
What would you do?

Good thing you had a deer to eat before having to go full Donner party waiting for the situation to resolve.
Pretty sure I could squeeze my pickup around that truck. Might have to trim a few bushes, but I'd find a way out. Not sure I'd want to burn up my tranny or u-joints trying to pull that stuck truck out of the mess they got themselves in. This is when Toyota Tacoma's shine in regards to fitting through tight spots. :)
Pretty sure I could squeeze my pickup around that truck. Might have to trim a few bushes, but I'd find a way out. Not sure I'd want to burn up my tranny or u-joints trying to pull that stuck truck out of the mess they got themselves in. This is when Toyota Tacoma's shine in regards to fitting through tight spots. :)

More like Toyota Pickups... back when 'yodas were actually small trucks, and didn't have a name.
Not one solution to the beer problem?

Can you go full Donner when short on beer supplies?

Drink your own urine.

If you've been drinking enough the night before, it will still have enough octane to get you buzzed again.
I would call the fire department and let them know there is a truck on fire in the middle of the road.
I would call the fire department and let them know there is a truck on fire in the middle of the road.

And would this particular truck actually be on fire when they got there? From unknown causes, of course.
I would pull him to the right side like others have mentioned.

I ran up on something similar a couple of weeks ago. I came up on a guide whose truck and 24' loaded horse trailer broke down in the middle of the road. I pulled up on a bank and squeezed around him. I took my chain and pulled him up hill out of the middle of the road. It was one of those times I was glad to be driving a 3/4 ton Duramax.
That sucks. Hopefully sheriff was able to run the plate and get in touch with owner. Regardless, I'd winch/strap it over to the side and continue on my way.

Needs more trucknuts though.

ETA - Congrats on the buck.
Strap that guy on and move him out of the way. If it doesn't work there's still 6 more beers. If it works go high and haul ass. F that little tree up with the Silveraydo - it's made with big D's and roundhouse kicks
Just post up pictures of your buck before I lift them off the book of faces and put it on here. :) You are dragging this story out in a fashion very uncharacteristic of Oak. As far as the truck goes, have Dink line up his four little smiley faced friends on the tailgate and get a picture before winching it out of the way.
Since you are driving a chevy, I'd get back a good 100 yards or so, throw it in 4 high, each shotgun a beer and put it to the floor. Should squirt right past him on the left. Might want to secure the buck in the back of the truck and by all means have the beer cooler strapped down.
Had a very similar thing happen to us several years ago. We had a cliff on the left side and a cliff wall on the right. Truck has broken the tire and rim clean off and was immobile, nobody around(it was a dodge too, go figure). Impossible to get around. First took off the tailgate and set it aside. Used our own jack to lift the truck as high as possible and took off both the rear tires. Then laid the tailgate down under the rear bumper with a large rock under the left side. Placed the tires parallel to and under the bumper and on the angled tailgate and lowered the jack. Actually pushed the truck off the jack from the left and the rear end rolled about 18-24 inches to the right and we were able to safely get by. Figured the truck had to be towed anyway. Hope no one on this forum is the owner of that truck!
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