Kenetrek Boots

What's a degree worth?

Anyone that feels college is a waste of time...shouldnt waste their time going.

In the sciences, its about impossible to land a job without getting a 4-year degree in particular with State or Federal Agencies.

I also think its pretty damn shallow to measure success strictly on money. Thats lame...and a piss poor argument in either direction. I know people that make damn good money that are absolutely miserable with their jobs...hate going to work.

In my field, you're dead in the water without a degree.

All the above is true, I Have a millionare friend who lied about his degree,he owns a window business, a Mercedes/big house/ pretty wife, etc... but he is one of the most miserable guys I have as a friend.. never stops worring about his Friggin Business...He goes to Vegas with me and can`t even enjoy himself... same thing with hunting...always checking up back home... I won`t even go anywhere with him anymore... He was more fun when he was just a salesman

But everyone has their own measure.od success.. Family/friends, are you happy? stress free? I is to dam short to be unhappy....

You don`t need a degree to enjoy life.. but the experiance of school is priceless.. what a great time...guess it depends on how you see things.:)
HAHAHA... YOU a silly boy Butz the Putz...

I'm thinking I hit a good nerve with you and that’s always cool in my book :D

Its fun seeing you say one thing and in almost the same sentence contradicting yourself

You went to collage so you could look down your nose at any one who didn't, plain and simple

I've worked along side some of your counterparts in the FS and wasn't very impressed, especially at the forms of education they took so they could also look down their noses at any one who didn't measure up with some sort of after high school event

Some of the things these kids had majored in wasn’t much more of a step up than basket weaving

But hey...

You go ahead and defend them.

It is they who in the end will be replaced by private enterprise in most of the fields they think are sacred and safe because they can't and won’t measure up to the quality of those who will take their jobs, no matter the name you like to tag on them

Your fortunately a dying breed Butz

You also got lucky in the fact if you were trying to make a go of it today, may find you have a few more problems climbing up the ladder than you did with an open field

You may have some lame come back (that’s what makes you such a Putz in the first place) but the truth is the truth and you can't change it no matter how much you dislike me

That’s what makes it the most humorous :D

Oops shoot, I put another big word at the end of this post, shame on me... ;)
chsr, I know Buzz will tear you up on this one, so I will pretty much stay out other than one question.

Curious what degrees "counterparts" of Buzz had that would be not much more than a step up from basket weaving. I don't know many Federal resource jobs that fit this criteria in my mind, but you are a man of the world, could you give me an example?

...and no, I am not looking down my nose at you...mostly just shaking my head and smiling...:D
Everyone gets caught up on they know so and so and they are a millionaire and don't have a degree. The article and other support evidence just says on average those holding degrees make more money. I can find alot of low earning degree holders as well, go walk through any school building. Every teacher holds a degree and most are making peanuts compared to alot of other people.

I hold a degree but I also spent 6 years in the military learning about dealing with people. They actually sent me to numerous "schools" in order to improve at work flows, giving and taking orders, managing time etc.

It still doesn't change the fact that people holding degrees are (on average) going to out earn those who didn't invest the time into getting one. To say a degree is not needed in order to make money is true but in a highly competitive world economy a degree often means the difference between a good job and a great job. To argue otherwise is pretty stupid.

Nemont, Very good response.. I agree wholeheartedly.
it's to the "point" without the mud slinging.. nice to see.

God knows there are no mud slingers or pot stirrers on this site.....

I can find alot of low earning degree holders as well, go walk through any school building. Every teacher holds a degree and most are making peanuts compared to alot of other people.
I can vouch for that personally!!! I am a first grade teacher and it's pitiful what we make compared with others with a 4 year degree. Even worse (IMO) are those that have a master's degree and what they make compared to those with that level of education.

Fortunately, while more money would be much appreciated, most teachers did not get into the business for the money. I suppose I could have gone out and worked towards one of those degrees that is one step above basket weaving. Than I could make more money. I guess this all goes back to what one considers being successful. When I watch my kids walk out my door next month, and look back at what they have learned this year, I KNOW I will have been successful.

P.S. I would still like a raise, though! :D
When I watch my kids walk out my door next month, and look back at what they have learned this year, I KNOW I will have been successful.

That is truly success, and you have influenced others for years to come when they leave your class. There are so many careers I could not do (k-12 school teacher, nursing, medical) but, am thankful others have chosen those careers and do them with a passion.
OK.... I'm back in. You knew it wasn't going to last, right ? :D

Ithica. Thats just Plain Bullshit on what you write. You're implying .. well actually coming out and saying that just because we don't agree with you we're not smart enough to understand the Article. I understand it well. Agree with alot of what they say, disagree with other parts. I understand it, but still think that the "I'm better than you attitude" because I have a degree and know about art crap is Bull crap. Plain and simple. That would be like me telling you I'm better than you because I drive a nice ride and you drive a piece or chit car. Although a fact, it's just not true. Get it ?
OK.... I'm back in. You knew it wasn't going to last, right ? :D

Ithica. Thats just Plain Bullshit on what you write. You're implying .. well actually coming out and saying that just because we don't agree with you we're not smart enough to understand the Article. I understand it well. Agree with alot of what they say, disagree with other parts. I understand it, but still think that the "I'm better than you attitude" because I have a degree and know about art crap is Bull crap. Plain and simple. That would be like me telling you I'm better than you because I drive a nice ride and you drive a piece or chit car. Although a fact, it's just not true. Get it ?
Moosie....if you're going to cuss, just ****in' do it!!!! Don't be half-assed about it. If you had gone to college, you would know that.......ass-wipe!
Moosie... Stage left/Stage right who was that cartoon character??

My friend Bill lied about having a Marketing degree[ that got him where he is today [ they never checked],He bull shitted his way up in management, He only has a H.S education... But He learned the ropes, and is now a Miserable Millionaire.

Nemont Good post... Guppie you are way underpaid as are Police and some others.

I admire guys like the Guppster!...My sister -in law has a masters and makes about the same as my wife makes working for the post office...
Moosie....if you're going to cuss, just ****in' do it!!!! Don't be half-assed about it. If you had gone to college, you would know that.......ass-wipe!

Actually, We now have a Cuss jar and bad name calling jar at home...Kids thought I should clean up my act. they call each other names and partake as well. I'm stuck with saying bad words and trying not to say them. couple that with playing LDS Church ball you never know what comes out of my mouth ;) :D :D
I think we should do that on HuntTalk. Do you have any idea how much money you would make by fining people every time they called someone else a name??? Talk about a great investment!!!! I will take 5% for the idea and you can keep the rest. I will expect my first check on the 1st of May.

Thank you.
you have any idea how much money you would make by fining people every time they called someone else a name???
Yeah, but only those with a degree could afford the fine!!!!!!! :D ;) According to the article that is... ;)

Moose man, you know I luv you!!! This site FETCHING ROCKS!!!! But, IT was only saying that Nemont read the article objectively, not that anyone else couldn't understand it.
1-pointer, Actually he said we couldn't understand the benifits. I could say he doesn't understand the benifits of not going, would that also be true ?
I'll jump in and hack on the teachers a bit.
For the amount of hours on the job the average teacher puts in, and the benefits that go along with it, I think most are getting paid plenty.

Sheesh ! ..... Three months off in the summer, two weeks at Christmas, Two weeks at spring break, a day off for every dead president, etc.,etc.
Hell ... it's a part time job by most people's standards.

I know a dude who is a teacher locally. He was bragging over beers about his deal, how he got all this time off, played golf every day all summer, earned $42K per year, and figured he worked right at about 1100 man hours per year. Point is, the money aint too bad for the hours worked.
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