, he or she is somehow above those who don‘t. The entire article infers that the opinion of someone with a degree is somehow more valid, their life more fulfilled, their path more enlightened. To that I say BULLSHIT.

If you have a degree in ancient Peruvian basket weaving, then your opinion on those baskets is more valid than mine, otherwise, stand in line with the rest of us rabble.

This is exactly the point

I have seen a lot of kids finish collage and now think they are better than those who don't, it seems a lot of those kids end up in government positions for what ever the reason

I've been on both sides of the fence and still am on the learning part, I sure as heck wouldn't think of lording what I know over any one else, it alienates what I may learn from others

I suppose to some I may put that feeling on this board, but mostly do it to better my debating skills

Every one you come in contact with has some thing to teach you if you’re willing to open your senses and learn what that lesson is, even if it's patience or perseverance


I finally read this one... OJT Bachelors Degree @ HKU... :D Very good... :D
280, tell us about your education, You're punctuation and 2nd grade typing is 2nd to mine. I hope you have none because you're a bad example to those that do.

Ithica, WOW, you bought low and sold high. I don't need a diploma for that. Just like Art, I could by Butt dildoes low and sell them high, but neither of the 2 items I'm interested in. Even if it was profitable. Good luck in future sales.

Moosie, suppose someone was interviewing job applicants for a position that required writing skills

And suppose that someone was looking for a welder with a BIIIiig hairy mustache but they only had writing skills..... Once again, you can post silly examples all day long. There is a place for different x-pertise, Thair is a plac 4 spelin'. This site isn't one of them.

The point that I made in arguing with this article, the point that most seem to be avoiding, is that this article is full of arrogant, elitist crap. The author seems to believe that just because someone has a degree, he or she is somehow above those who don‘t.

Exactly, Thats exactly what the Elite ejicated are missing. Unlike those with diplomas that post here that think think otherwise....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I graduated from KMA university.
the point i am making moosie is we all know the guy making 120k plus a year and worth a million plus,,, lives like he is making 40 k, you would never know he has 2 nickles to rub together, then we all also know the guy making 60k a year living like he makes 120k, in dept up to his eye balls, and not afraid to tell everyone how well off he is,,,who would you rather share a duck blind with?
...whoever will get their lazy Arsh up in the morning :)

I'm guessing the guys that can Spell braggin it up is much much better, You're right :rolleyes:
the point i am making moosie is we all know the guy making 120k plus a year and worth a million plus,,, lives like he is making 40 k, you would never know he has 2 nickles to rub together, then we all also know the guy making 60k a year living like he makes 120k, in dept up to his eye balls, and not afraid to tell everyone how well off he is,,,who would you rather share a duck blind with?
I pick the guy not afraid to spend the money and buys me breakfast after the hunt. If we are talking relatives, then I will take the millionaire (probably spelled that one wrong, not much practice with that word).:D
The point that I made in arguing with this article, the point that most seem to be avoiding, is that this article is full of arrogant, elitist crap.

I went back and read the article again and I disagree. It's full of good advice. One thing I'm learning from this thread is that maybe a person has to have the college experience to understand more fully the benefits. Here's an example from one of your posts:

Originally Posted by Ithaca 37
The classroom and the coursework expose you to diverse people and ideas.
You could say that about washing dishes at the food court.

If you really believe that you have no idea what a good college education is. Sure, you might get exposed to some interesting people while you're washing dishes and they might have some ideas, but it's not going to be anything like what you'd be exposed to in college.

I always thought you could get exposed to as diverse a bunch of people if you joined the military, too, but you wouldn't get the same type of educational benefits.
Anyone that feels college is a waste of time...shouldnt waste their time going.

However, in the career path I chose, natural resource managment, you have no choice but to get a degree...unless you want to stay at the same level as elkcheese attained as a scab fire-fighter making $7/hour mopping up fires.

If elkcheese is happy making $7/hour...then thats good. Not for me though.

In the sciences, its about impossible to land a job without getting a 4-year degree in particular with State or Federal Agencies.

I also think its pretty damn shallow to measure success strictly on money. Thats lame...and a piss poor argument in either direction. I know people that make damn good money that are absolutely miserable with their jobs...hate going to work.

My job is not like that. I spend a majority of my time in the field...80%+. I enjoy the work, I enjoy the hiking, enjoy the day-to-day challenges and to top it off the pay doesnt suck either.

Elkcheese, if you have to "wonder why college grads work for the government agencies" really are clueless.

I'll give you a few good ones...starting with 4-8 weeks of vacation a year...paid sick leave...TSP that will be worth a cool million when I'm 60...a federal retirement worth a couple grand a month...good insurance...and enough salary to afford everything you need and a lot of stuff you dont need but want (like hunting trips to AK, MT, NV, ID, etc).

I'm able to do all that and STILL work in the woods. Not a bad deal...and exactly WHY I went to college. The other thing thats kind of learn a lot of hunting country every year.

In my field, you're dead in the water without a degree.
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