Yeti GOBOX Collection

What would you do ...

I can Honestly say that Elk was shot, I saw it drop, and I was at it less then 2 hours after seeing it die. there was no other tracks to it. it looks almost Bloated eh ? But thats how it sat. It was also on the north slope (Snowy side).

Anyone else have what they would do ?
I probably would have called Wylee to come pack it out...
Alright.. here's how it went...

I headed up the hill of a saddle on Nov 1st and saw a Guy hunting from another side. I assumed it was one of my good hunting buddys. He was suposed to be in that area. I spotted some Elk behind him and 2 bulls in front of him. He was walking t~wards the Bulls and there was alot of brush between him and the elk. If you look in the Pictures I posted above it looks real open and burned but in he trees in where they were at but when I got over there it was brushy.

I was taking out my Camcorder and the Tripod got caught on the bag and it snapped off as I was trying to hurry. I heard the Guy shoot and grabbed the Bino's again. I saw the guy (Thinking it was my buddy or his brother or his brothers kids, they have a tribe that hunts there throughout the year
) The 3rd shot dropped the lower of the 2 bulls. The upper one was a lot larger but I assumed he just didn't have a shot at that one.

I debated for about 3 mins and decided to head out off my canyon, Drop into the Rockslide, up the other vertical area, and help this guy (Still thinking it was my buddy) pack out his bull. 1.5 hours goes by as I make it over. I let out a Whistle to let this guys know I’m there. I didn’t get any response. I walked up to were I cut the mans tracks and realised it wasn’t him with the tracks that the other hunter had. Not seeing the blood trail but knowing that the Elk went Ass over Tee kettle from the view that I had, I cut down the hill and saw the bull that was Dropped on the other side of this log. I was in a bit of delema on what to do. I climbed back up the hill and waited for an hour eating lunch and relaxing hopin gthis guy would be back soon. I slipped back down to the Bull and decided to Gut it out and skin it out if nothing else but to cool it down for the guy that shot it and kill some more time. I figured worse case I'd come back the Next day when JB Florida came in and I'd tag it and Eat some Fine Elk steaks. Would be my first elk that I took without a bullet, not counting the one in Montana I took with Chineese fighting stars.. (HEHE).

After the deed was done I hiked out a different way then I came in. I was too far from the truck were I started the Days Adventure. and time wasn't on my side now..

4.1 miles (GPS) out I finally hit the road were I expected to see Warrens truck… CHIT !! No truck at the trailhead. So the Long hike started down the trail. I say long but it was only about another 4.5 miles then I bailed off the ridge to the Highway.

Hitting the Highway I hitchhiked back to camp leaving my truck in the Hills for a later pickup time. I got a ride after only another 10 mins of hiking. I had gone probably the Furthest I’ve ever gone in the Hills EVER and I needed food and Drink having run out about 5 miles Prior . (And a chocolate shake from the lodge *SMILE*)

As I sat eating dinner, my buddies Brother and Kids (in there 20's) came in. They all hunt the same area so I asked how they did. No One got an Elk. BUMMER. But, my buddies brother said, as he shook his head, that he shot an Elk and couldn’t find it. I said “REALLY” ?

He went on explaining how he shot this lone bull. He was sure the first 2 shots were bad having missed the first one, the second one hitting a Limb that he didn’t see and the 3rd one right in the Basket. He went on telling me that this bull had hit the ground and he saw the blood in the snow but then he saw the tracks going up the hill out of the snow. (Guess who cut the wrong tracks ?) He tracked it the rest of the Day but never found the blood trail again and never found the bull. He was truly upset.

At this I asked him if he was on ridge “X”. he said yes. I then asked a few more questions and asked the time he shot it. He told me… I then let him know that I found it and had it gutted already.

He couldn't have had bigger eyes
He had only seen the one elk and assumed it was the one that left. I had to almost laugh because what I thought was a slacker ended up being a real good hard hunting friend of mine that made a little mistake. After seeing it from his side I could see how it could have happened EASILY to me aswell. The bull he dropped fell over a log and couldn’t of been seen from where the tracks were. They stepped out of the snow and over the log back into the snow. He went back the next day and deboned it and got it out after I told him to go right back thee and just head straight done the hill over the log. It all worked out for the best. I didn’t have to tag it and he got his bull that he was sick over.

Sometimes we jump to Conclusions too fast. I know I did when I walked up to the elk. I actually thought someone had shot and left the elk. I was ready to tag it if I had too. And after hearing the other side and Looking back at how everything was, I realised how good things ended up.
Tough call.

I'd probably make the assumption the guy was an idiot and didnt realize he'd hit it. If I couldnt track the guy down. It would be a shame to just let the animal rot. The very least I'd do is take care of it properly and contact the fish and duck. Ethically, I'd have no problem if a person even tagged and kept the thing...all you'd be doing is cleaning up someone elses F.U. Not sure about the legality of that, but sometimes the law doesnt ethically cover all circumstances.

For the sake of argument lets say he wasnt shooting an elk for someone else, he just didnt realize he hit it. Even if you get the fish cops involved, theres nothing they can legally cite the guy for. Certainly not wanton waste, as all he'd have to say is, "I couldnt find it". You cant bust a guy for being a dumb shit, unfortunately.

I wonder though why the guy couldnt find it, or if he did find it, but went to fetch a buddies tag.
Lets see, you see the elk hit the ground, find blood in the snow, and then track an elk all day and dont find any more blood?

Nothing wrong with that picture?

I wonder how many elk per year are lost in similar circumstances?

It would seem intuitively obvious, even to a casual observer, to return to the blood and make sure you were on the right track. I'd find it odd that an elk that was: l. bleeding and 2. hit the ground, would not lose another drop of blood all day. But thats just me.

I am glad it all worked out, but I sure hope your buddy learned something.
I agree with ya Buzz.. We went over the deal a long time. I think we both came away learning a bit. Sometimes we run situations wrong and looking back we realise what we did. I've been in several situations that I just needed to stop, Sit, breath, and re-think. Probably more then I personally do.

I've hit critters and seen blood then loose the trail. Even "IN" snow. Then come across it just by following the tracks. If I was in a situation were there was NO snow I'd of never found it. Thats why I REALLY like snow

Learning is part of hunting. Hunting is learning.
Good story Moosie with fortunatly a good ending. Thanks for sharing it. The day you stop learning is the day you die.

Moosie, I also agree, I've done some stupid shit myself.

You said, "I've hit critters and seen blood then loose the trail. Even "IN" snow. Then come across it just by following the tracks. If I was in a situation were there was NO snow I'd of never found it. Thats why I REALLY like snow"

Thats also why I like to shoot elk with a 338 instead of a dirty-ought-six, 270, etc.....especially in dry ground. Tough bastages they are, and it makes me sick to think how many are lost because they're so tough.

I want a blood trail Stevie Wonder could this years bull...really cuts down on the tough tracking...snow or not.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-11-2003 11:35: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
I use a 300 win MAg.. but even at that sometimes the Bullet goes in and the trail is hard to see. Although that will get back into my Bullet of choice issue

Cool Picture.... Errrr... I mean that's some Picture Buzz, looks like Paint wars
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sometimes we jump to Conclusions too fast<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What did I win? I think I was the only one who didn't want to sick the brown shirts on this guy.
vis.. you win Nothing.. HEll, I'll send you 2 of them

Ol Bull Shooter, You weren't nessicerily wrong. If I was to read the story I wrote I'd of been more on it then BUZZ was. I was trying to post it like it happened and not what I knew had. (If that makes sence).

Good replies guys... I'll have another one for ya toming... And yes, Another true story
Thanks Moosie. I've never won anything in my is good that I can keep my record going.

Not sure I am following you on the two things you want to send me.
Okay note to self: Take Moosie elk hunting. Be sure to shoot a bull within sight of Moosie. Walk away from the bull and leave it for a few hours. Return later to a gutted and skinned out elk. If I wait a little longer will you pack it back to camp for me as well? Heck, I'd start getting serious about elk hunting again if that were the case.
Ovis.. 2 of nothing are in the Mail as we speak !!!!

BigSky, "If I wait a little longer will you pack it back to camp for me as well?"

The Answer : I've done alot more for alot less
ALRIGHT!!!! Always wanted two of nothing. I'm not such a loser after all...I am a winner, I am, I am, I am.

Hope you got my address correct. Figure I'll get it Thursday with today being a holiday.

I appreciate your thoughtfullness...Jackazz
That was a good story! wish i would have got in on it earlier. I guess it tells you never give up on "trying" to find an animal. My wife shot a nice 4x4 mulie 2 yrs. ago at 25 yrds. we looked for 45 min.and couldn`t find it i said she missed it, she told me no way! we go back to the truck,drive down the road and the deer is laying dead as hell right on the side of the road! I had convinced her that she must have missed! [stupid me] we have never failed to recover an animal, but this would have been the first! we got lucky.
Great story Oscar...Very good ending...
I think I would have done the same thing you did, then figure on going back the next day or so since I know the meat won't go bad and put a nice bit of meat in the freeze, or give it away to some needy families that I try and donate to every year...
Good post Buzz!!

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